"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Monday, December 7, 2015

Will You One Day Wake Up in Modernist Rome?

Will You One Day Wake Up in Modernist Rome?

“The Blue Paper” No. 301

“And Jesus said to his disciples: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that reads let him understand” (Mt. 24, 15).

To oppose error in matters of Faith, in order to keep the Deposit of Faith, we must follow Tradition and Holy Scripture. However, when heresy is not limited to a small group but tries to seduce the entire Church, then we must recur the rule of Saint Vincent of Lérins in regard to universality, antiquity and general consent. We must do so especially towards that cunning of novelty which has brought about the removal, not only of the sacred doctrine taught by Our Lord Jesus Christ, but also the holiness pertaining to liturgical rites of ceremonies in the House of God, within the terms of the sacred place for prayers.

Was, then, Our Lord Jesus Christ speaking about apostasy concerning the belief of the sacred ministers when serving in the sanctuary? Indeed, the way of prayer is the way of believing.
The neglect of the essential priestly sacredness in the teaching and practice of the Catholic Faith evolved to abandon the sanctuary itself. And what is offered in this sanctuary? It is the Mass, the Holy Sacrifice of Calvary. So the rejection of sacredness by the consecrated ministers points to a real crisis within the context of religious belief among those whose duty is to teach the Truth, as well for all of us who must be taught in order to obtain eternal salvation.
In fact, doctrinal blurring has always been a sign in times of crisis throughout Church history. For instance, St. Vincent of Lérins wrote referring to the Arian heresy:
“Such a situation happened when the poison of Arianism had infected not only a small portion of the world but nearly the entire world. At the same time as the majority of the Latin bishops allowed themselves to be seduced, either by violence or by deception, a cloud darkened minds to such a great degree of confusion as to take away the path they had to follow. But it was by preferring the ancient Faith to these perfidious innovations that all the true friends and servants of Christ preserved themselves from being infected by this plague.”
In addition, it was at the Council of Rimini that St. Jerome had written: “The whole world groaned, and was astonished to find itself Arian.”
What should we do when a new way of praying installs a new way of believing, where sacredness is not an integral part of religion? What should we do when the abomination is within the sacred place, infested with the smoke of Satan? What should we think when, one day, the traditional faithful will wake up to find themselves immersed in the New Religion of Man preached by the Modernist Rome?
Certainly, many Catholics are confused, due to the religious revolution of Vatican II. Several post-Conciliar Popes have remarked upon the deplorable changes. As Cardinal Ratzinger said, “The results of the Council seem cruelly to contradict the expectations everybody had, beginning with John XXIII and Paul VI: it was expected to produce a new unity among Catholics, but instead dissension has increased to a point where it has moved from self-criticism to self-destruction” (L’Osservatore Romano,  Nov.  9, 1984).
Needless to say, there exists a state of necessity for souls who have the right to receive from the Teaching Church (Ecclesia docens) the necessary aids for salvation, especially doctrine and sacraments. Hence, in the Catholic Church, as in civil society, it is conceivable that there should arise a state of necessity or URGENCY, which cannot be surmounted by the observance of positive law. Man-made laws may prevent crimes and vices, but they do not extirpate the roots of evil in the world, as religion can do.
With this state of things, is the New Evangelization Agenda a solution for today’s conflicts in the world? No, it is not, for the new evangelizer, Pope Francis, during his visit to the United States, begged for global immigration and for tolerance on behalf of disordered families; but in reality he opened a gate through which to introduce moral deviations in cultural customs, and helped to introduce a sort of invasion which threatens the beliefs and nations of Western civilization. Perhaps one day the world might wake up Moslem….
In truth, the Church is fostering a worse crisis by the lack of order, activity or endurance, in the domain of doctrinal and moral teaching, thereby harming our religious tenets in a considerable manner. Modernist Popes have contributed to the demolition of the Catholic Church. Nowadays Pope Francis is seriously taking the destructive attitudes of Pope Paul VI into action, thereby worsening the thickness and darkness of the “smoke of Satan” within the Holy Place. That’s why it is not surprising to hear about the Novus Ordo Canonization of Paul VI, scheduled to celebrate the occasion of the 45th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council.
On the other hand, Canon Law considers the state of necessity as one of the causes which under certain conditions abolishes the “imputability” of the offence, which is thereby reduced to a purely material violation of the Law, because it is a state wherein the necessary goods for natural or supernatural life are so threatened that one is morally compelled to break the law to save them.
In this regard the 1917 Code of Canon Law spoke of necessity. Yet it leaves the task of giving its words a precise meaning and understanding to doctors of jurisprudence. It is clear from the context that necessity is a state wherein the goods necessary for life are put in danger to such an extent that, in order to come out of such state, the violation of certain laws is inevitable, as was the case of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on June 30th, 1988, when he consecrated four bishops to maintain Tradition in the Catholic Church.
Do we therefore agree that there still is a crisis of the Faith within the Church? Perhaps there might be people who would object, saying that there is an exaggeration of “super-dogmas.” That’s why we have to remind ourselves that in matters of Faith, he who doubts or denies even one single truth revealed or connected with Revelation, doubts or denies the whole of Revelation. He who doubts the source of Revelation consequently mistrusts what he has to believe. (See ST IIa, IIae, 5, 3.)
Let us again and again reconsider the warnings of Archbishop Lefebvre. Because intention reveals the final cause of human actions, the Archbishop was always wary when the Modernist Romans seemed to make true gestures of benevolence towards Tradition. He feared that they were only “maneuvers to separate us from the largest number of faithful possible. This is the perspective in which they seem to be always giving a little more and even going very far. We must absolutely convince our faithful that it is no more than maneuvers, that it is dangerous to put oneself into the hands of Conciliar bishops and Modernist Rome. It is the greatest danger threatening our people. If we have struggled for twenty years to avoid the Conciliar errors, it was not in order, now, to put ourselves in the hands of those professing these errors.”

According to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the character of the SSPX should be more than just to denounce the errors by name, but rather to effectively and publicly oppose the Roman authorities who have spread them. How will anyone be able to make an agreement and then offer public resistance to the authorities, including the Pope? After having fought for around forty-five years, will the Society now have to be put into the hands of the Modernists and their pertinacity? Catholics today must resist this pretension. Nonetheless, there are clerics who strive to impose upon us an unacceptable way, which does concern a different doctrine, contrary to the traditional Catholic Magisterium. Let us continue to profess our Catholic Faith. Indeed, the crisis is not over, but rather is afflicting, more than ever, our essential element—the priest.
Here is the Archbishop speaking:
“Through obedience monks and nuns are made to disobey the rules and constitutions laid down by their founders, laws which they swore at their profession to obey. Hence comes the profound disorder, which reigns in the bosoms of these societies and in the bosom of the Church. Obedience in this case should be a categorical refusal. Authority, even a legitimate authority, cannot command a bad and reprehensible act. No one can force us to become Protestants or Modernists….
“[The priest] is at the very heart of this crisis and it is he who is its chief victim. For all that touches the Church, touches first the priest” (A Bishop Speaks, p. 101).
Let us wake up now, lest we awaken to a nightmare! Daydreamers, wake up from your fantasy of converting the Devil!
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
Father Zendejas