Refugee "Socialism", Don't Convert!, Year of the Monkey and More New Age
The latest news (vomit) coming from the Vatican II cult of man...
Keep in prayer!
Cardinals: Don’t use charity as a conversion tool...(yes because that would be just ridiculous)
Speaking at the “Charity will never end” conference organized by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council Cor Unum, an umbrella office to coordinate the Church’s charitable works, Cardinal Antonio Tagle of the Philippines said charity should not be practiced as a way of achieving other ends, “especially proselytism or imposing, even in subtle ways, the Church’s faith on others.”
According to the cardinal, using charitable acts for conversions is “manipulation,” but that doesn’t mean that God should be completely left out of the Church’s missionary work.
“The Christian truth is beautiful,” Tagle said. “And beautiful things attract. So proselytism is imposing, but this good news, beautiful in itself, will attract people without imposing.”
His view was echoed by Cardinal Gerhard Müller, head of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who defined proselytism as “a manipulation of the conscience.”
Referring to the ongoing migrant and refugee crisis in Europe, Müller said Christians should be charitable “without hidden intentions.”
He gave the example of his native Germany, where thousands of migrants, many of them Muslims fleeing war and persecution in the Middle East, have been taken in.
“There are among these migrants, the majority of whom are Muslim, who ask, ‘Why are Christians, and not our fellow Muslims, helping us?’”
When these situations arise, he said, aid workers shouldn’t be afraid to give an answer “rooted in the faith.”
Tagle, who spoke at the conference as the head of Caritas Internationalis, a Rome-based federation of 165 Catholic charitable organizations around the world, also said that charity must be given without regard for religious affiliation.
“Instead of relying on partisan politics or ideology, charity operates from a heart that sees a neighbor in any one who is needy,” he said. “Even enemies are to be loved, according to Jesus.”
Tagle defined this as “very complex issue” that requires vigilance and knowledge of the groups, foundations, and agencies with which Catholic charities partner. He also called for aid workers to keep in mind that even though money is important for the Church’s missionary work, “even without funding, we can love, we can serve.”
NWO Stooges: Tagle and Francis
“Charity needs to be reflected more and more in the life of the Church,” the pope said. “How I wish that everyone in the Church, every institution, every activity would show that God loves man!”
The “Charity will never end” conference was organized to commemorated the 10-year anniversary of Deus Caritas Est (God is Love), an encyclical letter written by Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI.
Francis said the encyclical touches on a theme that retraces “the entire history of the Church, which is also a history of charity. It is a story of the love received from God, to be carried to the world.”
About 200 people from around the world participated in the conference. The majority of the attendees were Catholic, but there also were representatives of other religions, including Rabbi David Rosen and Prof. Saeed Ahmed Khan of Wayne State University, who reflected on the Muslim view of mercy.
Run away from any Church teaching Vatican II and or saying the New Mass!
Pope Answers Kids' Tough Questions in First Book for Children
CITY — Pope Francis, who has penned weighty encyclicals and decrees,
has taken a stab at the simpler side of his job with a book for children
to answer such questions as "What did God do before the world was
question was put to him by 8-year-old Ryan K., from Canada. Like the
other questions in the book, it was written above a simple drawing - in
this case, Ryan's rough sketch of a bearded God standing on a globe
surrounded by gold stars.
The pope's answer, written in a few sentences on the opposite page, was that God "created time" but that most of all "he loved".
book, called "Dear Pope Francis," was a brainchild of Father Antonio
Spadaro, a priest and editor of the Italian Jesuit journal Civilta
Cattolica who was the first person to interview Francis after his
election in 2013.
brought the pope the 31 drawings and questions by children from around
the world and Francis dictated his responses in simple language.
8, from Kenya, asks for an explanation of the Bible story about how
Jesus walked on water (Because God can do anything).
wanted to know if dead relatives can watch over them from heaven?
(certainly); why does he wear that big hat? (Because he's a bishop), and
what miracle would he perform if he had only one chance? (Cure sick
Basia, 8, from Poland asked what he wanted to be when he was her age. Answer: He wanted to become a butcher.
Not all the questions were light, however.
Mohamed, 10, from Syria, asks if the world will ever be beautiful again. The pope tells him his suffering will not last forever.
the most poignant question is from an 8-year-old Australian boy named
Luca. "Dear Pope Francis, My mum is in Heaven. Will she grow angel
answers that no, she won't grow wings but "she is the mother you know
but more beautiful than ever ... smiling and full of love for you."
Catholic Diocese of Sioux City to close 41 parishes
The springtime of Vatican II comes to Sioux City, Iowa]
Morgan GstalterFebruary 28, 2016
The Catholic Diocese of Sioux City plans to begin consolidating 41 parishes during the summer of 2017.
The office unveiled a proposal on Thursday that would reduce the number of the diocese’s parishes from 108 to 67, due to a shortage of priests and decreased Mass attendance.
In the last eight years, only 16 out the 108 parishes have grown, according to the Associated Press. Overall Mass attendance has dropped nearly 25 percent since 2008.
Parishes being consolidated will become oratories, meaning there will be no weekly worship services. An oratory will still be able to host a variety of social functions, such as prayer services, funerals and weddings. None of the buildings will close but oratories will be maintained by the parish receiving the worshipers of consolidated parishes.
Most of the churches closing are in rural areas, where the average age of parishioners has increased and the size of families has decreased which leaves the parishes with a shrinking population. However, the consolidation will not affect any of the diocese’s 23 Catholic schools.
Members will have to relocate to a different parish in one of the 24 counties within the Sioux City Diocese, which spans across Northwest Iowa. The proposal would divide the Sioux City Diocese into four different geographical regions – southwest, southeast, northwest and northeast. There are currently four Roman Catholic dioceses in Iowa: Sioux City, Des Moines, Davenport and an Archdiocese in Dubuque.
The Sioux City Diocese is also experiencing a shortage of priests, mostly due to retirements. The Ministry 2025 proposal would relocate 12 priests to various different parishes. The proposal hopes to lessen the workload of current priest, cutting Masses down to only three per week. The rationale behind it is to help keep priests healthy and avoid overworking themselves.
Catholic bishop rebukes Vatican over conference trying to make children ‘agents of change’ on climate
ROME, February 26, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- Bishop Athanasius Schneider, a prelate known for his outspoken defense of the Catholic faith, is raising concern about a recent Vatican conference that focused on how to help children become “agents of change” in the fight against “man-made climate change.”
Titled “Children and Sustainable Development: A Challenge for Education,” the conference took place last November under the auspieces of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS), whose chancellor is Archbishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo.
Among the most controversial presenters was UN advisor Jeffrey Sachs, who has called for the birth rate in Africa to be drastically reduced through government programs aimed at increased use of contraception, and who has championed abortion as a way to reduce fertility. The Vatican also partnered with Sachs last April, asking him to moderate and co-host a conference on climate change.
Bishop Schneider, who is auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan, said that faithful Catholics should be shocked that “enemies of the Catholic Faith” are involved in such a conference.
“One can realize here with shock the extent to which the declared enemies of the Catholic Faith are given scope for their activities at such an event in the Vatican. One has to protest against it. With the help of these speakers whose publications clearly oppose the Faith, the Faith itself and the natural moral law are being mocked in a subtle way.”
“God does not allow His Being mocked. At some point, He will intervene and one has to have compassion with those persons who are responsible for such a conference because they will one day answer for this before the Judgment Seat of God.”
“People who at such a conference sell the Holy Faith so cheaply – also when they are priests or bishops – should not forget this warning of Holy Scripture: ‘It is terrible to fall into the hands of the Living God’ (Hebrews 10:31). We have to wish it for those so-called Catholics, priests and bishops, and say: ‘Convert from your hearts to Our Lord, as long as there is time left!’” he said.
The event’s honorary President was Mrs. Courtney Sale Ross, founder of the Ross School in East Hampton, New York, and widow of Steve Ross, the owner of Hollywood's Warner Brothers Studios and also the founder of the promiscuity-laden music channel MTV. A number of Ross School students made presentations at the conference, in particular on climate change.
One Ross student made the case that world leaders should tap into students from private upperclass schools and “use them as agents of change” because they’ve had a “better” life and education.
“[They should] ask them to use what they’ve had in their life to make other people’s lives better,” the student said.
The conference’s final declaration notes the importance of turning young people into “agents of change” regarding the fight against climate change.
“Children and teenagers are not just recipients of knowledge: they must be inspired to act in their local contexts, and design sustainability initiatives in their schools and communities,” the document states.
Turning the traditional order upside down, where adults are the formative teachers of the young, the document continues: “Youth can encourage change through constructive interaction not only with other young people, but by positively influencing adults. Social media and social networks can be an asset. The education and empowerment of girls is essential to serve as agents of change.”
A connection is purportedly established in the document’s conclusion between environmental issues and moral and social issues. Educators are urged to stress to students “connections and mental habits that are open and flexible, fostering new thinking models that erode a tendency toward fixed beliefs.”
When LifeSiteNews reached out to the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, to ask about Pope Francis' own position on the use of children as “agents of change,” no response was given. Archbishop Sànchez Sorondo also did not respond to LifeSiteNews' request for comment.
The girls, the paedophile and Cardinal Pell
Why top Vatican cardinal will now testify about sex abuse in Australia
Oh no!!, be ready for it....
Written by Anthony Mazzone
February 26, 2016
Shamokin, Pa — Fr Rodney Little, newly appointed pastor of Blessed
Paul VI Parish, said an entire Mass last Sunday without once using the
word “God.”
“I’ve been working on it for a long time,” said a beaming Father
Little, wiping his brow, “and I was finally able to pull it off.”
February 26, 2016
When questioned, parishioners leaving the church had no idea that they had just been witnesses to history. “Really?” said one woman who identified herself as a Minister of Hospitality, “The good thing about Father Rod is that you would never know he is a priest. Like, he’s totally a regular guy. They should give him a raise”
As congratulations began to pour in, Deacon Nguyen Pho said, “At first I thought Father was using a new new translation of the New Order of Mass. Then I realized I was in the presence of a genius, pastorally speaking. By the time Father said “Evolution, who takes away the unfit of the world, grant us a neutral carbon footprint,” I was transfixed. It was like watching a pitcher in the last inning of a no-hitter.”
When contacted at the rectory Fr Little told reporters: “Why should someone be excluded from Mass just because he or she doesn’t believe in God? Oh, I know there are haters out there who will say that the Mass is precisely about God and stuff. But I have a message for all those funeral-faced, fundamentalist, promethean Pharisees: “Blessed Paul VI Parish is a welcoming, holistic worship community. We deal only with observable facts, so atheists can always feel safe here.”
Fr Little went on to say: “I was only able to accomplish this titanic pastoral feat by using the Thomas Jefferson version of the Scriptures. After all, stories about miracles and healing and eternal life make people uncomfortable. That spiritual stuff is really scary, so we just want to keep the parts where Jesus says we should be nice to one another and recycle.”
Father Little’s Ordinary, Bishop Mickey Shannon, was no less enthusiastic “What a beautiful example of the New Evangelization! What does it mean if not going outside our comfort zones and meeting people where they are? Now if where they are is in a materialistic, meaningless cosmos of mechanical forces indifferent to the existence of man, so be it. That’s where the Church needs to be.”
When asked if atheists can receive Holy Communion, Bishop Mickey said, “Communion is about inclusion not exclusion. If after a period of discernment…I dare say no more.”
Have I mentioned the Catholic Faith is not in the Novus Ordo churches?
The fact that the fundraising is led by priests of the Legionary of Christ demonstrates the continuing influence of the order
[The Legionaries are up to their old tricks again]
26 February 2016 | by Christopher Lamb |
The Vatican is offering cruises around Italy and parts of eastern Europe to help raise money for its museum and art collections.
Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums are inviting participants on a 7-day “Year of Mercy” cruise taking in the Amalfi cost, Sicily, Croatia and Slovenia which costs costs up to $6,550 (£4,670) with an optional $2,799 (£1,996) for a three-day Rome excursion.
The cruise is open to all Patrons of the Arts – among them Vatican art and Conservative party donor Sir Michael Hintze – and those wishing to become a patron at a cost of $1,200 (£857).
Those joining the trip will be given informative presentations on the Vatican museums, dinners, cocktail parties and a daily private Mass.
The cruise is being led by Fr Mark Haydu, a Legionary of Christ priest, who serves as the liaison between donors and the Vatican museums. He is due to be accompanied by another Legionary priest, Fr Daniel Hennessy.
Cruises run by the patrons have taken place in previous years and helped raise much needed money to maintain Vatican art work.
The fact that the fundraising is led by priests of the Legionary of Christ demonstrates the continuing influence of the order, which has been plagued by scandals. Enormously wealthy, the legionaries have a reputation for their ability to fundraise. But the order was plunged into crisis after its founder Fr Marciel Macial was found to have molested seminarians along with fathering six children, two of whom he is believed to have abused.
While many have called for the order to be closed down entirely, in 2014, after a five year process, the Vatican approved new constitutions for the Legionary and allowed it to continue.
Francis gives unity symbol to Argentine president Macri
Pope Francis and Argentina's president Mauricio Macri pose for a picture during a private audience at the Vatican, Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016 (L'Osservatore Romano/pool photo via AP)
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis is stressing unity after meeting with the president of his native Argentina, with whom he has clashed over gay marriage.Francis and Argentine President Mauricio Macri met privately for 25 minutes Saturday at the Vatican.
In 2009, Francis was archbishop of Buenos Aires when Macri was that city's mayor. The future pope was angered when Macri decided not to appeal when a gay couple sued the city for not issuing a marriage license and won.
Vatican teaching insists marriage is between a man and a woman but Macri contended changing realities must be accepted. In 2010, Argentina legalized gay marriage.
On Saturday, Francis gave Macri a medal depicting a two-branched olive tree, saying it symbolizes unity when something "in the middle doesn't work."
The Vatican called the meeting "cordial."
Gotta have your Vatican II "Unity Flakes" every morning!
Mysterious death of Pope Francis aide alarms Vatican
Pope Francis’s secretary, 34-year-old Miriam Wuolou of Eritrea, was found dead earlier this week — and the Vatican is crying foul.
Wuolou’s body was discovered in her Rome apartment by police after her brother raised concern that she wasn’t answering her phone. She was seven months pregnant and suffered from diabetes, which can prove dangerous — even fatal — during pregnancy.
The Vatican, however, has called for an investigation into the woman’s death. Police have interviewed her brother, her ex-husband and her most recent boyfriend, who is believed to be a policeman employed by the Vatican, the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero reports.
Investigators will also perform a DNA test on Wuolou’s fetus to determine the paternity of the unborn child.
Wuolou’s apartment has been sealed off; forensic teams have combed it for evidence and have even removed several personal effects for further examination, neighbors told The Daily Beast.
A funeral service for Wuolou was held on Saturday. Pope Francis visited her body prior to the memorial, laying a dozen white roses next to her casket and sprinkling the coffin with holy water before beginning a 20-minute prayer.
Refugee Socialism?
The Pope: “Distribute the war refugees equally”
The appeal of Francis at the Angelus for a “united response” from Europe: “We need negotiations.” He encourages the “cessation of hostilities in Syria” that have caused the tragedy of refugees
Synthesizing pastoral care with a gaze upon the world, confirming the geopolitics of the mercy that is the basis of his pontificate: the Pope encourages efforts for peace in Syria, reaffirming the centrality of the drama of the refugees, while warning about hindrances to European negotiations. At the Angelus Francis recalls “the tragedy of refugees who are fleeing wars and other inhuman situations.” He refers, in particular, to “Greece and the other countries that are at the forefront,” who “are lending generous aid, which requires the cooperation of all nations.”Therefore he calls for a “united response” that “can be effective and fairly distribute the weight.” This requires “focusing firmly and unreservedly on the negotiations.” The origin of the tragedies of migration is above all the war in the Middle East, therefore the Pope has “welcomed with hope the news about the cessation of hostilities in Syria” and invites all “to pray that this window of opportunity can give relief to suffering people, by encouraging the necessary humanitarian aid, and can open the way to dialogue and much desired peace.” Francis also assured his “closeness to the people of the Fiji Islands, hit hard by a devastating cyclone. I pray for the victims and for those engaged in relief operations.”
Even today, “in the face of certain misfortunes and tragic events, the temptation can arise to shift the blame onto the victims, or even on God himself.” But “the Gospel invites us to reflect: what idea of God have we made? We are really convinced that God is a certain way, or is that not rather our own projection, a god made in our image and likeness?” On the contrary, “Jesus calls us to change the heart, to make a radical change in the journey of our life, to abandon compromises with evil - and this we all do - hypocrisy - but I think we all have hypocrisy - to turn definitively and follow the way of the Gospel. But here again there is the temptation to justify ourselves: ‘From what must we convert? We are not all in all good people?’” An appeal to “abandon compromises with evil, which we all do, and hypocrisy, of which everyone has a little piece.” Jesus is like the Gospel of the farmer who, with limitless patience, still manages to get an extension for the barren fig tree, saying to his master: “Leave it alone this year, it may bear fruit next year.”
According to Francis, as with the Jubilee, the goodness of that Gospel is “a year of grace: the time of Christ’s ministry, the time of the Church before his glorious return, the time of our lives, punctuated by a number of Lent seasons, which there are offered as opportunities for repentance and salvation. This is,” he delineated, “the year of the Jubilee of mercy.”
Francis calls the patience of Jesus “invincible,” and his concern for sinners “irreducible,” “as we should be provoked to impatience with ourselves.” “It is never,” the Pope therefore assured - quoting St Therese who prayed for a criminal sentenced to death who did not want receive the priest’s comfort, preferring to die as he was, but then at the moment of death he turned to the priest and kissed the Crucifix – “too late to convert, but it is urgent, it is now! We will know in Heaven, but who knows now how many times we too are there and He saves us. May the Virgin Mary sustain us, so that we may open our hearts to God’s grace, to His mercy; and help us never to judge others, but to let us be provoked, by daily misfortunes, to make a serious examination of conscience and repent.”
After the Angelus, the Pope greeted “the group that has come on the International Day for rare diseases, with a special prayer and encouragement for your mutual aid associations.”
To Sum up Vatican II "Refugee Socialism":