"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Friday, September 2, 2016

Chaos Will Erupt Across America in Less than 100 Days… No Matter Who Wins the Election

Chaos Will Erupt Across America in Less than 100 Days… No Matter Who Wins the Election

Mike Adams 

 The clock is ticking for America. There are 70 days remaining until the presidential election, and after the results are counted, America will be a tinderbox ready to explode no matter who wins

What follows is an educated analysis of the political friction now escalating in America. Note carefully that nothing in this article should be construed as any intention to call for violence of any kind. I do reference such acts, however, as part of human history as well as likely outcomes in our near future. What I’m offering here is an analysis and a warning, along with a call to prepare for what’s coming.

If Trump wins, the left goes full terror

As I’ve publicly predicted numerous times over the last year, if Donald Trump wins, the radical extreme leftists go on a violent rampage that leads to the rest of us begging for martial law. After half a dozen cities burn with riots and looting, Trump invokes a national emergency, deploying National Guard troops across the most devastated urban areas, and the radical left finds itself in a shooting war with the government.
If Hillary Clinton wins, all the Trump supporters who have been violently assaulted, spat upon and physically attacked by the radical left will un-holster their concealed weapons and start shooting back. This quickly escalates into open warfare between lunatic leftist Hillary supporters and armed Trump “Second Amendment” people who basically figure they’ve got nothing left to lose anyway, so why not fight to save America?
This was all pointed out in an insightful reader comment posted to The Burning Platform on August 29th:
With the rise of Donald Trump, the plan of the political elites has been to provoke violence and blame it on him, thus scaring the normal populace. Early-on there were the road-blockings, the threatened riots, the cancelled events in Chicago and Cincinnati, the beatings, the police ordered to “look the other way”…and it has continued: The screaming harassment and physical attacks on Trump supporters as they leave his rallies. The spitting. The intimidation. The thrown eggs. The shoves and punches. The cars blocked and damaged. The hats snatched off people’s heads, stomped on, and then burned on the ground…
The people who support Trump are increasingly well-armed, and increasingly seething with justifiable rage. For now they hold back. Donald Trump himself has repeatedly observed that “the safest place in America” for anti-Trump protesters is at Trump rallies. And that is true. For now (except for the one old cowboy who punched out the protester, he was an octogenarian outlier). Why is this? Why the docility in the face of clear provocation?
It is because Trump supporters understand that any retaliatory violence now will be instantly, widely and incessantly portrayed by the whorish mainstream media as proof that “Trump is dangerous” and “Trump’s movement is violent” and “Trump invites violence.” So his supporters endure the abuse. They endure the spittle. They endure the shoves and punches. They endure the theft of their possessions. They endure the damaged cars and the incessant harassment. For now, for the sake of their political movement and the candidacy of Donald Trump, they do not strike back…
But what happens after the election? It matters not who wins. If Hillary Clinton is elected, by hook or by crook, the mass movement harnessed by Donald Trump will be free to respond to physical attacks. If Donald Trump wins the Presidency, there will similarly be no reason to continue to endure physical attacks and humiliations by the street thugs of the Democrats. Whether Trump or Hillary Clinton is in the White House, there will be no reason to hold back.

Hundreds of millions of guns across America are now in the hands of people who are fed up with being stomped on, ridiculed and marginalized by a corrupt leftist regime that’s destroying America

Do the math on this one: You’ve got 44% of U.S. households that now own guns (and not just one gun each, but several different types of guns). Over the last 8 years, President Obama’s anti-gun rhetoric has resulted in the largest surge of gun sales to private citizens ever recorded in American history. As a result of Obama’s criminal efforts to try to destroy the Second Amendment via false flag operations such as Operation Fast and Furious, more Americans than ever now own battle rifles such as ARs, AKs and PTR 91s.
People bought all these guns for a reason. And they sure didn’t buy them just to turn them over to a corrupt criminal government.
The reader comment continues:
Whatever happens after this Presidential election, it will have been unleashed by the corporate elites and their servants in the media and elsewhere. They will be responsible for blood in the streets… And many will cheer it.
What the author is saying is, essentially, America is quite likely just 70 days away from the start of the next revolution… or even events that could escalate into Civil War.

A Hillary victory would set off an immediate popular revolt

If Hillary wins the election, it’s hard not to imagine some sort of popular revolt across America as the citizens reject the obvious criminality and corruption of not just the Clinton crime family but also a complicit mainstream media. The same media that has funneled millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation also intentionally downplays all the Clinton scandals. The entire system is a corrupt, incestuous, rigged f–kfest that benefits the deceitful plutocrats whom the voters are sick and tired of seeing remain in power.
As world history teaches us, it would only take a tiny fraction of the American people marching on Washington to overthrow the corrupt regime and install a new interim government while arresting the mainstream journalists and calling for new, open elections. So much of America is already at the breaking point now that such a move would very likely enjoy widespread support from the population at large.
Such actions are far more common than you might suspect in other countries around the world. When the masses reach their limit on corruption and criminality at the highest levels of government, history has shown they frequently march on the capitol, arrest the traitors, and install new officials to run the government. Sometimes, these people end up being dictators or tyrants who make things worse, so such actions should never be taken lightly. Revolt should only be the very last, reluctant option after every legal, democratic method of restoring the law has been attempted and denied.
If any of this sounds surprising to you, you probably need to study world history and read about the French Revolution, the Bolivar campaign across South America, the Fidel Castro takeover of Cuba, the CIA-instigated revolutions of Central and South American nations, the Cultural Revolution of China and of course the American Revolution. If you don’t know anything about history, then you have no clue of how history reliably repeats itself as human populations re-experience the same tyrannies, the same political deceptions and the same inner call for freedom that our ancestors already lived through (or died for).
There’s nothing new under the sun… everything we are about to experience has happened before. (And the Clintons are nothing new, either. They’re the same old corrupt crony tyrants and sleaze peddlers we’ve always seen seeking power to rule over others.)

If Trump wins, the globalist banksters crash the debt bubble to unleash mass chaos

Now let’s shift gears and explore what happens if Trump wins the election. The day after the election results show Trump to be the clear winner, radical leftists break out into mass protests across America. But Obama is still in power at this point, and Trump won’t actually occupy the White House until early 2017. So for the remainder of 2016, Obama will open the borders wide and even encourage as many illegals as possible to invade the USA in a final “mad dash” to the USA.
Very soon after Trump takes office, the globalist criminal bankers will deliberately crash the global debt bubble so they can blame it all on Trump. Supported by the lying, wholly dishonest propaganda media (CNN, WashPost, NY Times, etc.), global info-terrorists like George Soros will call for Trump’s impeachment.
Trump, in turn, will likely call upon “Second Amendment people” to defend America against the globalist attempts to bring it down and destroy his presidency. This situation quickly escalates into a variety of skirmishes across America, which might include many events that could seem unimaginable today: Armed patriots taking over mainstream media broadcast centers, leftist terrorists bombing federal buildings, a rash of sudden “suicides” of high-level Trump loyalists, organized gang assaults on local police stations, the United Nations unleashing “blue helmet” troops on U.S. soil, a “surge invasion” of illegal aliens from Mexico during a time of national vulnerability, international cyber attacks on America’s power grid infrastructure, and even widespread calls for states like Texas to secede from the union.
Once the globalists declare open warfare against the Trump administration, all bets are off and anything could unfold over the next few years. Expect things to get very nasty, very desperate and incredibly violent. Life as you know it in America is about to be disrupted in a serious way.
By the way, I also predict that Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Anonymous will all play key roles in these unfolding events, exposing mind-blowing government secrets that spur populations across many western nations into escalating their action against the corrupt government regimes they’ve foolishly allowed to rule over them. Much of the real war taking place across our globe right now is a cyber war… a “war of secrets” where the hackers and cyber activists are increasingly exposing all the corruption and criminality of governments, which maintain their power by constantly lying to the public and withholding the truth.

The political establishment as we know it today will not survive intact

When it’s all said and done, if Trump wins the presidency, the political establishment as we know it today will be obliterated on multiple levels. For starters, the people have already lost faith in the establishment system, and if things escalate, it’s not difficult to envision a near future where Hillary Clinton is imprisoned while people like Huma, Lynch and Eric Holder are tried for treason.
Even if Clinton does win the election and occupy the White House, the global end game is fast approaching anyway. A Clinton White House only further encourages the calls for revolt across the population, and Hillary’s deep corruption and criminality is so despised by nearly all soldiers and police officers that it’s hard to imagine her being able to demand respect from either of those groups. In fact, it’s a lot easier to imagine a military coup against President Clinton that it is to imagine a successful eradication of the Second Amendment by her presidency. Even if Clinton ordered police across America to go door to door and confiscate all the firearms of private citizens, what cop would be stupid enough to even attempt such a suicide mission?
I can’t overstate this point: Things are at a breaking point in America, and the only thing holding back a mass revolt right now is the looming election, which presents at least a glimmer of hope to the people of America that they might beat back tyranny and government oppression with a Trump victory. If that possibility is taken from them — either by the election being stolen at the ballot box or already pre-stolen by outrageously biased media deceptions — many of them will conclude that they really have no remaining option other than “refreshing the Tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants”, to quote Jefferson.

America has nearly reached the fulcrum of rebellion

“We Are at a Point Where the Encroachment of Government Power Has Historically Resulted in Rebellion,” explains this article at The Daily Sheeple (originally from ZeroHedge).
What Washington elites utterly fail to realize is that for many Americans, they have nothing else left to lose if they lose this election. They’ve already lost their job and their health coverage. In many places across America, they’re losing their own national flag and national pride. They’ve been ridiculed, condemned and spat upon by the dishonest media and the crybully leftist f–ktards, and they realize full well that if they don’t draw a line in the sand right here, right now, they’re going to be disarmed, enslaved, impoverished and named “enemies of the state” in the very same country they once fought for (and pledged allegiance to).
The psyche of real America has reached its last straw. With the culture under attack, the Constitution demonized, religious beliefs targeted for merciless condemnation and the industrial base of America utterly gutted beyond restoration, there is nothing left to surrender to the demands of the tyrannical left. It is at that breaking point where, in the minds of many citizens throughout history, they pick up pitch forks and march en masse against the oppressors in power.
We are very, very close to that day in America. It may, in fact, unravel in just the next 100 days. No matter who wins this election, mass violence breaks out across America in one way or another.

Never hope for Civil War… be careful what you ask for

Remember: Civil War would be a disaster for America, which is one reason why globalists like George Soros are pushing so hard for it. We should never wish for open bloodshed and nationwide chaos.
As one voice of reason commented on The Burning Platform page:
The last civil war was disastrous for the US – not just in lives and destruction of property, but in turning what had been a truly positive political structure instantly into something much more corrupt. I see no reason to think that another civil war won’t do the same.
Yes, we are being pushed towards another civil war quite deliberately. Resist the push. Figure out the real problem and go after it. I do not know exactly what the problem is, but it certainly seems to be a small group of fantastically wealthy and evil people who are using the rest of us like a sociopathic 10-year-old might fry ants. These people need to be identified and blocked from power. Soros seems to be a prominent person among them, but the various other usual suspects seem likely to be the problem as well.

Questions to ask yourself in all this

How will you feed yourself if social chaos halts food deliveries to your local grocers?
Do you possess a means of self-defense that does not depend on dialing 911 and praying somebody shows up to save you?
Do you live within walking distance of the inner cities? If so, prepare to be overrun by raging, violent, angry extremists who respect no law and actually murder police every chance they get.
Do you depend on financial payments from the federal government? How would you survive if those payments stop coming?
If you own firearms, do you know how to use them effectively and safely? When was the last time you practiced with them, or cleaned them? Do you have spare parts? Ammo? Cleaning supplies? When was the last time you checked the battery on your red dot sight?

America Is Going Under Corporate Martial Law

When something is secret and kept from you, it is usually very bad for you. The TPP amounts to corporate martial law for the nations of the world.
Obama is making 30 campaign stops during the Congressional recess. No, he is not campaigning for Hillary Clinton, he is campaigning for the passage of the TPP. The TPP is a trade agreement that will reduce the world to a government ruled by the corporate edict of a few, instead of representative government by the many.

The GOP Platform and the TPP

The GOP platform says, “A Republican President will complete negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership to open rapidly developing Asian markets to U.S. products.”
Donald Trump says the TPP is a “horrible deal”. However, he does not say what he is going to do if Obama is able fast-track the agreement into law, thus obliterating our ability to run our own government. IF this happens and Donald Trump is President, I need to hear from him what he will do. I want specifically described actions, not generalities. I need for Donald Trump to publicly tell Obama that the TPP will not be enforced, nor participated in on our watch.
Of course, we will be sued by every international court in the world and I need to hear Trump tell them, NOW, we will not comply with the dismantling of our government and our American way of life. Here are some of the critical issues.
An obscure Trans Pacific Partnership provision will serve to threaten the very existence of the nation state and replace governmental authority with the power and the whim of the corporation. This secretive provision promises to supplant all national authority with a “Rollerball” type of world.
If you are not familiar, Rollerball was a very popular movie which debuted in 1975 and it depicted the planet as being ruled by six corporations in the place of national governments.

Rollerball 1975

The corporate elite ruling the planet.
The corporate elite, six corporations, which are  ruling the planet, meet in secret as they make plans to further subjugate humanity in the movie Rollerball. Isn’t it interesting, six corporations is the number that controls and dominates 98% of the media.
The Rollerball movie was set 43 years into the future from the time of the release of the movie, in the year 2018 (how prophetic), in which a total of six corporations have replaced government as the ruling authority following the demise of the nation state. With the absence of war or conflict, a forcibly passive population’s bloodlust is satisfied by a brutal new sport known as Rollerball.

More popular than today’s NFL Football and the Superbowl, Rollerball resulted in the universal practice of eliminating all individuality and freedom of choice
learned helplessness 99
Rollerball’s lethality and the inevitable demise of all the participants serves the social control purpose of conditioning the masses into a state of learned helplessness in which they are programmed to believe that they have no control over their fate and the whim of the corporations is all-powerful over the free will of the individual. In the movie, there are no Constitutions or civil liberties. Under corporate rule, there are no Constitutional or civil liberties. We are all servants of the state. 
The ultimate message of this movie is that if we ever permit corporations, such as Monsanto and Walmart, to rule the world, we will be living in a “hell on earth” scenario. Quite obviously, the movie was 40 years ahead of its time and its predictive value as to the state of today’s world was enormous.
The following short video describes what life will be like under the TPP. Onece the TPP is passed, there is no coming back.