"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Monday, May 9, 2016




Dear Friends and Benefactors
On August 20, 1959, Mons. D e Castro Mayer responded to the questionnaire Cardinal Tardini for the preparation of Vatican II. What he wrote at this time it applies to ours an even more urgently. Especially in its ideal formation of the clergy. He wrote in effect this: "The formation of clergy, first, should tend to produce priests who fight against anti - Christian conspiracy that reigns in the world and overturns the souls from top to bottom. If this is not so, there is fear that the priests themselves be infected by the highest in the world and end up being useless for the edification of the Christian city. "

These words of Mgr. De Castro Mayer may seem harsh on the priests who run the risk of being "infected by the maxims of the world , " but against a finding of the current apostasy of the ancient Christian societies and even of Rome, we can only approve the judgment of this great bishop. A clergy that no fight is a clergy that retracts to the vagaries of the world.
To form this clergy, Msgr. De Castro Mayer does not suggest only wearing the cassock, but also the continuation of the humanities, adding prudence with women as the world be vitiated by the naturalism that places no attention chastity and neglects the original sin. In other words, sound doctrine with the sanctity of moral piety which is the most visible sign. This is the priestly ideal of our seminary San Luis Marie Grignon de Monfort: do pastors may, by his example and his words, increase the value of Catholics against all intellectual and moral hell be able to vomit perversions.
St. Louis Marie Grignon, providentially pattern of our seminar is for us a very appropriate and imitable model to form such clerics.
We invite the faithful to pray fervently for our current candidates generously follow the path that St. Louis Marie Grignon traced to the apostles of the last times.
We assure our prayers and bless paternally,
Mons. Jean Michel Faure