"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Friday, September 16, 2016

Your body is owned by the government: Hillary Clinton supports mandatory vaccines

Your body is owned by the government: Hillary Clinton supports mandatory vaccines

L.J. Devon 

As the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announces their new plan to detain individuals and medicate them against their will, the government is stating very clearly: your body isn't yours. Individual rights no longer exist. You are our subject.

This is the antithesis of freedom, a mockery of personal liberty, and an open invitation for abuse.

A Clinton CDC would initiate a witch hunt against those who seek health freedom and natural immunity

Make no mistake about it. These new CDC police state powers, under a Hillary Clinton presidency, would be procured, endorsed, and set into motion. This is because Clinton believes in mandatory vaccinations. If Clinton takes control of the CDC, then there will be a covert war against individuals who seek freedom from the medical system.

Those who do not comply with rigorous CDC vaccine schedules will be tracked down as if they are vector of disease, a menace to society. Those who rely on their own immune system to ward off illness will be stalked and hunted down like they are witches. Just like in Nazi Germany, the officers will just do their jobs and follow CDC orders.

A Hillary Clinton presidency will inevitably unleash a culture of forced healthcare. We've already seen this kind of force initiated with the passage of the Affordable Care Act, which now coerces individuals to pay into the health insurance industry or face erroneous fines for failing to comply. A Hillary Clinton presidency would further depart from individual liberty, taking away a person's right to treat themselves how they best see fit.

A Hillary Clinton presidency will unleash a culture of authoritarian vaccine pushers who suddenly gain the so-called authority to arrest people and have them forcibly vaccinated. A preview of this atrocity is already being carried out on children. Governments, hospital authorities, and vaccine pushing pediatricians' already try to project authority over parents, using the "Child Protective Services" to kidnap children from parents who may simply want a second medical opinion for their child. This is why it's important to stay armed and trained in self defense. It's no coincidence that Clinton advocates for government control over your body and government control over firearms, drastically limiting your rights to self defense.

Who owns your body?

There are several reasons to refuse a vaccine, but these reasons don't matter if the government claims ownership over your body. Under these authoritarian circumstances, you are being declared property of some higher authority. With over 50 shots being pushed on toddlers in their first six years of life and with over 250 new vaccines in development, how will this forced experimentation affect you and your children for years to come? More importantly, what have we become if we allow ourselves to submit our bodies to the authority of these pharmaceutical companies and their so-called authority?

That's why this election is important, for rejecting slavery and for choosing health care freedom. An individual is responsible for their own health. The many facets of the natural immune system are always at work and rely on interconnected factors involving lymph movement, vitamin D manufacture, detoxification, cord blood, breast milk antibodies, microbiome diversity, stress management, cellular oxygen and energy production, and synergy of nutritional elements. The inevitable spread of communicable disease is necessary for individuals so they can naturally acquire and strengthen their immune system in real time. Stopping this natural process by detaining individuals and forcing compliance to endless vaccine mandates only perpetuates compromised immunity in the long run. (Vaccines are full of toxic elements too.)

Healthcare freedom and science transparency desperately needed

We need better public knowledge about the benign viruses and bacterium that we must face. The hype and fear surrounding outbreaks should be replaced with a better understanding on how to naturally strengthen the immune system. Also, we need transparency to better understand what our man made science of vaccines is doing to our genetics and brain function. You cannot continue to bypass the body's exocrine system and gastrointestinal filters with vaccine pathogens that are grown in aborted fetal cells or animal cells, and expect to strengthen an individual's immune system. Vaccines destroy individual immunity over time, changing the very nature by which people are exposed to pathogens. Also, several vaccine given at once, are a threat to a child, not a protection. The adjuvant in the vaccines, typically aluminum, are used to inflame the immune system to respond, but how does this barbaric method lead to autoimmune reactions, allergies, and nervous system disorders later in life?

There's no way of proving that vaccines are the sole reason why people have acquired immunity to a specific strain of virus or bacteria. It's only a belief that vaccines prevent illness, apparently not backed up by results in real life. There needs to be greater clarity with the "science" with greater understanding of how nutrition utilization is the safest way to strengthen the body to fight inevitable pathogens, that don't have to deadly and debilitating.

Ten reasons why you shouldn't vaccinate your children

Vaccinating a child or not is an important decision that every parent must make. But not all parents understand the true risks involved, risks that could leave a child debilitated for life, or even kill him. The pro-vaccine mafia is quick to sweep all cases of vaccine-related injury and death under the rug as extremely rare anomalies, but many a parent of a vaccine-injured child will be the first to tell you that, if she could do it all over again, she wouldn't have let her kid get jabbed.

If your doctor, your child's school administrator, or a friend or family member is pressuring you to inject your child with genetically modified (GM) viruses, heavy metals and preservatives, and you're not sure how to make the best and most informed choice in the matter -- or even how to respond back to these people intelligently in order to shut them up -- consider the following 10 reasons not to go the vaccination route[1]:

1) Vaccines don't work. When printed on a poster or repeated ad nauseam by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the embedded claim that vaccines prevent communicable disease and impart lasting immunity might sound nice to the low-information masses. But the science simply doesn't reinforce it, with outbreak after outbreak proving that vaccinated people are the most immunocompromised, and are always the ones contracting the diseases against which they were vaccinated.

Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych addresses this and many other vaccine facts in her powerful book Vaccine Illusion, which destroys many modern myths surrounding vaccination. Not only do vaccines not impart lasting immunity, but they actually destroy the body's natural immune capacity, leaving many vaccinated individuals immuno-debilitated throughout their lives.[2]

2) Vaccines have never been proven safe or effective. Every single study used as "evidence" that vaccines are safe erroneously compares side effects from one vaccine to side effects from another vaccine, effectively canceling them out. None of them compare the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals, which would be the true test of vaccine safety.

"True, scientific, double-blind placebo studies have never been conducted on vaccines to determine their safety," explains VacTruth.com.

3) The first vaccine was a complete failure, which the industry tried to cover up. Little do most people know that the first vaccine ever produced, for smallpox, was a complete disaster. The health consequences in those who received it included syphilis and death, though a concerted effort was made at the time to cover up these outcomes and push vaccines anyway because they're highly profitable.[3]

4) Vaccines are highly profitable for drug companies, which aren't held liable for damages. Let's face it -- vaccines are a major cash cow for the drug industry. Not only are vaccine companies completely shielded from liability when their vaccines injure or kill children, but they are typically "sponsored" by government agencies that push them on families and children using outrageous and unfounded scare tactics.[4]

5) All vaccines contain deadly chemical additives. The average pediatrician would be hard-pressed to provide package inserts outlining vaccine ingredients to their clients prior to pushing vaccines. But parents need to know that all vaccines contain deadly, neurodamaging chemicals like aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde. Many vaccines are also loaded with monosodium glutamate (MSG), antibiotics and even genetically modified organisms (GMOs).[5]

6) Unvaccinated children are generally healthier. International studies looking at the health outcomes of unvaccinated children compared to their vaccinated peers have repeatedly shown that the unjabbed are generally less afflicted with allergies, autism, behavioral disorders, autoimmune dysfunction and respiratory ailments.

Concerning the flu vaccine, for instance, a study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases found that individuals jabbed for influenza are 550 percent more likely to have respiratory problems.[6]

7) Vaccines cause lifelong, incurable diseases in some children. It's one thing to have localized swelling or temporary fever symptoms following vaccinations. But if your child is one of the unfortunate ones who develops permanent nerve damage in the form of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, for instance, he or she could require lifelong care and treatment for vaccine damage. If you choose to vaccinate, are you prepared to potentially have to reorient your life in the event of autism or brain damage?[7]

8) Vaccines kill children and adults. Though young children and babies are most prone to incurring permanent harm from vaccines, adults are also at risk. One prevalent example of this is the infamous Gardasil vaccine for HPV, which to date has injured and killed tens of thousands of adolescents and teenagers.[8]

"US children are given far more vaccines at younger ages compared to other countries," explains VacTruth.com, noting that vaccines are also linked to the fatal condition SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), which the medical establishment blames on genetics or child abuse in order to protect the vaccine sham.

9) Vaccine companies can't be sued if you or your child is harmed by vaccines. If vaccines really are as safe as the jab-pushers constantly claim they are, then why was the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act passed in 1986, exempting vaccine and drug companies, as well as health practitioners, from liability in the event of injury or death?

In 2011, the Supreme Court affirmed that injured parties can't sue vaccine companies for injury or death related to vaccines [9]. Is this really a risk that you want to take with your child?

10) Natural exposure to disease is the best vaccine. Truth be told, the only way to truly develop vibrant, lifelong immunity is to live your life as you normally would, but without injecting dead (and in some cases live) viruses and chemical adjuvants into your muscle tissue. Natural exposure to whatever diseases are lurking in the world is the only way for the body to develop permanent antibodies that will forever protect against disease.[10] Eating fresh, nutrient-dense organic food and living a healthy lifestyle also helps boost your immune system, allowing you to overcome and develop resistance to diseases naturally.


Baltimore Schools Crack Down on Vaccine Violators

Schools in the greater Baltimore, Maryland area are in the first steps of barring students from classes if it is discovered that they have not received specified immunizations.
A number of districts across the state of Maryland are reporting that many students are out of compliance.
Beginning Monday,nearly 5000 students could be kept from entering school unless parents provide proof that their children have completed their health assessment.
According to The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore schools CEO Sonja Santelises told the school board:
"I cannot stress how important this is."
This year's requirements for entry into kindergarten, first and second grades include two doses of Varicella vaccine, which protects against chicken pox.
Students entering seventh through ninth grades are required to have one dose of Tdap vaccine, which protects against the bacterial diseases tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis, and one dose of Meningococcal vaccine, which protects against meningitis.
Not everyone is willing to tow the party line on the vaccination initiative.  The Maryland Coalition for Vaccine Choice is vocal in their dissent on the requirements.  They write:
The primary objective of the Maryland Coalition for Vaccine Choice (MDCVC) is to create, support, and pass a bill allowing for a Conscientious Exemption to Mandatory Vaccination in MD into law. If passed, Maryland would become one of 20 states to allow vaccination choice by providing parents with the right to a conscientious or philosophical vaccination exemption.  MDCVC believes vaccine mandates are unconstitutional and supports parents’ rights to informed consent regarding vaccination.  Informed consent requires that a parent/guardian be provided full disclosure of all information including vaccine ingredients, warnings, contraindications and possible adverse reactions resulting from administration as listed by the vaccine manufacturers and the Physician’s Desk Reference, (PDR).
Maryland has mandatory vaccination regulations; however, a child can attend public or most private schools with select or no vaccines if the parent/guardian provides a valid medical or religious exemption certificate to the school administrator. Private and religiously affiliated schools may or may not accept religious vaccine exemptions, however.  Maryland does not currently allow parents to use a conscientious/philosophical vaccine exemption, which would change if a bill passed into law.

California Now Throwing People In Jail For Refusing Vaccinations

 The American people, young and old, now face the prospect of being thrown into jail unless they accept vaccinations.In case you haven’t noticed, there’s an incremental push right now by the controlling elite to force vaccinations on all Americans, both young and old. And this agenda is gaining considerable traction in California, where legislators are now moving forward with plans to force childhood vaccines on all adults who work in daycare centers, both private and public.

Senate Bill 792, also known as the “Day care facilities: immunizations: exemptions” act, was presented quietly alongside SB 277, which eliminates personal, philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions for children who attend both private and public schools in the Golden State. The bill, as recently heard by the California Assembly Human Services Committee, reads as follows:
This bill, commencing September 1, 2016, would prohibit a day care center or a family day care home from employing any person who has not been immunized against influenza, pertussis, and measles.
If passed, SB 792 would represent the first adult vaccine mandate in the U.S. that disallows exemptions for personal reasons, and that threatens criminal penalties for those who fail or refuse to comply. Here’s how Vaccine Impact describes SB 792:
SB 792, would eliminate an adult’s right to exempt themselves from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure.
This bill would make California the first state to require mandated vaccinations for all childcare workers, including all private and public school early childhood education programs (Headstart, Private preK and preschools), family daycares, and daycare centers.
SB 792 represents medical violence against adults
An affront to both medical and religious liberty, SB 792 appears to be the wave of the future in New America, where the perceived health of the “herd” is now more important than the health of the individual. Never before in the history of the United States have legislators pushed this hard to literally force vaccine injections on the public under duress.
But why do they feel the need to do this if vaccines really work and are truly safe as claimed? The answer is that vaccines aren’t safe and effective, and more people than ever are acknowledging this truth and opting out of the “requirements” of the system through vaccine exemptions, hence the rush to eliminate these exemptions as quickly as possible, starting with California.
“This bill eliminates medical autonomy, crushes religious freedom, undermines personal freedom, and burdens quality providers with a non-optional series of medical interventions in the form of mandated vaccines that are not even 100% effective,” adds Vaccine Impact.
Contact California legislators and say NO to SB 792
As of this writing, SB 792 awaits a hearing by California’s Committee on Appropriations, having recently passed through the Assembly Human Services Committee with a 6-1 vote. The official vote tally reveals that the following members of this committee voted in FAVOR of passing SB 792:
Ian C. Calderon
Kansen Chu
Patty Lopez
Brian Maienschein
Mark Stone
Tony Thurmond
You can contact the above individuals here and let them know how you feel about their betrayal of medical freedom in California.
You can also contact the individual members of the Committee on Appropriations and tell them to vote AGAINST SB 792 by visiting: pro.assembly.ca.gov
If Americans sit idly by while corrupt legislators pass incremental bills like SB 277 and SB 792, it will only be a matter of time before even stricter bills come along mandating vaccinations for additional groups of people, until eventually everyone is forced into being vaccinated by the state for the benefit of “public health.”
“Laws like these are forging a burden of responsibility that is collectively shared by everyone,” writes Joshua Krause for GlobalResearch.ca.
“It won’t be long before they try to force vaccines on every adult and child in California. And if they pull it off there, legislators in other states will try to see if they can use the sheepish tyranny of majority rule to force vaccines on their citizens as well.”

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot

The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40).
The CDC quickly took down the page, along with Google, but the site was luckily cached and saved to symbolize this grand admission.
To further confirm this unbelievable admission, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago Dr. Michele Carbone has been able to independently verify the presence of the SV40 virus in tissue and bone samples from patients who died during that era.
He found that 33% of the samples with osteosarcoma bone cancers, 40% of other bone cancers, and 60% of the mesothelioma’s lung cancers all contained this obscure virus.
This leaves the postulation that upwards of 10–30 million actually contracted and were adversely affected by this virus, to be deadly accurate.

Sources: InvestmentWatchBlog.com / www.vaccines.news