"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth.... [Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]
The Catholic Church’s largest charity has adopted the Jewish community’s
model for volunteering in what could be “a first” for the Jewish
charity sector.
The Jewish Volunteering Network was behind the Caritas launch of the
Catholic Volunteering Network on Tuesday evening in Euston, attended by
senior clergy, including bishops.
He added: “They’re coaching and mentoring us, and without their
generosity and ambition, we would not be able to provide this. Our work
is a concrete example of how different faith communities can share
values and work together for the common good.”
The new Catholic Volunteering Service is “modelled very closely on the
JVN and based on the same principles,” said JVN director Leonie Lewis,
who said the launch was a landmark event in Jewish-Catholic relations.
“This could be a first in the Jewish charity sector. We believe our
faiths and faith values have much in common and that we can deliver on
certain programmes together that can make significant difference to our
communities and particularly the wider UK community.”
Lewis also said there is “some preliminary discussion and interest from
one or two Muslim-led projects to establish the Muslim Volunteering
Expect Caritas to ratchet up
‘assistance’ to the Moslems invaders coming Europe under the auspices of
the brotherhood of man and demand that the torrent of them arriving in
Europe be increased. Also look for Caritas to move their literature and
philosophy away from anything even remotely resembling Christianity and
continue to move towards the insane kosher approved political correct
propaganda written by the rabbis. It was only two weeks ago workers for
Caritas told Catholics reciting the Rosary in a church to recite it
silently so as not to offend the Moslems that Caritas and the local
diocese had placed there.