Unlike Feudalism, Perfect Chivalry Is Not Contractual
By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Francisco Javier Parcerisa’s Castle Belmonte, Spain

But perfect chivalry should not be contractual. Contractual chivalry is not chivalry; it is the feudal bond. In the feudal bond, the king would give a man a piece of land and the man would in turn be obliged to assist the king in some ways; and for his part, the king also owed him assistance. This feudal bond was undone as long as one of the parties broke the contract. This is very just because a region has the right to defend itself against an abusive central power; and the fiefdom was a region. Lest we should fall into royal absolutism, we must recognize that the regional feudal lord has a right to break with the king if the king wants to decimate the region.

Chivalry is another matter altogether: it is a personal bond. Even more: it is not just a personal bond but a personal bond in the Order of chivalry. It is different with a knight. In the Order of chivalry, without ceasing to be a knight, the knight gives up his person to a certain end; and then it is like a religious Order in which the inferior cannot depose the superior because he is bad. He has to subject himself to the cross of the superior’s evil. (Excerpt from a Chá, Wednesday, Nov. 1, 1989 – Nobility.org translation)