"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Thursday, May 5, 2016

TradCatKnight Mail...

TradCatKnight Mail...

Here is the latest coming through my inbox... 

I know the marks of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Everything you say about the Novus Ordor Mass; the Concillar Church, I see it going on at home,
-Alter Girls
- I am a lector at my church ( I am female, but if I am not mistaken, as a woman, I can read yes?), however my dad and sister are ' Eucharistic ministers'
-I am a teacher at an all boys ' Catholic' board school...It hurts my heart, but the faith is NOT being taught...and worse
-Imagine my lector co-ordinator asked if I would let the priest wash my feet for Holy Thursday!!!...that garbage Pope Francis promulgated...off course I said No!
- 'Eucharistic service...a woman lay minister was the celebrant...I promptly left when I saw that
-I also mentioned the horror done to the Cathedral
-Children's Liturgy!!!, where they take the children away at the beginning of the mass and then return them just before the consecration of the Host,,,and on and on

However, Eric, I am a ; cradle catholic' I remember how I was a foolish youth...but I always loved my faith...even though I took it for granted. However, life has a way of kicking you in @$$. I remember being in so much pain after the death of a loved one and a painful breakup; nothing could have comforted me, but going to Confession and sitting before the Blessed Sacrament and of course going to Mass. This was years ago.

I understand all of what you are saying, but there is No Resistance here...I feel all alone, I have tried sharing and even tried to encourage my friends abroad to attend a latin mass ( yes I know the Pseudo Traditionalist) but Nada!

Anyway, I have no recourse, I still am going to church, for I NEED the Eucharist!...my question essentially is, didn't St Augustin speak against the Donatist? Am I receiving the Body and Blood of our Lord?  

Regards, Malika L.
TCK:  Please see my private response as to your situation, thank you

Dear Sir ,
 Please allow me to introduce myself shortly: I am a 40-year-old single male from Belgium and used to work as a freelance translator before a long struggle with Crohn’s disease made me finally decide to pursue the life God wants me to live. As a result, I quit my job as a translator three years ago and started a 6-month training programme to become a handy-man and broaden my working skills.
Even though I have been attending a Society of Pius X Latin Mass church for 6 years now – which I hoped would be more resistant to modern times, I feel even this small Catholic community is increasingly succumbing to the spirit of the age and is more and more lacking in fervour and vigour. As a consequence, early in 2015, I started to search for Catholic agricultural and intentional communities engaged in (re)establishing local or regional sanctuaries, where I could hopefully volunteer and perhaps relocate to if I clearly felt my calling is with them. Additionally, I have been rereading John Horvat’s Return to Order (among others books) for inspiration and have read about the Catholic Land movement, the American Redoubt movement and Rod Dreher’s Benedict Option.
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find this type of community in Europe. Most of them seem to be located in North America, and the ones that I have visited in Europe had more of a countercultural streak. That is why I would like to ask you if you happen to know other key persons or organizations that are engaged in this new Catholic Land movement/Benedict Option movement, especially if they are located in Europe.
Wishing you a reinvigorating Eastertide, I remain,
 Yours faithfully, Jurgen V
 TCK: I am not familiar with any other groups at the moment.

We have to take a class each quarter so I took a business writing class. One of the things we were "taught" is that it is sexist to say I now pronounce you man and wife but to say I now pronounce you husband and husband is acceptable.

Like Bishop Williamson says: Watch and pray, watch and pray 15 decades every day.

Regards, Mike B
TCK: Sick Masonic Public Educational System

Hello Eric, love your blog and so do my friends!  Last night before I went 
to bed I check into your blog and I thought I saw something about the 
devotion of the Holy Wounds. This morning I did not see this. Did you take 
it off your blog or am I just confused?  Thanks and keep up the good work 
on spreading the truth.  G. B.

Regards, Gloria B
TCK: It is still there.  You can search any topic on google by simply typing in tradcatknight then whatever subject your looking for...

I read in an old magazine that the rosary of the Holy Wounds had been 
suppressed by the Holy Office. The source was from I think The Passionists. 
Some think that they confused the suppression of the Divine Mercy Chaplet 
with Sr. Mary Martha Chambon's Holy wounds devotion.
Do you know of a way to prove whether or not Sr. Mary Martha's rosary of 
the Holy Wounds was ever suppressed? Some say even if it was you could say 
the prayers just that the Church at that time didn't want a lot of 
different prayers said on actual rosary beads. What source could I go to in 
order to find out, would it be listed on the old Index or something?

Regards, Mary
TCK: No I havent heard and would have to investigate.... 

 Hello,   Is there a timeframe of when the Order will be up and running?
Pax et Bonum, Thomas
TCK: When all seems lost... 

Hi Tradcatknight
In one headline for a Fr. Malachi Martin video you made sure to mention 
that you don't endorse everything he says. Is there something serious that 
I should know about Fr. Martin? thanks, Ken K.

Regards, Ken
TCK: Too easy on the V2 Popes at times for starters....
Hi Eric
I follow your blog and have a question.  Do you believe it is better to not attend Mass at all if the traditional Latin Mass is not available?  Is it more dangerous or offensive to God to not go at all?  I’m so confused and I cannot find any other Catholics following the Resistance in my area. I’m also fearful because I have children and don’t want to endanger their souls by not going at all.  I listen to Bishop Williamson and Fr Hewkos sermons and believe they preach the truth. I have not heard them specifically speak on this subject. I know they say stay away from the new Mass but what if I don't have any other Mass to attend?  I need a resistance priest to help me with this question. Can you shed any light?  It feels so strange to me to not go to Mass at all even though I understand the new Mass is no longer Catholic. I struggle with obedience to the third Commandment.
Thank you, Ellen 
TCK: I hope our phone conversation has cleared the air up :)

From the hoax at Medjugorje preptrated and kept alive by the priests in the 
Franciscan order, to the corruption of the youth via Franciscan University, 
to the adoption of the name "Francis" by Bergoglio, the name "Francis" 
always seems to be adopted by those with the specific intention to DESTROY 
the Church.  WHY??  Perhaps it is because it is St. Francis, most humble of 
all the saints in Heaven, who inherits the throne that Lucifer lost in his 
The vision of Brother Pacificus, wherein he saw and heard
that the throne of Lucifer was reserved for the humble Francis

In the morning Brother Pacificus returned to him. Blessed Francis was 
standing before the altar in prayer, and Brother Pacificus remained outside 
the choir, also praying before the crucifix. And while he was absorbed in 
prayer he was lifted up in spirit and rapt into heaven, whether in the body 
or out of the body God alone knoweth; and he saw in heaven very many seats, 
and one amongst them was raised above the others, glorious to behold, 
adorned with splendour and many precious stones, so that he marvelled at 
its great beauty, and wondered whose seat this could be. And he heard a 
voice that said: "This was the seat of Lucifer, and in his place will be 
seated the humble Francis."

When he had returned to his senses St. Francis suddenly came out to him, 
whereupon this friar fell at his feet, and stretching out his arms in the 
form of a cross, as if he already saw him on that throne in heaven, 
cried, "Father, grant me your forgiveness, and pray God to have mercy on me 
and condone my sins." Taking his hand, Blessed Francis raised him up, 
knowing at once that he had seen some mysterious vision during his prayer, 
for he spoke to Blessed Francis not as if he were still in the body, but as 
if he were already an inhabitant of heaven. Afterwards, as he did not like 
to speak of it directly to Blessed Francis, he hinted at it, as it were, 
and while talking of other things, said, "What do you believe of yourself, 
Brother?" To which Blessed Francis answered, "It seems to me I am a greater 
sinner than any one else in the world." At this instant Brother Pacificus 
heard an inner voice say: "By this may you know the truth of the vision 
revealed to you, since Lucifer for his pride was hurled from his seat, 
while Francis by his humility has merited to be exalted and gloriously 
Regards, Stacey D

Please continue to invite Msgr Perez on the show, he is one of the few 
clergy left that seems to get everything right (like Fr Hesse).
Regards, Ryan C

Eric, to your knowledge has a saint ever been declared at a future date not 
to be a saint?  If so, under what justification?
Thank you  Regards, Bill G 
TCK: No, but that will change in this modernist crisis.  Modernists cannot canonize other modernists they have no clue what it is to be a real catholic 

Hi Eric,
Thank you for this wonderful story of St. Catherine of Siena's last days and hours on earth. What an incredible and moving account. 
Betsy K.
Dear Tradcatknight, I came into the Church in 2011 I thought. So what should I do. I live in North Ga and there is not a Catholic Church around that is not Novusordo. Just want to be a true catholic. Mike
TCK: I have sent you a message to discuss via phone... 

Be sure to send your comments, messages, questions, feedback, blogs, articles, videos and latest information to apostleofmary@hotmail.com for review