Comet to brush Earth, closer than any in centuries
Planet X incoming! Here is the latest news as it relates to Planet X and the space debris
An emerald-green comet will brush the Earth Monday, followed one day later by a kissing cousin that will swerve closer to the planet than any other comet in nearly 250 years. The first and bigger of the two comets will be visible Monday to the naked eye in the southern hemisphere, as long as city lights are far away.
Stargazers in the United States will probably need only binoculars to see the bigger comet in late March. Scientists, however, are bringing out the big guns. The Hubble Space Telescope, the powerful ground-based Gemini telescopes and others will be trained on the celestial visitors, which will provide an extraordinary close-up of objects usually glimpsed only at a distance.
“This is one for the record books,” says Michael Kelley of the University of Maryland, who’s never heard of two comets approaching close to Earth a day apart. “It’s a fantastic opportunity for professionals to learn more about comets, and if you have a chance to try to find them … it’s a fantastic chance to see part of history as it happens.” READ MORE
Historic double comet flyby coming Monday and Tuesday: Here's what you need to know
Two comets are headed for a historic flyby of Earth this week, and you don't want to miss them.
The bigger of the two bodies, known as 252P/LINEAR, is about 750 feet in size and surrounded by an emerald green cloud of gas. It is expected to make its closest approach to our planet on March 21 at 5:14 a.m. PDT.
At that time, it will come within 3.3 million miles of Earth, or about 14 times farther from our planet than the moon on March 21.
The next day, at 7:30 a.m. PDT, a second, smaller comet known as P/2016 BA14 will come even closer --flying within 2.2 million miles of our planet or 9.2 times farther from the Earth than the moon.
That will make it the closest comet to fly past Earth since 1770, according to Sky & Telescope, and the second closest comet to zip past Earth in recorded history.
"There are many more asteroids in near-Earth space than comets, which are significantly more rare," said Michael Kelley, an astronomer at the University of Maryland. "When a comet does come this close to Earth it is something to get excited about, and take advantage of to learn whatever we can."
It is possible that comet 252P/LINEAR will be visible to the naked eye eventually. It is expected to grow brighter as it flies toward the sun and more gases sublimate out of its nucleus. However, it will be too far south in the sky to be visible in the northern hemisphere at the time of closest approach.
P/2016 BA14 appears to be quite small and may never grow bright enough to be easily spotted without a telescope, experts said.
If you want to see live video of the comets as they zip past Earth online, the astronomy website The Virtual Telescope is planning two live broadcasts on March 21 and 22.
The bigger comet, 252P/LINEAR, was discovered in April 2000, but the smaller comet was only spotted two months ago in late January. Astronomers using the Pan-STARRS telescope in Hawaii originally had it pegged as an asteroid rather than a comet because they could not yet see a tail.
Russian astronomer Denis Denisenko of Moscow State University noticed that little P/2016 BA14 had a remarkably similar orbit to 252P/LINEAR and wondered whether the two bodies might be related. He shared this observation on the Yahoo Comets mailing list where international professional and amateur comet-watchers trade information.
Kelley and his colleague at the University of Maryland, Matthew Knight, saw Denisenko's post and were intrigued.
March 20, 11:18 p.m.: A previous version of this story incorrectly identified University of Maryland astronomer Matthew Knight as Michael Knight.
"What are the chances of such an unusual comet and a random asteroid having a similar orbit and Earth close approach?" Kelley wrote on his blog in February. "Probably very small! A lot of suspicion was starting to be cast on this so-called asteroid."
That same month, Kelley and Knight were able to take images of P/2015 BA14 using a 4.3-meter telescope in Arizona. Both observations showed that the small "asteroid" did indeed have a tail. It was a comet after all.
"It was a really exciting moment," Kelley told The Times. "I study comets all the time, but I never get the chance to discover them. This was the closest I've come."
Now the astronomy community is trying to determine the relationship between the two bodies. It is extremely improbable that two totally independent comets would fly so close to Earth at almost the same time, Kelley said. Although their orbits are not identical, they are close enough to suggest that they may be two pieces of the same comet that broke apart in the recent past.
To find out, astronomers around the world plan to closely observe the two comets with a variety of instruments, including the Hubble Space Telescope and the Goldstone Deep Space network, to see how similar their orbits are and whether their gas clouds have the same spectral fingerprint.
Kelley said a comet might fracture in two for a a number of reasons. It is possible that the larger body began to rotate too fast and needed to shed mass to stay together. It might be that energy from the sun causes the ices in the nucleus to warm up so rapidly in a particular area that pressure builds up and causes an explosion. Or, it could be that the comet got too close to a planet and the planet's gravity caused it tear apart.
The researchers hope to learn more after the two comets, or possibly two pieces of a single comet, speed by this week.
No matter what they learn, it should be interesting.
US and Russia preparing for Planet X / Nibiru arrival and aftermath
Russia is just finishing 5,000 shelters
in Moscow. They’re much more open (in this regard anyway) on this topic
than other governments.
I personally estimate the US probably
has over 150 Deep Underground Military Bases. A huge military
underground city exists underneath the Denver Airport. Russia has some
that can accommodate over 100,000 people (at the base of mountains).
These are entire underground cities that have been under construction
since the 1980s.

The far greater electromagnetic fields
of Planet X will cause great earthquakes (greater than the highest level
of 9.5 known to date), volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and a shift of the
physical poles.
Now it is public knowledge that
government agencies are on a need-to-know classification (intra-agency),
and that they never publish information in advance that could cause an
economic or other disruption. Enough said.
However, if you do any research at all
you will run into different levels of disinformation. Some of this is
from uneducated members of the public and some of it is very likely on
purpose. You have to use your head when you do research.
Until the discovery of Planet X,
astronomers had regarded the writings of the ancient Sumerians about
this object as legend. When Planet X was discovered in 1983,
they suddenly learned that the Sumerians were not the primitive people
they have been made out to be by “intellectuals” of today.
When Pioneer 10 was sent out to study
Planet X, it encountered a mysterious force – dubbed the Pioneer anomaly
by baffled NASA scientists. It was gently pushed against (by the force
of the magnetosphere of Planet X) and moved in the opposite direction
back toward the sun. Its forward momentum was decelerated.
Pioneer was traveling toward the right
of Nibiru at this point. This tells us two things: (1) that Nibiru’s
outer magnetic force is so strong it can affect objects 46.8 AU from
Nibiru (Pioneer’s approximate distance at the time; (2) that Nibiru’s
magnetism rotates in a clockwise fashion because that is the only way it
could push Pioneer back when the deep space probe was flying to the
right of it. If it rotated anticlockwise and the Pioneer 10 was
traveling in the same direction, it would push the probe slightly
forward and to the right of its trajectory. The effect would have been
the opposite as the probe would have been seen to accelerate, not
decelerate, in its drift.
The real reason for the Hubble Space
Telescope was NOT to explore the solar system and the Universe, as some
claim from time to time. The real reason for spending billions of
dollars to construct the telescope, place it in orbit and then
immediately replace parts on it was for the purpose of viewing inbound
Planet X. A June 6, 2011 interview with a Hubble Insider now published
at YouTube on the video below states this fact as to the Hubble’s
purpose. He watched it through the Hubble Telescope and stated that
“this thing looked like it was across the street and the Hubble got cut
off and they encrypted it and that was the end of any transmissions we
had to watch.”
Nibiru (aka Planet X and referred to by
the Vatican as Wormwood) has a mass that is 3-5 times the mass of
Jupiter. Its composition is cesium, iron oxide, iron, oxygen and ozone,
according to the same video by the Hubble Insider, who also stated it
has seven planets (moons) orbiting it and innumerable asteroids. Its
existence is known by all of the major governments of the world. They
are prepared – are you?
The object is huge and until recently it
is a red dwarf star visible only in the infrared spectrum. The alleged
agent claims that the government is monitoring the system and that in
2008 it could be seen in high detail with infrared telescopes.
I say observed through the infrared
spectrum until recently, so take a look at the video below from North
Carolina. Its approach is so close it can be seen clearly from the 11:00
position of the sun! About one minute into the video, just tilt your
screen upward for a better view. This independent video is just one more
indication using deductive logic that its close approach is occurring
Wormwood: Forerunner of Nibiru, Harbinger of the Apocalypse
Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Carlos Muñoz Ferrada Confirms Planet X; Orbit, Speed And Size Reveal A Comet-Planet — PART IComet-Planet Identified, Orbital Trajectory Verified by Renowned Astronomer — PART II
* * *
The SEVENTH SEAL: A Biblical Prophecy That Cannot Be Averted
“When the 7th Seal is opened, Wormwood will make itself known and the Apocalypse will begin in earnest.”

We live in a time when common sense has become quite rare. Likewise, the voice of reason has fled humankind. For these reasons the following essay will be quite difficult for many to understand or believe or imbibe.
CONTEMPLATION:If your answer is “Yes”, what will the 7 billion plus people who reside on Planet Earth do the next day? That is, after you tell them that their world is about to come to an end.
If you were running the world during these tumultuous times, and you knew that events were on the horizon which would forever alter the entire planetary civilization, would you use the global mainstream media to tell everyone?
If those earth-shattering events were as unstoppable as they were fateful, would you disseminate this information?
Will they still go to work?
Will they continue to support the Consumer Society?
Will many of them even want to get out of bed again after they hear what is coming?
Herein lies the challenge that is faced by the World Shadow Government (WSG).
Bear in mind that they know exactly what is around the corner. Their strategically-located observatories and high-powered telescopes give them access to scientific data and astronomical phenomena which is so compelling they feel they have no alternative but to:
• distract us
• deceive us
• divert our attention

Remember, there is one thing — more than anything else — which the WSG fears.
They know—> that real mayhem in the streets will not treat them well.
Therefore, spontaneous social pandemonium is their greatest worry.
Unpredictable political paroxysms strike fear into their hearts.
Uncontrollable financial volatility will only serve to shatter their control matrix.
With this understanding one can better comprehend the many unreasonable and irrational, mindless and foolish, crazy and insane actions taken by the World Shadow Government. Obviously they know that their time is up. Accordingly, they have less and less control – by the day – over how things will play out.
Yes, they may have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C. However, there are many emerging eventualities over which they have far less influence than what they are used to. Their bunkers buried deep underground may not be in the protected areas they once thought. Nor are their off-planet rendezvous sites as safe from solar system calamities as they once believed. Of course their experiments with time travel and interstellar travel, wormholes and parallel universes, blank slate technology and invisibility cloaking have already proved disastrous.
Before we continue to address the unfoldment of their master plan, and how it is thwarted at every turn, exactly what is it that the WSG is so concerned about? Does something lurk in the far reaches of the Solar System which has their undivided attention? You be the judge!
The following video may be one of the most revealing you will ever watch.
It also informs as to why there are so many desperate moves being made at the very top; the pervasive institutional madness somehow becomes fathomable.
*************** Hercolubus is coming. — Carlos Muñoz Ferrada ***************
We are not suggesting that all of the scientific predictions of Carlos Muñoz Ferrada* are entirely accurate. Prophecies of this nature are rarely perfect. However, what this highly intuitive and gifted astronomer and seismologist has told us cannot be ignored.
*Carlos Muñoz Ferrada, predicted with extraordinary accuracy numerous earthquakes in South America during the last century. He did this by making direct correlations between specific astronomical phenomena and various catastrophic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. His most significant prediction regards the “future arrival of a greatComet-Planet”.
For those who did not watch the preceding video, Ferrada calls it a Comet-Planet because it has the size of a planet, and the speed and elliptical orbit of a comet.
Whether you believe or not what this video portrays is not essential. What matters is that there have been numerous prognostications of this nature over millennia which simply can no longer be ignored in the face of such pervasive and compelling evidence.
What kind of evidence? Before we go there, it’s important to point out that Latin America has produced other gifted visionaries just like Carlos Muñoz Ferrada. Here are three of those individuals who have independently referred to the future happenings delineated by Carlos Ferrada.
(1) V.M. Rabolu (1926 – 2000) was born in Tolima, Colombia.
“In 1998 he wrote “Hercolubus or Red Planet”. Based on his direct and conscious experience, V.M. Rabolu describes the terrible events that will happen on our planet in the short term and explains the path that the human being can follow in order to achieve a deep transformation.”(2) Benjamín Solari Parravicini (1898–1974), was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on August 8
“Hercolubus, a planet so called by the sages of antiquity, is approaching our Solar System and is the cause of great concern for those who know about such cosmic phenomena. In our former encounter, Hercolubus put an end to the Atlantean civilization. These facts are duly related through all the “Universal Floods” of different religions and cultures.”
“The consequence of the very close proximity of Hercolubus will be upheaval in all corners of our planet.”
— “Hercolubus or Red planet” by V. M. Rabolu; Diana’s Pub (October 1, 2002)
“Benjamin Solari Parravicini, the great Argentinean prophet, who was nicknamed “the South American Nostradamus”, wrote some decades ago: “The hour of hours will arrive and in its darkness the crash of the big planet will be received. The Earth will be reversed. Everything will fall”.(3) Samael Aun Weor (March 6, 1917 – December 24, 1977) was born as Victor Manuel Gómez Rodriguez in Bogotá, Colombia
“Samael Aun Weor, the great Gnostic master who gave numerous lectures in Mexico during the 70s. He talked about Hercolubus and explained that, in the times of the end, it would approach the Earth. Due to its great electromagnetic power, he said it would destabilize the Earth’s crust causing huge earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and natural disasters. Hercolubus would have approached our solar system in former occasions to unleash cataclysms that wiped out the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations. Now, he said, it would come again to end our civilization and allow a new era to begin.”
— The Final Prophecy by The Alcione Association

The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory situated on Mount Graham in southeast Arizona, and is operated by the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world.” (Per Wikipedia)
Not only does the Vatican operate the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) at Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO) located in southeast Arizona’s Pinaleno Mountains, they share the same facility with the The Large Binocular Telescope Observatory.
“The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, aka the VATT, is a 1.8 meter Gregorian telescope observing in the optical and infrared.” Why infrared? Because Planet X is often referred to as a brown dwarf which has cooled down so much that it can only be detected in this range of light frequency.
“Construction of MGIO began in 1989. MGIO currently operates and maintains facilities for three scientific organizations. The first two telescopes, the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope and the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope began operations in 1993. The Large Binocular Telescope, one of the world’s largest and most powerful telescopes, began operations using mirrors independently in 2004, with joint operations between the two mirrors beginning in 2008.”The Vatican Secret Archives has probably more volumes of original documents in the form of scriptural treatises, as well as historical records produced by the ancients, than any other library on Earth. The Roman Catholic Church is further informed about the future of humanity from the numerous Marian apparitions which have occurred around the world over the past two hundred years. It is a well known fact in certain circles (e.g. Curia and Magisterium) that many of the prophecies, which were given to mostly children, have never been released by the Church hierarchy because of the dire content.
(Per Wikipedia – Mount Graham International Observatory)
Planet X - Nibiru - Facts (1841-2012) & Newspaper Scans
Solar Eclipse Reveals Massive Planetary Body Heading Towards Earth
captured immediately before and during the umbra phase of the total
solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 reveals a series ofl planetary objects to
the upper right of photos. The images were captured while on an Alaska
Airlines flight 870 from Anchorage to Honolulu. The images suggest the
presence of a planetary body and moon complex (Nibiru-Planet X) in
proximity to the sun.
The first image was captured 2 minutes prior to totality and the remaining images were captured during the totality phase. Skytv
revealed an amazing capture of a second sun in retrograde orbit around
our Sun. The credible TV image was captured on March 1, 2016 and shows a
massive planetary entity behind the clouds, therefore disproving the
lens flare theory, and suggesting a genuine celestial presence.
by J.M. McCanney
Comets & Earth Changes
by James M. McCanney
Minneapolis, MN: press, 2007
(first published
in 2002)
182 pp.
182 pp.
A new model of the Universe
A scientific revolution in the theories of the nature of comets, solar system formation and astronomical phenomena in general is long overdue.
For example, the impossibilities and contradictions
inherent in the "dirty snowball comet model" and the "nebular
collapse" theory of the origin of the solar system are legion. The
theories fall short of explaining observed phenomena, but you'll
never hear the scientists promoting them admit as much.
Unfortunately, it seems that in all their mental excavations, the
mass-produced scientists of our time have dug themselves into a
trench of dreary proportions, carried along by the inertial stream
of their cherished professors' naïve opinions. In fact, they can't
even tell how deep they are in it, or that their theories are as
woefully outdated as the mastodon fossils of which they catch
passing glimpses.
And thanks to James McCanney's work over the last
thirty-odd years, they find themselves plunged, in the words of
Mullah Nasr Eddin,
"into the deepest galoshes that have ever been worn on sweaty feet."
James McCanney is something of a maverick in the scientific
Having taught physics and mathematics at Cornell
University, he was ousted because of pressure put on University
authorities by professors in the astronomy department who didn't
like what he was publishing. In that sense, academia is a tad like
life in the Mob: "You can't say these things. If you do, we'll ruin
But while McCanney may have suffered the fate of any scientist
who attempts to go against the grain, his theories continue to hold
up, predicting newly observed phenomena without having to resort to
the "creeping crud" of widely accepted, bogus theories (McCanney's
term for the shameless "revision" of old theories to account for
unexpected observations).
McCanney's first book in a series presenting his ideas, Planet-X, Comets & Earth Changes: A Scientific Treatise on the Effects of a New Large Planet or Comet Arriving in Our Solar System and Expected Earth Weather and Earth Changes, introduces his theoretical work on these topics. It's divided into thirteen short chapters describing the scientific concepts in layman's terms, followed by reprints of his original scientific papers published in the early 1980s.
McCanney's first book in a series presenting his ideas, Planet-X, Comets & Earth Changes: A Scientific Treatise on the Effects of a New Large Planet or Comet Arriving in Our Solar System and Expected Earth Weather and Earth Changes, introduces his theoretical work on these topics. It's divided into thirteen short chapters describing the scientific concepts in layman's terms, followed by reprints of his original scientific papers published in the early 1980s.
The net
result is three-fold:
first he takes apart the current theories, evangelized for decades by inept institutions such as NASA and the NOAA. Then he presents his own theories, accounting for all those pesky "anomalies" ignored or explained away by mainstream scientists.
Besides accounting for these anomalies, as he explains
in Part II of his "3-Part Comet Paper", included in Appendix II:
Any alternate theory concerning comet behavior and the origin of the solar system (OSS) must re-explain many observed phenomena in a self-consistent context.These include the origin of comet nuclei and the reason for the observed "families" of comets arriving from many specific directions in space, comet wandering, sunward spikes, sunward fan tails, occasional separation of the tail from the nucleus, comet splitting, the cause of Type I, II, and III tails, the spiraling of tail material, the stratification in some tails, multiple tails, the shrinking of the coma as the comet approaches the Sun, and the maintenance of meteoroid streams.
In relating the above to the formation of planets, moons and asteroids, the theory must also explain the internal heat and radioactivity of the planets, the orientation of the rotational axes of the planets, the spacing of planetary and lunar orbits, the asteroid belt, the source of planetary atmospheres, the size distribution of celestial bodies, the cause of retrograde orbits of selected moons, and last, but not least, the magnetic fields of the planets.This must all be done in a context consistent with data (although not necessarily with uniformitarian theory) in other fields such as geology, biology, archaeology, anthropology, etc."("3-Part Comet Paper" Part II, p. 61)
Following that, he describes what it all means for us living on
planet Earth, what has happened in the past and will happen again -
effects of which most scientists are either unaware or unable to
speak due to signed non-disclosure agreements.
But first, what
exactly can't the current theories explain? Surely, there can't be
any holes in the "wisdom" parroted about as if it were holy dogma
these days, right?
To avoid any excess sarcasm (there's enough of
that already, and more to come!), I'll let you guess my answer to
that one. I'll just say that these "anomalies" have all either been
ignored or the current theories simply modified with "correcting
factors" to account for the unexpected data (thus creating even more
The nebular theory of OSS, for example, has mighty difficulty (without fudging numbers or creating new physical phenomena) explaining the formation of large proto-planets let alone small comet nuclei in terms of gravitational collapse of gas clouds, Saturn's large energy output, Venus' greater energy output than input from the Sun, the moon Titan's high temperature compared to the little sunlight it receives, the maintenance of Pluto's atmosphere, electrical current flow between Jupiter and its moon Io, and various other electrical phenomena observed in space, to name just a handful.
The nebular theory of OSS, for example, has mighty difficulty (without fudging numbers or creating new physical phenomena) explaining the formation of large proto-planets let alone small comet nuclei in terms of gravitational collapse of gas clouds, Saturn's large energy output, Venus' greater energy output than input from the Sun, the moon Titan's high temperature compared to the little sunlight it receives, the maintenance of Pluto's atmosphere, electrical current flow between Jupiter and its moon Io, and various other electrical phenomena observed in space, to name just a handful.
The "dirty snowball comet model" (DSCM), in turn,
can't quite wrap itself around the continual renewal of comet coma,
their curvature and well defined edges, "sunward spikes" with
intense radio signals coming off the nucleus, tail spiraling, etc.
As McCanney points out above, any good theory must account for all
of those, and more. So what does he offer instead? The "comet
capture theory of OSS" and the "plasma discharge comet model" (PDCM),
according to which our solar system, and space in general, is not
electrically neutral.
Rather, we live in an electric universe.
of solar
system formation taught to all students of space science.
Let's start big, like galaxy big.
According to the received wisdom,
our solar system formed more or less at one time,
four-point-something billion years ago (give or take a day or two).
You can read about it on Wikipedia. Basically, in the beginning was
the Great Nebular Cloud, which was pretty bored and lonely being a
just cloud and so collapsed and flattened into a Really Big Disc,
out of which several varied planets and moons gradually coalesced.
If it sounds like a myth, it's because it most likely is. According
to McCanney's theory (described in the paper in Appendix I), the
picture is pretty different, being both logical and accounting for
those aforementioned "anomalies", including the "missing mass"
problem, the spiral shape and symmetry of galactic arms, and the
surplus of twin star systems observed in our galaxy.
In this model,
stars and planets, as well as smaller comet nuclei, are all formed
at the same time from cosmic dust continually emanating from and
returning back into the galactic center. Basically, the cosmic dust
collapses inward toward the nucleus, and condensed material is
ejected outward in a "shotgun effect". (Because all these objects
are formed in the same way, this means that stars may actually have
solid cores, the source of heavy isotopes ejected in supernovae.)
Ejected bodies will naturally stabilize into dual orbiting systems, explaining the observation that over 80% of star systems are actually twin-star systems, the remainder probably also being twinned, although with more introverted companions of the unlit variety (e.g., brown dwarfs or gas giants).
Ejected bodies will naturally stabilize into dual orbiting systems, explaining the observation that over 80% of star systems are actually twin-star systems, the remainder probably also being twinned, although with more introverted companions of the unlit variety (e.g., brown dwarfs or gas giants).
(Incidentally, McCanney
believes Jupiter is the Sun's unlit twin, as they alone share the
same spin axis among solar system bodies, but we here at SOTT favor
brown dwarf theory, for which Walter Cruttenden gives some
evidence in his book
Lost Star of Myth and Time.)
As these two
bodies stabilize in their orbit of one another, they eject smaller
bodies to go out into the world and find their own solar system.
So where do comets come from? Aside from being rudely deflected from the sphere of our stellar young lovers, another source of comets is the material ejected from stellar novae, the small bits flying away at great speeds with the biggest bits staying behind. (This may explain the "families" of comets that appear to come from the same source in space.)
So where do comets come from? Aside from being rudely deflected from the sphere of our stellar young lovers, another source of comets is the material ejected from stellar novae, the small bits flying away at great speeds with the biggest bits staying behind. (This may explain the "families" of comets that appear to come from the same source in space.)
These ejected bodies from the galactic center and
supernovae will later be captured into the orbit of one or another
of the bodies of an already-paired star system, in the manner in
which comets are "captured" into solar systems by large planets like
Jupiter, falling into stable orbits over time and accreting mass in
the methods described below.
So while stellar pairs may enforce
their privacy at first, they can't forestall the inevitability of
certain "cosmic accidents".
But before we continue our story of cosmic "Married with Children", we need a few more concepts with which to work, namely, from the plasma discharge model.
But before we continue our story of cosmic "Married with Children", we need a few more concepts with which to work, namely, from the plasma discharge model.
McCanney writes:
It has always been assumed that the solar wind contains equal currents of electrons and protons to maintain an electrically neutral solar system. But there is no reason for assuming this is so. It would be impossible to detect the overall current leaving the Sun at any given moment.The few points at which the solar wind has been monitored can in no way be extrapolated to say that there are equal currents of protons and electrons in the solar wind as has been done by theorists. External characteristics, e.g., comet phenomena and electrical phenomena in Saturn's rings, indicate that there must be an excess current of protons.In solar prominences are seen composite streamers of similarly charged particles moving in the local magnetic field, so there can be no doubt that the Sun has the ability to selectively eject composite streamers of similarly charged particles.("3-Part Comet Paper" Part I, p. 25)

Comet Arend-Roland's sunward spike - a high energy electron beam
connecting the discharging comet and the Sun.
Basically, electrons' movement is slightly retarded in the Sun's corona, with solar flares hurling out an excess number of protons.
The excess protons in the solar wind creates a separation of charge
throughout the entire solar system - a giant capacitor with a
positively charged, doughnut-shaped nebular cloud of dust and gases
stretching to the far reaches of the solar system, and the
negatively charged the surface of the Sun.
An electrical potential
exists between these two poles and any object moving through plasma
regions of varying charge density will become charged, depending on
its size and relative velocity. When new bodies (e.g., comets) enter
this plasma region from outer space, they ignite and begin to
discharge the solar capacitor.
The comet nucleus acquires a negative
charge, with electrons flowing towards it in the form of a sunward
spike. The excess protons and other positively charged ions
(including light elements up to sulfur) making up the nebular cloud
and zodiacal disc (which contains the heavy elements) flow into and
form the comet tail. So the comet tail has nothing to do with water
vapor streaming from a melting "snowball", although that's not to
say that water can't be a component of a comet tail - quite the
The Sun is an interesting thing (seriously!).
The Sun is an interesting thing (seriously!).
Compare it with a gas
giant like Saturn. Both are surrounded by a plane of stratified,
ring-like structures: the familiar rings of Saturn and the Sun's
zodiacal disc (the dusty material spanning the plane of the
ecliptic) with rings at certain distances, e.g., between Mars and
Jupiter. In fact, both Saturn and Jupiter exhibit certain star-like
properties and electrical phenomena, leading McCanney to some
interesting hypotheses.
Besides rings and satellites, they display
interplanetary electrical discharges (e.g., between Jupiter and Io),
energetic particles, differential rotation (the equator of the Sun
rotates faster than the poles), high temperatures, exothermic
radiation, and highly energetic atmospheric lightning.
According to McCanney, this lightning is actually what triggers fusion reactions
(the burning of hydrogen and helium) on the Sun's surface, i.e., not
in its core. Like the gas giants, the Sun should have a solid core,
where radioactive decay takes place.
This brings us back to family matters and unplanned parenthood. If planets can become stars, can comets become moons or planets, and if so, how? Let's follow a comet as it journeys into the solar system and see what happens based on McCanney's comet capture theory. As a small comet enters the solar system, it will be seen to light up, discharging a relatively small and localized region of the capacitor.
This brings us back to family matters and unplanned parenthood. If planets can become stars, can comets become moons or planets, and if so, how? Let's follow a comet as it journeys into the solar system and see what happens based on McCanney's comet capture theory. As a small comet enters the solar system, it will be seen to light up, discharging a relatively small and localized region of the capacitor.
Several types of tail may be observed, in addition to the
brightly lit coma. These tail shapes vary according to different
charge-ratio values (in relation to the Sun) and the stratification
of dust and gases in the tail itself. Sudden neutralization of the
nucleus can cause what is observed as tail separation, and curved
tails form depending on whether the comet is moving "downstream" or
"upstream" through the zodiacal disc (i.e., relative angular
Some comets have been observed to "wander", that is,
change their orbital descent (e.g., Hale-Bopp's period changed from
4200 to 2650 years in just one passage).
In McCanney's model, this
is explained by the vast amount of material drawn into the comet
tail. Comets are attracting these materials, not discharging them
through "melting" of nonexistent ice and gas jets. This dusty
material produces a gravitational drag, and has the effect of
circularizing eccentric orbits, making them more uniform.
As a
comet's orbit becomes circular (due to tail drag), it stops moving
through the differently charged areas around the Sun, remaining in
one region of electrical equipotential, thus losing its visibly
charged tail. In essence, it evolves into an asteroid or potential
moon in a stable orbit, its fiery early years over.
However, while comets are usually relatively small in size, some are potentially huge, discharging the entire solar capacitor, which can drain much of its energy and cause violent solar storms.
However, while comets are usually relatively small in size, some are potentially huge, discharging the entire solar capacitor, which can drain much of its energy and cause violent solar storms.
So, how do
planets form?
McCanney follows
in thinking that Venus is
a relatively recent addition to our solar system, entering our solar
system as a planet-sized comet that accreted a lot of mass in the
process, becoming the young, hot planet we see today. (It will
eventually become a water planet, like Earth.) The high
temperatures, brought on by electrical heating during its passage
through the solar capacitor, can cause the nuclei of large comets to
become molten, self-gravitating into the spherical shape common to
planets and most moons.
Comets as planets-to-be also may explain the
varied axes of rotation of the known planets, as well as the initial
formation of their atmospheres.
As light elements up to sulfur have
been observed in comet tails, they're the likely pre-existent source
of atmosphere in cometary planets captured by star systems. While
small comets don't have enough mass to attract and hold the chemical
volatiles from space, large comets do, gravitationally attracting
the materials into an atmosphere.
So yeah, it seems that comets are actually the seeds of planets. Most get cast onto barren earth, but some may grow to bear fruit. However, as we'll see below, this "childhood stage" of planetary evolution is anything but easy-going. In fact, when a full discharge of the solar capacitor occurs, it's more like the Cosmic Terrible Twos.
To sum up so far, here's the list of theoretical results included in Part III of McCanney's "Comet Paper":
So yeah, it seems that comets are actually the seeds of planets. Most get cast onto barren earth, but some may grow to bear fruit. However, as we'll see below, this "childhood stage" of planetary evolution is anything but easy-going. In fact, when a full discharge of the solar capacitor occurs, it's more like the Cosmic Terrible Twos.
To sum up so far, here's the list of theoretical results included in Part III of McCanney's "Comet Paper":
The formation of a "stellar capacitor" around stellar objects undergoing nuclear fusion in their atmospheres (the negatively charged stellar object is surrounded by rings and a doughnut-shaped nebular cloud of ionized dust, molecules, and ions, forming an electrical capacitor which may discharge under certain conditions).
Comets are asteroidal bodies (not ice balls) which discharge this stellar capacitor, developing a net negative electrical charge. The comet nucleus attracts quantities of dust and ions, forming the visible comet tail. ...
Comet nuclei are captured by the solar system at random time intervals and evolve into the planets, moons and asteroids. Comets are accumulating matter and are not melting away as suggested by the ice ball comet model (IBCM). Only rarely do comet nuclei reach planetary dimensions. The members of the solar system have varying ages.
Gravitational encounters with members of the solar system and the "tail drag" are the primary effects which move newly captured comets into stable non-overlapping orbits. The solar system is a dynamic ever-evolving system.
The gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn and possibly Uranus and Neptune) maintain fusion in their atmospheres. The fusion is ignited by energetic lightning bolts in their turbulent atmospheres, implying that the Sun does the same. Observations of Jupiter and Saturn by Voyagers I and II show the same electrical phenomena as observed around the Sun. Jupiter and the Sun were the original twin stars of our solar system, other bodies being captured one by one at later dates.
Gravity is not the sole force governing the cosmos. Electrical effects generally produce only subtle effects, but occasionally they may dominate the workings of the solar system.
Major Earth-altering events (caused by gravitational and electrical effects) may occur when large comets pass nearby.("3-Part Comet Paper" Part III, pp. 42 - 43)

A quasar connected to a galaxy.
Following current theories, the
galaxy is traveling 1800km/sec,
and the quasar 21,000km/sec.
other words, the galaxy is 107 million light years away
while the
quasar is 1.2 billion light years away, an absurdity.
To these can be added the two topics discussed in the third paper
Firstly, red-shift observations have been used to show that
comet tails move away from the nucleus; however, this is actually
based on an assumption about red-shift. There are other causes of
red-shift besides Doppler effects, for example, as a measure of
charge (McCanney's calls it "induced electric dipole red-shift").
This not only accounts for red-shift but also bending of light and
supports other observations questioning the validity of using
red-shift (as in the Hubble constant) to estimate the distances of
stars and the age of universe. (In other words, it throws such
theories as the Big Bang and the expanding universe into question,
as well as General Relativity.)
Secondly, electrical current flow is necessary to explain magnetic fields.
Secondly, electrical current flow is necessary to explain magnetic fields.
Stellar and planetary magnetic dynamos are not
"self-generating", but externally powered by interaction with other
charged bodies and their own inner cores and atmospheres.
planets with moons have a magnetic field worth speaking of.
all planets and moons discharge the solar capacitor to one degree or
another, moons charge in the manner of a comet (by moving through
varying regions of solar wind) and the current flow between them and
their planets helps create and maintain the planet's magnetic field.
The magnetic field is connected to the jet-stream and plays an
important role in Earth's weather patterns too.
Incidentally, a
magnetic field (which buffers the planet from high energy particles
from the Sun) is necessary for life.
Worlds in Collision, Earth in Upheaval
Anyways, that's the science so far.
But what does it mean for us?
For those of us like Sherlock Holmes in the contemporary BBC
production Sherlock, what does it matter to us if the Earth revolves
around the Sun or vice versa? Or, in this case, what's the
difference if comets are dirty snowballs or "hot, radioactive
nuclear conglomerates" discharging the solar capacitor?
Well, as McCanney writes:
Today we are finding the remnants of ... ancient societies. There were huge cities in what we now call South America long before the so-called Ice Age or the alleged crossing of the Bering Strait by early hunting tribes. What we are learning is that the history that is being taught as "standard knowledge" is totally wrong.There is a tremendous effort in numerous sectors of modern society to keep the truth of our real past from being told. The seats of knowledge in our universities, certain religious centers and the governments of western society are doing their very best to prevent this information from reaching the general public.They fear that this knowledge will set people free from the domination they are currently under.(p. ix)

Comet Shoemaker-Levy impacts Jupiter,
causing massive explosions.
These ancient societies (just barely) lived through worldwide cataclysms of immense destruction.
They understood their severity
and passed on this understanding in the form of legend, myth, and
symbol - a warning for the future, us. We have yet to re-experience
such an event in recent history, but we are beginning to catch
glimpses of just what may occur.
comet Shoemaker-Levy
heading towards Jupiter in 1994, scientists were still harping on
the "ice ball comet" meme, expecting relatively benign "splat" as
this harmless ice ball pummeled into the gas giant. Instead, it
broke up into several mini "ice ball" fragments and unleashed more
explosive power than all the world's nuclear arsenal combined.
it turns out that a rare direct collision of relatively small comet
fragments is the least of our worries (as if that weren't enough).
As long as a comet is discharging the solar capacitor, it doesn't need to collide with Earth for us to experience its effects. Large solar flares triggered by electrical interactions with comets, electrical currents flowing to Earth, and gravitational tidal waves can all take their toll.
As long as a comet is discharging the solar capacitor, it doesn't need to collide with Earth for us to experience its effects. Large solar flares triggered by electrical interactions with comets, electrical currents flowing to Earth, and gravitational tidal waves can all take their toll.
This "action-at-a-distance" phenomenon can
cause extreme weather and storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods,
pollution events (e.g., pandemics, plagues, "Black Death", raining
fire, etc.), pole shifts, mass extinctions, meteor showers, mountain
building, and huge electric discharges between Earth and a large,
passing comet.
While certain planetary alignments have the potential to cause solar storms on their own, a period of very high solar activity is most likely an indication of a large comet (or comets) discharging the solar capacitor.
While certain planetary alignments have the potential to cause solar storms on their own, a period of very high solar activity is most likely an indication of a large comet (or comets) discharging the solar capacitor.
When a large comet nucleus cuts through the solar
capacitor's structure, igniting and discharging, it sets up a
feedback loop with the Sun, pumping up the Sun's output, which in
turn pumps up the discharging comet. When a third body enters into
this alignment, the effects are even more exacerbated; for example,
when Comet Lee aligned with Earth and Venus causing four major
hurricanes to develop simultaneously in September, 1999.
lists several other examples of this sort in his book.
This is why
events such as planetary eclipses, oppositions and conjunctions are
of interest in McCanney's model. These planetary alignments appear
to provide conductive pathways for the solar capacitor to discharge
itself. When a planet suddenly finds itself in the middle of such an
alignment, it essentially gets "zapped", or caught between a plasma
structure of flowing electric current.
It is interesting to note
that astrologers and not astronomers are often the ones more
interested in planetary alignments, positions and so forth. Could
astrology be the remnant of an ancient science practiced long ago
when knowledge of the solar capacitor (and perhaps much more) was
widely understood? Also, what other features of planetary position
and movement (e.g., transit points, retrograde motion, perigees,
etc.) could be of interest in this electric model?
Whatever the
answer, McCanney's book focuses on the alignments with comets and
planets and their apparent influence on Earth in the form of cyclone
and hurricane storms.
On the subject of hurricanes, McCanney writes:
On the subject of hurricanes, McCanney writes:
... the reason hurricanes lost power when they approached land was that the powering electrical current from the ionosphere to the cloud tops and to the Earth's surface had no connection (anode) while over the ocean... so it drew up vast surface areas of ionized air from the ocean surface and sucked them up a central column (the spinning vortex was caused by the moist air rising "up the drain")... whereas the land provided a "ground" for the current and therefore it shunted out the storm's power source... the Great Red Spot on Jupiter (and the many smaller storms as well as the "sun spots" on the sun) are nothing more than ongoing hurricanes, but since there are not land masses to "stop them", they keep going on forever, and continue to circle in these giants in their huge stormy atmospheres.The giant gas "planets" and the Sun [have] many counter-rotating rings of electrical currents that are just like the three "jet streams" that circle Earth.(pp. 71 - 72)
The cavity between Earth's ionosphere and the ground acts as a
capacitor itself, adjusting to maintain a neutral field inside.
when it is bombarded with intense solar flares and wind, this cavity
compresses and seeks to discharge itself through various processes
such as lightning storms and hurricanes, but possibly even
earthquakes and volcanoes as well. This excess charge does not
discharge all at once, but passes down through various material
layers about and within the Earth, starting with the ionosphere and
ultimately reaching the Earth's core.
To understand how this works,
we need to know more about Earth's magnetic field, which acts as a
natural buffer between organic life and high-energy particles from
the Sun.
McCanney identifies five layers of magnetic field, two permanent and three variable.
McCanney identifies five layers of magnetic field, two permanent and three variable.
Earth's central core (the original comet "seed")
maintains a permanent magnetic field, formed as it cooled early in
Earth's life. Next is the molten layer in the sub-mantle: the area
that geologists today believe is the main driver of Earth's magnetic
field. In McCanney's model this layer is only a lesser component,
and subject to influence from the layers above.
To top off this
layer, there are localized pockets of iron and nickel in the mantle
and outer crust, forming more or less permanent magnetic fields,
which (on average) align with the field of the core. Some of these
magnetized pockets form such large localized distortions of the
Earth's magnetic that compass readings are near useless in these
(It should be noted that such regions have also been
known for their high frequency of UFO sightings and other anomalous
happenings based on the research of John Keel and others.)
variable layers, starting in the atmosphere going up into space,
form the bulk of Earth's magnetic field, even though they are not
permanent in structure. These layers include the three current flows
in Earth's ionosphere: the three "jet streams" which flow westerly
at the equator and easterly at temperate latitudes. Above that are
the Van Allen radiation belts, followed by the outer current of
solar wind.
The alleged "magnetic tail" flowing from the night side
of the Earth is actually a comet tail, with electrons flowing out
and positive ions in.
Solar flares activated by comet discharges
alter these variable layers of magnetic field by loading them with
excess charge, which can in turn lead to hurricanes, ocean heating
(El Niño) and potentially Earth Changes.
during the last Ice Age because it
was then located in the North Pole?
It's a rare time that doesn't see hysterical warnings of imminent "Pole Shifts" among pseudo-catastrophists and doomsayers.
There's a
lot of disinformation being spread about the topic. There are
actually two types of pole shifts: physical and magnetic. Both
depend on external conditions - they don't "just happen".
to McCanney, magnetic reversals in the variable fields may occur
because of electrical interactions, but they are only temporary.
core keeps its true north, to which the total field re-aligns after
the period of disturbance is over. Findings of rocks and metals
magnetized in the opposite direction are most likely the result of
their cooling (and thus developing their permanent magnetic
properties), or actual physical rotation, during the time in which
the variable fields were off kilter.
Similarly, the passage of a
large comet can have gravitational effects (like the Moon has on the
tides), causing massive tidal waves to course through the Earth's
mantle and oceans, causing chain reactions of earthquakes and
volcanoes. Like the eggshell of a spinning egg, this can cause the
more solid outer layers of the Earth to shift over the molten layers
Atlantis to Tesla - The Kolbrin Connection, McCanney
relates that "true north" used to be inhabited by the region just
north of New York and Michigan before such a shift occurred several
thousand years ago, i.e. a physical movement of 30-40 degrees.)
After the outer layers settle down, they will resume rotating in the
direction of the core, which, just as it retains its magnetic field,
retains its own direction of rotation. However, such gravitational
effects can cause a slight precession of the core's rotation,
offsetting true north (i.e., Polaris will no longer be the North
McCanney also hypothesizes a "recombination zone" around the comet nucleus where the electrons neutralize incoming positive ions from the tail, making the region a "chemical factory" where elements are blended into molecules like water and hydrocarbons.
McCanney also hypothesizes a "recombination zone" around the comet nucleus where the electrons neutralize incoming positive ions from the tail, making the region a "chemical factory" where elements are blended into molecules like water and hydrocarbons.
The tarry-black
color of comet nuclei is most likely the result of the intense
electron beam from the Sun burning hydrocarbons onto their surfaces.
The fact that comet tails are attracting materials and not
dispersing them is made all the more clear by the fact that while
Shoemaker-Levy's fragments were seen to be trailing water prior to
entering Jupiter's atmosphere, when they finally did so, the water
tails quickly transformed into sulfur dioxide, i.e., they began
attracting the new surrounding elements.
Incidentally, this fact may
have some important implications for evolution.
Comets contain all
the necessary ingredients for evolutionary processes to work with
(not necessary already-formed life-bearing molecules):
A newly-formed planet may burn hydrogen for some time before it cools. The new planet passes through a super hot radioactive phase, followed by a chemical stage (Venus is presently in transition between these stages) allowing the free combination of elements, after which comes the cascade of biological evolution at temperatures below 200F and evidently from a perfectly sterile medium.Thus, all planets begin with approximately the same chemicals in the same proportions and one should expect biological systems to reflect this.(p. 73, Part II)

Immanuel Velikovsky, demonized in his time,
was more right than
wrong, according to James McCanney.
In a giant comet, the materials formed in the tail and recombination zone provide the source for massive pollution events afflicting Earth.
The body with the greater "surface gravity" will pull in the
volatile elements from the atmosphere of the smaller body. McCanney
follows Velikovsky in concluding that just such an event occurred
when a cometary Venus stripped Mars of its oceans and atmosphere
(explaining their almost identical chemical compositions) and then
dumped Earth with massive amounts of water and burning hydrocarbons.
This explains why Mars has so many features of a water-bearing
planet that are still visible and have not eroded away
significantly. In other words, this passage of Venus may have been a
relatively recent event in cosmic terms.
Besides attracting dust and
gases, the short-range "induced dipole effect" of comets can be
stronger than gravity, especially with smaller objects, thus
explaining how comets can attract meteoroid streams following and
maintaining their orbit. The ancients would have observed and
experienced (as they passed on through myth and legend) mass
flooding and "fire and brimstone" (meteoroids and hydrocarbons)
ignited by the snake-like extension connecting the comet to Earth.
This is the real source of the world's oil reserves. They rained on
the Earth during close encounters, killing and burying whatever lay
beneath. And to top it all off, the lack of sunlight during such
events would lead to a net cooling of the Earth, triggering a
mini-Ice Age.
To sum up, here's a list of possible effects that can occur months and years before the actual close passage of a Planet-X-type object, summarized from McCanney's supplement pamphlet Surviving Planet X Passage (2003, pp. 20 - 25):
To sum up, here's a list of possible effects that can occur months and years before the actual close passage of a Planet-X-type object, summarized from McCanney's supplement pamphlet Surviving Planet X Passage (2003, pp. 20 - 25):
Violent storms with excessive lightning, wind and water (drawn in from space in the manner comets do) Degradation of complete elimination of infrastructures and facilities Groups of cyclones, destroying housing Torrential rains and mudslides, causing mass floodingSurviving Planet X Surviving Planet X Passage by J.M. McCanney Strong winds and land hurricanes, tearing up Earth and vegetation (which will later form coal) Erratic weather, like snow in the tropics Influx of chemicals such as water, ammonia, and hydrocarbons Contaminated water supplies Visible electric discharges between planets and moons Colorful auroras, trumpet- and whistle-like sounds caused by discharging Frequent magnetic reversals allowing radioactive particles to enter our atmosphere, causing gene mutations and new species Blotting out of the Sun leading to mini-Ice Age Meteor stream impacts "Plagues" as electric currents force insects and vermin out of the ground "Pillar of fire" as Earth forms an electrical connection with Planet X, scorching the Earth and producing deafening noise If the object is larger than Earth, the loss of atmosphere and oceans; if smaller, massive pollution events Physical pole-shift, displacing continents and causing the flash-freezing of animals (e.g., the Wooly Mammoths) and causing earthquakes and the eruption of old and new volcanoes The above resulting in an altered orbit, rotation, and tilt of the Earth, requiring a re-calibrating of our calendar (for which McCanney gives practical instruction in the pamphlet)
That's the picture painted by early humanity.
Whether it's some or
all, that's what is coming.
McCanney's theories turn contemporary science on end, throwing almost all of our currently accepted theories into question, including,
the greenhouse effect "peak oil" "meandering" tectonic plates the idea that the Sun gives off all its energy in the form of lightWe do not have to fight a war in the mid-east for oil, as it is found the world over and in abundance. It is not the result of millions of eons of decaying plant life.If it were, where were the fern forests that grew under the oceans?! I have yet to see any chemist show how dirt decays and transforms into crude oil and natural gas. There are literally oceans of oil all over the Earth.It ARRIVED ON Earth as part of multiple large-scale pollution events from passing large comets. It is not a rare or limited commodity, and it is not the rare substance controlled by just a few elite people. There are better ways of powering our need for energy (e.g. tapping into the solar electric field as Tesla was doing for free).The real reason we should cease using oil is because it pollutes the environment.(p. 64)
If practically everything we "know" is wrong, it becomes clear that
the scientific/university system is not set up for free-thinkers.
The reality of the Ph.D. educational system today is that if you truly were a free thinker, you could never possibly get a Ph.D. in astronomy or space science ... since you would know about this history [of science] ... and when you brought it up and pushed for the truth, you would have been led to the door and another eager, unsuspecting young mental athlete would have taken your place.Getting a Ph.D. is based on one's ability to pass tests and regurgitate what you have been told.Questioning it is not part of the process. And once you get that Ph.D. and get your first post-doc position and then your first tenure track position, you are well trained in the art of not questioning the axioms of astronomy.(p. 41)
Indeed, in his books and on
his shortwave radio show, McCanney
refers to the mass of "tier-two science", i.e., the disinformation
science that is necessary to prevent people from knowing the truth.
Because, the truth will set you free, literally - free from the
slavery of economic and political control.
Just as psychopathic
politicians need bogus psychiatry and psychology to prevent an
accurate diagnosis of the problems of pathocracy, the same dynamic
plays itself out in physics, astronomy, history, and just about any
other field of science you can think of. Who can make money if
energy is free? Who can maintain their positions of affluence when
people are able to live self-sustaining lives?
The entire edifice of
political control in our times needs people to be ignorant. And NASA
plays a big part in making that so.
McCanney relates that when he
covered the Hale-Bopp controversy on his website in the 1990s,
Much of the internet traffic which was trapped by originating addresses of the visitors ... saw a large volume of the traffic coming from astronomy and astrophysics departments of universities as well as continual traffic from NASA, the Department of Defense, Staff of the National Labs, the NSA, CIA, and other letter agencies of government.If comets were just silly little insignificant snowballs then it sure is unusual to see all the interest in someone saying they were not.(p. 44)
The NASA news release system is strict and comes only from designated NASA news distribution points in Goddard and JPL. Individual scientists are under strict non-disclosure agreements not to disclose anything individually.All news outlets must go through designated channels. These scientists are equally restricted under the NSA decree that they cannot discuss or admit publicly to any event or situation that might cause public alarm.That is why the data regarding a new arrival like Planet X will not be allowed from the halls of NASA. They are under strict contract not to tell the public.(p. 49)
Behind the tier-two science are the scientists who have a clue, only
they're doing their work under strict, private (as in "black budget"
private) and government contracts.
These scientists are aware of
what's really going on in our solar system, and they've got the
tools to see the signs. (According to McCanney, NASA knows of one
Planet X-type object approaching from south of the solar
system, from data produced in the 1990s. It is only viewable in May
observatories very low in the southern hemisphere.)
They are
exploited by the pathocrats who run the show, and we never see their
work. They are the ones "in charge" and they intend to keep it that
way. If the public were to know the truth about what is coming to
humanity, do you really think these men and women would be able to
keep hold of their positions and come out on the other side
Neither do they, so they plan on saving themselves and
leaving the rest of us to the fate of dinosaurs.
As this book goes to print, all the major observatories of the world are being taken off line. Astronomers are being told not to discuss "Planet X" with the public. As with [Hale-Bopp], NASA has shut the door on release of information.They are positioning their scientists to become part of the nightly national weather programs, and to be in position to defray any public awareness of what is truly happening with the Sun and our planetary system.(p. 84)
The truth is that NASA, the NSA, and other government agencies are prohibited by law from disclosing to the public anything that would cause a national panic. So too they will try to prevent dissemination of my theories about comets because it might cause a public to redirect its allegiance as a new and potentially dangerous comet comes into the solar system.While the government officials are using tax dollars to build safety caves for their "shadow government" in case of "major disaster", they are leaving the public out to dry with no forewarning or protection.(p. 83)
But as McCanney points out in
Surviving Planet X Passage, even this
will most likely fail (and if it doesn't, they'll have all those
"left behind" to deal with when they eventually crawl out of their
The governments of the world have built extensive cave cities using nuclear powered tunneling machines that leave a glass liner as the heat of the nuclear reactor motor melts the shell of the cave as the tunneling machine passes through.These are likewise provisioned with 50 years of food, medical supplies and every sort of amenity that we live with today. Some are under minor mountain ranges while others are burrowed into the sides of massive granite mountains.These caves will actually be the worst place to be since the gravitational waves will turn these man-made caverns into fractured underground death chambers.(p. 40)

What is the real purpose of underground bases?
With psychopaths in power, it's the natural scenario to expect to be played out: using tax-dollars to create vast, secret underground bases and leaving the rest of humanity to its fate.
Victor Clube wrote, this official control of
information has happened before (see also Clube's and Napier's
description of how leaders have promoted a non-catastrophic
worldview throughout history in order to cement control, in their
The Cosmic Winter):
Confronted on many occasions in the past by the prospect of world-end, national elites have often found themselves having to suppress public panic - only to discover, too late, that the usual means of control commonly fail.Thus, an institutionalized science is expected to withhold knowledge of the threat; a self-regulated press is expected to make light of any disaster; while an institutionalized religion is expected to oppose predestination and to secure such general belief in a fundamentally benevolent deity as can be mustered...The Christian, Islamic and Judaic cultures have all moved since the European Renaissance to adopt an unreasoning anti-apocalyptic stance, apparently unaware of the burgeoning science of catastrophes. History, it now seems, is repeating itself: it has taken the Space Age to revive the Platonist voice of reason, but it emerges this time within a modern anti-fundamentalist, anti-apocalyptic tradition over which governments may, as before, be unable to exercise control...Cynics (or modern sophists), in other words, would say that we do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!(The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets)
So you can add insane "leaders" to the list of problems facing
humanity now and in the time to come.
Why is all this important? As George Gurdjieff wrote, the "terror of the situation" is such that it's enough to drive a person into depression and hopelessness. But that's not the purpose.
Why is all this important? As George Gurdjieff wrote, the "terror of the situation" is such that it's enough to drive a person into depression and hopelessness. But that's not the purpose.
The purpose
of knowing that such things have happened before and will happen
again is just that - to know - and act based on that knowledge. How
would you live your life knowing that tomorrow may be your last day?
Pretty differently, I think. The shock and realization of death has
a way of focusing priorities. As we like to say,
Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life.
Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life.
They will become merely a dream in the 'past.'
People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left,
become the reality of the 'Future.'
And, as for the current state of the planet and the Earth Changes it has been experiencing recently, we're of the thought that the cycle of catastrophes reflects the experiential cycle of humanity. Simply put, we're making a mess of this planet and Nature is shaking things up as we do it.
And, as for the current state of the planet and the Earth Changes it has been experiencing recently, we're of the thought that the cycle of catastrophes reflects the experiential cycle of humanity. Simply put, we're making a mess of this planet and Nature is shaking things up as we do it.
As McCanney writes:
Petty wars and the use of resources to fight these wars can have only one possible result... and nature in its own time and manner will repay those species... collectively... who fail to control their leaders who promote these wars.(p. 103)
This shows nature's plan of radical change through violence as with floods, forest fires, etc., and must be her way of assuring the continual mixing of the elements by random events allowing life to flourish and change.("3-Part Comet Paper" Part III, p. 49)
So what can we do?
Whether it be living a sustainable lifestyle,
networking with like-minded individuals, fostering healthy
interactions with those close to us, learning about and spreading
knowledge about what's really going on in the world, or finding and
getting in touch with our true purpose in life, we need to change
the way we live, the way we see and interact with the world around
And above all, if our way of life can have any type of
mitigating effect on what we may face, we need to stop giving our
support to useless, endless wars and categorically say no to the
torture and murder of other human beings.
The following papers by McCanney are reproduced in his books (the last three in Atlantis to Tesla - The Kolbrin Connection) and should be read for the complete scientific arguments, references, and equations:
1981, "Continuing Galactic Formation", Astrophysics and Space Science 74, 57 - 64 1981, "Saturn's Sweeper Moons Predicted", The Moon and the Planets 24, 349 - 53 1983, "The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part I)", KRONOS IX-1, 17 - 39 1984, "The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part II)", KRONOS IX-3, 60 - 85 1985, "The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part III)", KRONOS X-2, 42 - 53 1986, "Dynamics of a Small Comet" 1987, "Currents Induced by Foreign Bodies in Non-Uniform Plasmas" 1987, "CP/MPS: Contained Plasma Magnetic Propulsion System - An Advanced Propulsion Concept"
Stan Deyo Nibiru Planet X and Earthquakes
Nibiru Update here is the real deal about Nibiru - PanetX - Hercolubus!!! Must see video!!
NASA only has a 10% chance of detecting deadly asteroids before they strike Earth
NASA’s near-Earth object (NEO) tracking program has only, thus far, been able to identify 10 percent of the medium-sized asteroids that might pose a threat to human life and civilization — meaning that if such an object were to head our way, it more than likely would go undetected. “[G]iven its current pace and resources… [the program] will not meet the goal of identifying 90 percent of such objects by 2020,” NASA Inspector General Paul Martin wrote in a report released September 15.In the past five years, the NEO tracking program has seen a 10-fold increase in its budget, from $4 million to $40 million per year. Since 1998, the space administration has spent $100 million on the endeavor — all aimed at the goal of tracking 90 percent of dangerous asteroids by 2020. Yet according to the report, this increased spending has not led to improved tracking capabilities. READ MORE