Why to be a Prepper: 8 Realistic Threats you should be Ready For!
The latest from the world of health, homesteading, prepper & survivalism
Do you consider yourself to be a prepper? Are you ready to defend your house, protect your family, and protect those you love from danger?
Over the years preppers have got a bad rap. Often portrayed as tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists waiting for the end of the world, the mainstream media has done a serious disservice to those who are just trying to protect the ones they love from the very real dangers that are out there.
If you have given up on prepping, or think it’s only for those who are preparing for some end of the world disaster to strike, you need to consider these eight very real threats that everyone should be prepared for.
Prepping for a Loss of Income

One situation that’s not often talked about in the prepping community is a job loss or loss of income. While talking about zombies and asteroids slamming into the earth might be good for a website’s traffic numbers, the fact is, in terms of likely prepping scenarios a loss of income is something that everyone should be preparing for.
“The Second American Revolution – A Definitive Guide”
It’s not exciting, and it’s not something you’ll see on your favorite survival T.V. Show, but it is something that is likely to happen to you at some point in your life.- Make sure you have an emergency fund. An emergency fund will help see you through these types of events and is something you need to have.
- Start moving towards self-reliance. The more self-reliant skills you have, the better prepared you will be to survive a job loss, a loss of income, or any other preparedness threat that might come about.
- Stockpile long-term food. Having a stocked pantry goes a long way should you lose your job or face an economic emergency. Your number one goal should be building up a 3-6 month supply of food so your family doesn’t go hungry during an emergency.
Prepping for Natural Disasters

No matter where you live in this world, you are susceptible to at least one type of natural disaster hitting your area. From wildfires and flooding to earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados at some point you are going to have to deal with the consequences of one of these types of disasters.
Things to consider:
- Do you have a bugout plan? When it comes to bugging out, natural disasters are often on top of the list of reasons you may have to evacuate and leave your home. Make sure you have a solid evacuation plan.
- Do you know how to shut off utilities inside your home? During some disasters you may have to temporarily shut down power, gas lines, and water into your home. Make sure you know where these main utility shutoffs are, and make sure you have the tools to shut them down when you need to.
- Do you have emergency supplies to see you through these short-term disasters? Often time’s people will tell you to have 72 hours’ worth of supplies; I call BS on that number! You need to have a minimum of two weeks’ worth of food, water, and emergency supplies on hand at all times.
- Go Through our Natural Disasters Checklist.
Prepping for Crime, Assaults and Home Invasions.

In 2012, the latest date the government has released numbers on, the FBI estimated 1,214,462 violent crimes occurred nationwide. From criminal assaults and car-jacking to riots and home invasions, dealing with possible criminal attacks is at the top of the list of potential threats you will face.
- Prepare for social unrest. We live in a time where people are looking for any excuse to cause trouble. Riots, looting, and large-scale assaults are becoming more common — even in areas once considered good neighborhoods.
- Make sure you know how to defend your home. Home invasions are one of the most common crimes we face today; make sure you, your family, and you home are ready to face the threat.
- Consider learning how to use a firearm and carrying one for protection. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy who has one and knows how to use it.
Preparing for Fires and Floods

When we start prepping it’s easy to get caught up in a worst case scenario mentality. While preparing for the worst is a good thing, it can sometimes cause you to overlook the smaller disasters that can be just as devastating to your livelihood.
“Knowledge to survive any medical crisis situation”
Fires and floods are one of the most common disasters a person will face in their lifetime. Unfortunately it’s a threat that receives very little attention.- Conduct Monthly Preparedness Drills. One of the best ways to prepare yourself and your family for disasters and threats, as well as discover any holes in your plans, is to conduct periodic emergency safety drills.
- Get a Fire Extinguisher. When thinking about survival gear people often overlook the fire extinguisher. Knowing how to start a fire is a great survival skill, but the ability to put one out can save your life!
Preparing for Economic Disasters

With the United States now clocking it at over $19 trillion of debt — and that’s not even considering the over $220 trillion in unfunded liabilities the government keeps off the official debt record — economic problems are a very real problem that you need to be prepared for.
- Learn what you need to do to Prepare for an Economic Collapse. If you haven’t already, it’s time to put together a plan of action.
- Don’t be one of the 60% of Americans who have less than $1,000 in Savings. Whether it’s having garage sale or cutting back on useless budget items you need to start taking your economic preparedness seriously.
Preparing for Social Unrest

After the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson, and a countless number of large scale gang attacks that received very little attention from the mainstream media, there is no denying the chaos that’s spreading through the streets of America and throughout the world.
- School Shootings: Protecting Your Children from Active Shooters & Mass Shootings
- Active Shooter Situations: Surviving a Mass Shooting Incident
- How to Survive a Riot: What to do if you find yourself in the Middle of a Riot
Preparing for Terrorist Attacks

Since President Obama was sworn into office, there have been seven major Islamic terror attacks in the United States. The worldwide number of annual terrorist deaths has more than quadrupled since President Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009.
While these attacks are often ignored by the media, or classified as acts of workplace violence so the government doesn’t have to admit we were attacked, this is one threat that is not going away. In fact, future attacks will likely be bigger, cause more death and destruction, and could shatter an already troubled economy causing us to spiral into a place where nobody wants to go.
- Real-World Safety: Staying safe while at large events
- Why the FBI says Thousands of Terrorists already inside the United States
- Congressman warns Terror Cells Active inside U.S. Says Americans need to Prepare for Attacks
The Aftermath: Post Disaster Threats.

With all of these events you need to not only think about the dangers associated with the event itself but also what will happen in the aftermath.
We live in a world where people are looking to take advantage of bad situations, and with all disasters will come a number of threats that could catch you off guard should you ignore the possible aftermath. From criminals looking to take advantage of people who are already desperate and off guard, to terrorists who are waiting to strike once we are already down, there are people out there who will target people after the initial threat seems to have passed.
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Just look at what happened during large-scale disasters like Hurricane Katrina and Sandy; thousands of people took to the streets stealing, looting, assaulting people, and even raping innocent women who were just trying to survive the storms aftermath.- You need to be ready to deal with criminal outbreaks after the main event has passed.
- You need to be ready to deal with long-term power outages. After Sandy people were without power for weeks, some neighborhoods went without power for over a month.
- You need to prepare for disease outbreaks. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, one that takes out power, sanitation and municipal water supplies, there is a very real possibility of widespread disease outbreaks.
- You need to Prep for Government State of Emergencies and Martial Law Declarations.
So why prep?
When people think of prepping, they often think of people preparing for some end of the world situation or Hollywood doomsday scenario. But the truth about prepping is it’s not about preparing for some statistical anomaly, but instead preparing for the real life challenges that we are all going to face at some point in our lives; the kind of situations that feel like the end of your world if you’re not prepared.Square Foot Gardening: Organic, GMO-Free Food on Balconies, Roof Tops, Raised Beds and Acreage
Square foot gardening is an ingenious method of growing large amounts of food in a relatively small space. First popularized in 1981 by Mel Bartholomew in his book Square Foot Gardening, the technique has been adopted by gardeners looking to maximize the potential of their gardens whether they have acres of fertile land or a small balcony in a high rise apartment.
Square foot gardening involves creating a raised planting bed and dividing it into a grid of four, nine or sixteen squares. Each square will house a different fruit, vegetable or herb, and the crops are continually rotated yearly to ensure rich, fertile soil. The method is ideal for elderly gardeners or those with mobility problems as it is easy to maintain. Kids and urban gardeners are also attracted to square foot gardening and just one 4×4 foot grid can produce enough food to feed a small family. No matter what type of property you have or your level of experience, you can begin growing healthy, delicious organic food that is free from GMOs, pesticides and harmful chemicals in no time.
To start your own square foot garden you will need four lengths of wood approximately 4 feet long, depending on how many squares you would like to divide your garden into. Each crop will need a space of approximately 1 square foot. If your garden will be atop some form of soil, prepare the soil first by loosening it using a spade and spreading a generous layer of dried leaves, hay or grass on top. Water the area thoroughly, and spread large plastic garbage bags on top before leaving it to decompose for a few weeks. Alternatively, mix already decomposed compost in with the soil. If you will be growing food on a balcony or roof, make sure you have permission first from the owner or landlord, and ensure the added weight of the garden will not be a safety hazard. Gardens that are situated on cement do not usually pose any problems, but if you live in an area with heavy rainfall you may want to lay down some heavy duty plastic underneath the soil to protect against leakage. Choose a south-facing spot to ensure your garden receives plenty of sunlight.
Once you have the perfect spot, secure your planks into a box shape and then fill the box with a mixture of 1/3 compost, 1/3 spagnum peat moss and 1/3 coarse grade vermiculite. You can find all of these items at gardening stores, or you can your own compost. Fill the square with the soil mixture until it is at least 1 foot deep, and then water thoroughly. Using either some small strips of wood or thick string, mark out a grid over your square foot garden that will indicate where each crop will grow.
What to Plant
One mistake that many square foot gardeners make is to plant random seeds into each square without researching what crops are able to grow well when placed in close proximity. Certain plants will thrive when placed next to a particular vegetable, whereas others may grow poorly and fail to produce a decent harvest. Some of the most common companion plant pairings are… READ MORE HERE: http://www.jbbardot.com/square-foot-gardening-easy-peasy-organic-gmo-free-food-on-balconies-roof-tops-raised-beds-and-acreage/
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Need More Magnesium? 10 Signs To Watch For
Magnesium deficiency contributes to many different health problems. Magnesium is the second most abundant intracellular cation and the fourth most abundant cation in the body. Magnesium plays an essential physiological role in many functions of the body.Magnesium deficiency and hypomagnesaemia can result from a variety of causes including gastrointestinal and renal losses. Magnesium deficiency can cause a wide variety of features including hypocalcaemia, hypokalaemia and cardiac and neurological manifestations. Chronic low magnesium state has been associated with a number of chronic diseases including diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and osteoporosis.
Need More Magnesium? 10 Signs to Watch For -Symptoms of poor magnesium intake can include muscle cramps, facial tics, poor sleep, and chronic pain. It pays to ensure that you get adequate magnesium before signs of deficiency occur.
But how can you know whether you’re getting enough?
According to population studies of average magnesium intake, there’s a good chance that you’re not.
Less than 30% of U.S. adults consume the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of magnesium. And nearly 20% get only half of the magnesium they need daily to remain healthy.1 2 3
One method of assessing your magnesium status is to simply contact your health care provider and request detailed magnesium testing. Yet magnesium assessment is typically done using blood serum testing, and these tests can be misleading. Only 1% of magnesium in the body is actually found in blood, and only .3% is found in blood serum, so clinical blood serum testing may not successfully identify magnesium deficiency.What to do?
Fortunately, it’s possible to get a sense of where your intake may lie simply by asking yourself a few questions about your lifestyle, and watching for certain signs and signals of low magnesium levels.
Learn how to read your signs below, and find out what you can do to ensure magnesium balance and good health. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may be at risk for low magnesium intake.
1. Do you drink carbonated beverages on a regular basis?
Most dark colored sodas contain phosphates. These substances actually bind with magnesium inside the digestive tract, rendering it unavailable to the body. So even if you are eating a balanced diet, by drinking soda with your meals you are flushing magnesium out of your system.4 5 6The average consumption of carbonated beverages today is more than ten times what it was in 1940.7This skyrocketing increase is responsible for both reduced magnesium and calcium availability in the body.8 9
2. Do you regularly eat pastries, cakes, desserts, candies or other sweet foods?

Refined sugar is not only a zero magnesium product but it also causes the body to excrete magnesium through the kidneys. The process of producing refined sugar from sugar cane removes molasses, stripping the magnesium content entirely.
And sugar does not simply serve to reduce magnesium levels. Sweet foods are known by nutritionists as “anti-nutrients”. Anti-nutrients like sweets are foods that replace whole nutritious foods in the diet, yet actually consume nutrients when digested, resulting in a net loss. Because all foods require vitamins and minerals to be consumed in order to power the process of digestion, it’s important to choose foods that “put back” vital nutrients, and then some.
The more sweet foods and processed baked goods you have in your diet, the more likely you are deficient in magnesium and other vital nutrients.
3. Do you experience a lot of stress in your life, or have you recently had a major medical procedure such as surgery?
Both physical and emotional stress can be a cause of magnesium deficiency.Stress can be a cause of magnesium deficiency, and a lack of magnesium tends to magnify the stress reaction, worsening the problem. In studies, adrenaline and cortisol, byproducts of the “fight or flight” reaction associated with stress and anxiety, were associated with decreased magnesium.4
Because stressful conditions require more magnesium use by the body, all such conditions may lead to deficiency, including both psychological and physical forms of stress such as surgery, burns, and chronic disease.
4. Do you drink coffee, tea, or other caffeinated drinks daily?
Magnesium levels are controlled in the body in large part by the kidneys, which filter and excrete excess magnesium and other minerals. But caffeine causes the kidneys to release extra magnesium regardless of body status.
If you drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and soda regularly, your risk for magnesium deficiency is increased.
5. Do you take a diuretic, heart medication, asthma medication, birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy?
The effects of certain drugs have been shown to reduce magnesium levels in the body by increasing magnesium loss through excretion by the kidneys.We will learn: The Higher The Magnesium Level, The Healthier Our Arteries
Higher serum levels of magnesium may reduce the risk of hypertension by almost 50% and the risk of coronary artery calcification by 42%, says a new study.

More than 70 percent of the population have an unhealthy balance of 10 calcium to 1 magnesium in our many trillions of cells. A previous study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicated that for every 50 mg per day increase in intake of the mineral, the risk of cancer was modestly reduced by 7%.
Another notable study of more than 4,600 Americans, begun in 1985, found the risk of developing metabolic syndrome over the next 15 years was 31 percent lower for those with the highest intake of magnesium.
Data from 1,276 Mexican-mestizo subjects also indicated that for every 0.17 mg/dL increase in serum magnesium level was associated with a 16% reduction in coronary artery calcification.
While the data indicates correlation and not causation, scientists from the National Institute of Cardiology – Ignacio Chávez in Mexico City said that there is biological plausibility for the potential cardiovascular benefits, adding that the mechanism(s) may be linked to enhancing endothelial function and reducing inflammation.
One study, which combined data from 313,041 people, provides the “most robust evidence to date of the associations between circulating and dietary magnesium across their usual physiologic ranges and CVD risk”, wrote Dr Dariush Mozaffarian and his co-authors in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The results add to an ever growing body of science supporting the potential health benefits of the mineral. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists magnesium as being necessary for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, from helping maintain normal muscle and nerve function, to keeping heart rhythm steady, supporting a healthy immune system, and keeping bones strong. The mineral is also needed for blood sugar management, and healthy blood pressure.
Top Five Reasons to Consume Turmeric
Turmeric maybe the most esteemed herb in Ayurvedic medicine, Turmeric
provides a most youthful energy. In the five years we have been growing
and working with Turmeric on the farm, we have learned first-hand how
balanced its energy truly is for holistic well-being. On our medical Tea
Farm in Hawaii, we grow Turmeric and use it for everything: We soak in it, we drink it, and we put it on our booboos as a second skin. We love Turmeric.- Reduce Inflammation – Turmeric breaks up and helps the body excrete acidic foods like dairy or meat that enter the body. Turmeric reduces the inflammation caused by such toxic energy.
- Increase Circulation –Turmeric is comprised of nourishing vitamins and minerals, including iron, manganese, B6 and copper. These vitamins and minerals help circulate the blood and energize the body. Clinical studies have substantiated that it relieves Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cystic Fibrosis.
- Strengthen the Prostate Gland –Turmeric Root strengthens and balances the Root Chakra, where the prostate is located. Turmeric will help rejuvenate the prostate gland and support emotional grounding.
- Boost Immunity –Turmeric is placed outside of the homes in India to purify the air and keep the evil spirits away. They also wear Turmeric on their skin as “make-up” for both beauty and protection. As a second skin”, Turmeric is used to thwart negative energy, such as air-born disease like malaria; or emotions like anger or guilt from other people.
- Cleanse Liver – Turmeric is comprised of curcumin, which is known to rejuvenate and cleanse the liver of harmful and cancerous toxins.
We cold-press the raw turmeric directly out of the ground in order to extract the essence of the plant; and also make tea out of the dried fiber. The cured fiber in tea form is certainly more gentle to ingest, infusing the cured vitamins and minerals directly into the blood stream from the tea; while the raw juice extract is the most potent medicine for the liver and other organs, as well as easy to apply externally.
We use turmeric as a daily tonic to keep the body, mind and spirit healthy and feeling alive. As with all herbs, it works to balance your nutrition, rest and hydration.
Use turmeric to enjoy a healthy lifestyle!
Post Collapse Skills – What Do You Bring To The Table?
In the event of an economic collapse or any event that causes us to be off the grid for an extended period of time, we will have to go back to our roots, I don’t mean back when we were younger, I mean back to our grandfathers roots. Inthe worst case scenario we will need to rebuild society from the ground up. As it has always been throughout history we will need different individuals with many different skill sets to create a functioning and thriving society. So you need to ask yourself In a post collapse scenario, what do you bring to the table?
Bartering will become the new currency post collapse, and having a skill like carpentry could be a good bartering tool to have. Today we trade time for money, post collapse we will trade work for food, clothing, or anything else our family needs.
For the most part, we will not have to go back to the dark ages and live by oil lamps and ox’s pulling plows, we have the technology in place to rebuild as long as we have the right people who can find a way to make this technology work. If I am able to put together a good system to harness solar power I am going to do that rather than live by candle light. We have the tools and technology we need to make our lives easier, we just need the right people to make it work.
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One thing to consider about post collapse life will be lawlessness, the “entitleists” will always want to take what you have because it is easier, and will always be looking for a way to make a quick profit no matter how they have to do it. We will need to be able to protect the things we have stockpiled, and if we have created a stable living situation and have a sustainable food source, someone will always feel “entitled” and want to take it from you. Being able to protect what you have is just as important as having it in the first place.
Here is a list of some of the valuable skills that a society will need to have in order to rebuild and grow into a lasting, thriving community. Some skills will be more sought after than others, but having some sort of skill that enables you to bring value to a community will help you out. Someone has to clean the outhouse right?
1. Farmers
For obvious reasons a community is going to need farmers, someone knowledgeable about how to maintain a food source for an entire community. Most people will probably have their own gardens but having a large food supply would be needed if your crops did not yield enough to feed your family.2. Construction Workers
Most of us can build something that resembles a house with 4 walls and a door, but if you want to have a solid homestead you will need a good home. While over time we can learn this skill we might need to barter for a carpenters service.RELATED : Biointensive Passive Solar Straw Bale Greenhouse
3. Doctors / Medical Experience
This could be one of the most valuable skills to have, sometimes we can diagnose a problem, but sometimes it goes beyond our skill level and we need to ask advice from someone more knowledgeable than us. There could also be some sort of outbreak and we will need someone with the skill to diagnose it.4. Architects
Architects might not be very important in the early stages of post collapse life, but their skills will become more valuable as the community grows and expands. When it comes to protecting your preps and your family you will want to have your home as fortified as possible…just ask the architect.5. Gunsmiths
Just like the wild wild west guns and ammo are going to be in great demand. A blacksmith will be good for not only making new guns, but fixing existing guns and reloading ammo. Ammo could even be a good bartering tool, but I don’t think I would want to give someone something they could possibly kill me with, and ammo could be a precious commodity.6. Alcohol Production / Beer
Believe it or not there are some good uses for alcohol other than drinking, such as using it as an disinfectant and/or pain reliever. Knowing how to make beer and knowing how to make alcohol would be a valuable bartering skill to have. Used in moderation Alcohol, wine and beer are great for unwinding and moral, but there are some that will exploit this on the black market.7. Black Market
People will always have their vises, and someone will always be looking to take advantage of those vises. Anyone having alcohol or drugs will open a black market. Although anyone that is willing to trade food, water or ammo for a bottle of booze will not last long anyway. Prostitution and bootlegging will also be a big part of the black market, making these valuable “skills” as well. I hesitate to put alcohol in this category because there are some good uses for alcohol, but I think this will get exploited in a post collapse situation.8. Self Defense / Trainers
Protecting what you have will be just as important as having it in the first place, learning how to defend yourself might make someone looking to loot you look in another direction.9. Wildlife Experts
Anyone can grab a rifle and go out in the woods and hunt, but the trick is to actually come back with something. Having a skilled woodsman or two will help train the community about trapping, hunting, tracking and all around survival skills. A wildlife expert would also be able to barter with fur and meat from a kill.RELATED : Risk of Nuclear War Higher Than Ever :As weapons of mass destruction proliferate to ever more nations, the nuclear equation becomes more complex and dangerous.
10. Electricians
Just because the grid will be down does not mean we need to go back to the stone ages. we have technology in place and an electrician would be able to find a way to harness solar power, and fix some of the basic items like short wave radios, cars, lights etc.11. Teachers
Again, in the beginning teachers would not have much to offer, but as the community grows you will need to create an environment that lets kids be kids and educate them to become leaders and to insure the future growth of the community.12. Ranchers
There might not be a McDonald’s around anymore, but that doesn’t mean we need to go without a good steak. ranchers and farmers are a cornerstone of a thriving society.13. Military / Police
Some sort of police force will be necessary to maintain the peace. Crime and violence will be at its peak in the beginning, so some form of law will be needed. These people will also be needed for the bootleggers, black markets or anyone who has the means to hire them to protect their goods.14. All Around Handy Man
A handy man might not have the expertise that the blacksmith or the architect does, but a handy man could do odd jobs for a lower price than it would take to hire a more skilled person.15. Cobbler / Shoe Maker
A cobbler or shoe maker is not talked about a whole lot, but believe me, Nike will not be around and eventually your combat boots are going to wear out.16. Veterinarian
A veterinarian could be a ranchers best friend. keeping livestock, chickens and other animals healthy will be a necessity when a chicken becomes more valuable than gold…and while i’m talking about gold, don’t barter your gold, it will regain it’s value and you could be sitting pretty in the future.17. Politician
I hate to put this one in here, but the truth is we are going to need some sort of government for a society to grow. A public speaker would also fall into this category because of their ability to rally people together.18. Blacksmith
The blacksmithing skill will be very valuable post collapse. most people don’t even know what type of metal a certain job requires. Blacksmiths could also fashion weapons, knives and farming tools.19. Auto Mechanic
If a biologist could figure out a way to create a combustible fuel automobiles and farm equipment could make life much easier post collapse, but you need a mechanic to make sure these machines continue to run.20. Biologists / Scientists
We are going to need someone who will take on the role of mad scientist, and since necessity is the mother of invention, there is no better time than the present. Scientists could help doctors, blacksmiths,gunsmiths and farmers find new ways to make life a little easier.21. Engineers
An engineer could have any sort of background such as, electrical, mechanical, manufacturing to fabrication. an engineer could help the construction worker or the architect become more valuable.22. Priest
We never want to forget where we came from, and whether you are a believer or not it never hurts to have a man of god with you.23. Dentist
If you have ever had a tooth ache you know it can be one of the most annoying things in the world. aside from the annoyance it causes a rotting tooth can also cause sickness and even death.24. Grunt / Serf / Peasant
Someone will need to do the dirty work, as the society grows the ones who have prepared themselves for a post collapse society (you and I) will “hopefully” do pretty well and be able to help other “not so prepared” people by giving them work, while at the same time making our lives easier. Today we go through our younger years learning a skill to support our family’s, so i guess we can think of our prepping as going to the “Apocalypse Community College”So What Do You Bring To The Table?
As history has shown us, it takes all different sorts of skill sets to create a thriving society. from everyone from the leader of the community to the person digging trenches or cleaning the out houses, it take everyone working together to make a society function regardless of the skill you bring with you.My suggestion would be that if you don’t already have a few of these skills you might want to learn about some of them…
35 Reasons Coffee Filters are Survival Multitaskers
Obesity more than doubles in four decades, 1 in 5 humans will be obese by 2025 – WHO
In the most wide-ranging population weight study ever performed, researchers found that 266 million men and 375 million women were obese worldwide in 2014, and that these figures will get rapidly worse over the next decade.
With help from the
UN-backed World Health Organisation (WHO), Imperial College London used
more than 700 researchers to collect the weight of more than 20 million
people, for a study that is to be published in The Lancet medical journal.
They found that obesity in men has more than trebled from 3.2 percent in 1975, to 10.8 percent in 2014. In women, it has more than doubled from 6.4 to 14.9 percent. Graphs show that the process is accelerating since the turn of the millennium, and by 2025, 18 percent of men and 21 percent of women will be obese. A 6’00” person weighing over 104 kg would be considered obese, using the WHO-prescribed body mass index table.
Some 2.3 percent of men and 5 percent of women are severely obese – meaning a 6’00” person would weigh over 130 kg. In this category circulatory disorders, heart disease and diabetes are all likely, with increased possibility of cancer and other life-threatening conditions, as well as a noticeable decrease to everyday quality of life.
“The number of people across the globe whose weight poses a serious threat to their health is greater than ever before. And this epidemic of severe obesity is too extensive to be tackled with medications such as blood pressure lowering drugs or diabetes treatments alone, or with a few extra bike lanes,” said Majid Ezzati, the senior author of the study from the School of Public Health at Imperial.
In some countries the increase in obesity may be a function of economic growth, meaning that malnutrition has also gone down. Since 1975, the number of underweight men has gone down from 14 to 9 percent, and underweight women from 15 to 10.
But this is not sufficient compensation for the number of people becoming obese in developed countries, as well as developing ones, which do not have the healthcare resources to efficiently manage chronic conditions that result from the population rapidly gaining weight.
“Our research has shown that over 40 years we have transitioned from a world in which underweight prevalence was more than double that of obesity, to one in which more people are obese than underweight. Although it is reassuring that the number of underweight individuals has decreased over the last four decades, global obesity has reached crisis point,” said Ezzati.
All ten of the world’s most obese states are tiny Pacific islands, including American Samoa, Tonga and Nauru. Middle Eastern and North African states are not far behind.
The United States remains the
most obese high-income Western country, and has moved from 50th to 36th
in the world since 1975. It is followed by New Zealand, Greece and the
UK, with Switzerland enjoying the fewest obese people among its
population among all the European states.
Ranked 192nd, Japan is the
least obese wealthy county in the world, due to a combination of
genetics, good diet, and solid public policy. It is one of only a
handful of states in world, whose people have actually got thinner since
the 1970s.
Russia is 72nd on the list, fatter than it was previously, but relatively thinner, as other countries have seen their citizens swell in size.
“We hope these findings create an imperative to shift responsibility from the individual to Governments, and to develop and implement policies to address obesity. For instance, unless we make healthy food options like fresh fruits and vegetables affordable for everyone, and increase the price of unhealthy processed foods, the situation is unlikely to change,” said Ezzati.
“We need coordinated global initiatives – such as looking at the price of healthy food compared to unhealthy food, or taxing high sugar and highly processed foods – to tackle this crisis.”
They found that obesity in men has more than trebled from 3.2 percent in 1975, to 10.8 percent in 2014. In women, it has more than doubled from 6.4 to 14.9 percent. Graphs show that the process is accelerating since the turn of the millennium, and by 2025, 18 percent of men and 21 percent of women will be obese. A 6’00” person weighing over 104 kg would be considered obese, using the WHO-prescribed body mass index table.
Some 2.3 percent of men and 5 percent of women are severely obese – meaning a 6’00” person would weigh over 130 kg. In this category circulatory disorders, heart disease and diabetes are all likely, with increased possibility of cancer and other life-threatening conditions, as well as a noticeable decrease to everyday quality of life.
“The number of people across the globe whose weight poses a serious threat to their health is greater than ever before. And this epidemic of severe obesity is too extensive to be tackled with medications such as blood pressure lowering drugs or diabetes treatments alone, or with a few extra bike lanes,” said Majid Ezzati, the senior author of the study from the School of Public Health at Imperial.
In some countries the increase in obesity may be a function of economic growth, meaning that malnutrition has also gone down. Since 1975, the number of underweight men has gone down from 14 to 9 percent, and underweight women from 15 to 10.
But this is not sufficient compensation for the number of people becoming obese in developed countries, as well as developing ones, which do not have the healthcare resources to efficiently manage chronic conditions that result from the population rapidly gaining weight.
“Our research has shown that over 40 years we have transitioned from a world in which underweight prevalence was more than double that of obesity, to one in which more people are obese than underweight. Although it is reassuring that the number of underweight individuals has decreased over the last four decades, global obesity has reached crisis point,” said Ezzati.
All ten of the world’s most obese states are tiny Pacific islands, including American Samoa, Tonga and Nauru. Middle Eastern and North African states are not far behind.

Russia is 72nd on the list, fatter than it was previously, but relatively thinner, as other countries have seen their citizens swell in size.
“We hope these findings create an imperative to shift responsibility from the individual to Governments, and to develop and implement policies to address obesity. For instance, unless we make healthy food options like fresh fruits and vegetables affordable for everyone, and increase the price of unhealthy processed foods, the situation is unlikely to change,” said Ezzati.
“We need coordinated global initiatives – such as looking at the price of healthy food compared to unhealthy food, or taxing high sugar and highly processed foods – to tackle this crisis.”
The organic movement needs YOU to help spread awareness of organic agriculture vs. GMO
Over the last 20 years, the agricultural industry has slowly and
inconspicuously introduced genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to the
world, dominating the market in just a few short years, while the
majority of the public stays mostly uniformed.
Following Paul Berg's 1971 gene-splicing experiment,
which resulted in the invention of man-made DNA, or rDNA, the GMO
market took off, receiving little attention other from inside the
science community.
In 1980, the first GMO patent was issued as
the result of a court case between a genetics engineer at General
Electric and the U.S. Patent Office. The case was settled 5-to-4,
allowing the first patent on a living organism; in this case a bacterium
genetically altered to eat crude oil.
Just two years later, the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first GMO for human use,
a bacterium made to produce human insulin. By 1994, GMOs had reached
the dinner table as they entered U.S. grocery stores with the arrival of
the GM tomato.
roll-out of GMO technology was considered "revolutionary," yet
Americans wouldn't begin to understand GMOs until 20+ years later
ability to insert man-made DNA into other organisms was considered a
"scientific breakthrough," one that received a Nobel Prize, as well as
helped jumpstart what we know today as the biotech empire.
Despite GMOs
being introduced more than 20 years ago, there are still folks out
there who are completely clueless to as what a GMO is. This is
astonishing considering that by 1999 more than 100 million acres across
the world were planted with GMOs.
If GMOs are so great and lifesaving, then why didn't the public know about them sooner? The concept that eating organic
and avoiding as much exposure to toxins as possible is the healthiest
is relatively new in its popularity; however, the movement has
skyrocketed in recent years (particularly the last year and a half).
movement has skyrocketed not because the agriculture industry decided
to come clean about the dangers associated with GMOs, but because public
awareness has swept the nation thanks to new information regarding the
adverse health and environmental impacts associated with GMO technology.
How YOU can help spread awareness about GMOs
the worldwide web, social media and online discussion forums such as
Reddit, the public would likely STILL be in the dark about GMOs.
While we're currently winning the battle in terms of awareness,
what we need now is some serious pushback from the consumer. It's time
you and I demand that the food industry change its ways and stop keeping
their ingredients a secret!
Learn as much as you can about GMOs,
including both their health and environmental impacts, and start
spreading the word! Use social media to share important news articles
and discuss the issue with anyone that will listen. When informing
others, be sure to do it in a manor that's polite and respectful, as
your message will be received better.
Don't feel comfortable educating others? Direct them to well-informed food activists like Food Babe and Mike Adams (Natural News), who will provide endless amounts of information on why GMOs are ruining the planet.
Be on alert for GMO-labeling proposals in your area
up-to-date on GMO-related news in your region, as new labeling laws
continue to sweep the nation. If GMO-labeling is proposed in your
community, be sure to contact your local representatives and tell them
how you feel! This can be done either by a written letter, phone calls
or even visits to their offices.
While it can seem intimidating
at first, they are OUR representatives and here to listen to your voice.
Just a few phone calls or visits to their offices can make a HUGE
impact. When new laws are proposed, representatives are often bombarded
by lobbyists, leaving them disconnected from the public's needs and
wants. However, YOU can change all of this by making your voice heard.
You can also learn more and help spread public awareness by becoming a friend of the Cornucopia Institute's Facebook page
and sharing it with friends and family. The Cornucopia Institute is a
non-profit public interest group that "engages in educational activities
supporting the ecological principles
and economic wisdom underlying
sustainable and organic agriculture." Their Facebook page says, "Through
research, advocacy, and economic development our goal is to
empower farmers - partnered with consumers - in support of ecologically
produced local, organic and authentic food."
How To Build An Outdoor Cob Oven For $20
Martial Law Survival Strategies You Should Know
We live in uncertain times and with constant threats knocking at our doors. One day, we might live under Martial Law and although the use of Martial law should bring end to the scenario that imposed it, most of the times it will lead to further violence and chaos. The United States, like many other nations has a long history when it comes to Martial law and some fear it may soon be upon us. The current scenarios that foresee Martial law are all related to ISIS attacks that could happen on US soil. This is why you need to have a survival strategy for when Martial law hits.
What is martial law and when it is declared?It is nothing more than the imposition of military rule and a takeover of the government over a specific region. Martial law is declared when there is an imminent threat to peace and order and it can be imposed in any of the following situations:
- Uncontrollable riots and protests (Muslims protests in France are a good example, it’s just a matter of time until it happens in the United States)
- Natural disasters that are too overwhelming for local authorities (Katrina is a good reminder of what nature can unleash)
- State of war
- Insurrection or rebellion
These are the rights that are suspended under martial law:
- Right of Information
- Right of Habeas Corpus
- Right to privacy
- Right to make choices
- Freedom of Expression
Be self-reliant
Most preppers are already set to outlast any scenario that cuts them off from all the common supply lines. This is why it will be easier for them to survive when the government takes full control of everything (foods and supplies). You shouldn’t wait on the rationing done by the military and you should have your own supplies. Your supplies should last you for at least 30 days, but any prepper knows that it is ideal to have supplies that last for 12 months. Your food and water supplies will become propriety of the government under martial law.Read more: Essential pantry foods to survive the worst
Having a method to generate electricity is also ideal as you will be able to use it for many tasks (from cooking to charging your devices – UV water filters, lanterns, etc.). Try to get your hands on some portable generators, that are easy to carry and that don’t make noise, as you don’t want to attract unwanted attention. Bartering is also a good way to get what you need, stockpile on items that will give you the upper hand and increase your chances of survival. Bartering will assure your survival under martial law.
Have a bug-out bag ready
In some cases you will see the signs that alert you of martial law being imminent. And in times like these you have to take a decision, you either stay in and hunker down or you leave and go for a safer area. Some know that staying in highly populated areas is certain death and have an escape route planned out. If leaving your home is not a choice for you and your family, bugging in will be your last resort. Your bug-out bag should contain the following:- Food and water for at least 72 hours
- A first aid kit
- Pieces of clothing for all types of weather
- A sturdy pair of boots
- Flashlight and batteries
- Cooking equipment
- Navigation equipment
- Protection items: handgun, melee type weapons, stun-gun, etc.
- Radio
Stay safe
During Martial law you need to avoid areas that are exposed to social revolts and danger. You have to protect your house with an alarm system, keep it locked and secure your proprieties. Keeping a low profile by following the rules is also a good idea, but you have to think before you do it. If someone tells you to jump off a cliff, will you do it? Think before you act and decided on an individual case by case basis before rebelling against the rules. Make sure you respect the curfew, but if you don’t, make sure you have all the means to protect yourself and survive what will unfold.Related article: Home Defense at it’s finest
Tune in and listen during martial law!
During martial law, the media will be controlled by the federal government and in order to obtain valuable information you need to stay tuned to official broadcasts. You will be up to date with the imposed rules and you will be able to plan your next move. The rules will keep changing and you need to be aware of them in order to survive. You will also need to tap into HAM radio to communicate with people that are off the grid, to get the “unofficial” information. It is better to know both sides of the story before you act, we are already enough bombarded with media propaganda, the last thing you need is to be misinformed during martial law. Information is key to survival when martial law is in effect and you need to know what happens around you.Stay in shape, learn and improve your skills
This is a general rule for every prepper and it’s something that can prove useful in every crisis scenario, not only during martial law. Preparedness is nothing without knowledge and a good set of skills. You will run out of food and water, you will run out of guns and ammo, you will get hurt, then what? You need to know how to make or procure your own food, how to find and purify water, how to heal yourself and so on. These are the things that one should learn in advance and practice them with every occasion. Take some first aid courses, learn how to cook without modern means, how to hunt and fish, anything that you think, one day, may come in handy. Being able to survive on your own will also require a lot of effort, maybe you have to bug out and climbing is involved, or maybe you have to build a shelter or do home repairs, etc. All these activities will leave you weak and tired and you don’t need this during a crisis.You should never be alone, you need friends
Desperate times will require teamwork and having an alliance can become crucial for surviving under martial law. You should build a support system with your friends and neighbors. You can help each other out and it will increase your chances of survival without getting into trouble. Before you build trustworthy relationships with your neighbors you should act carefully and be certain they share the same views as you do. You don’t need a “friend” that will report you for having a stockpile of food and guns, just to save his skin when martial law hits.Related reading: How to form a survival group
Keep your mouth shut during martial law
Don’t talk about your supplies, about how well prepared you are, as it can get you in a lot of trouble. Desperate times create desperate people, and these people will do anything to survive, including harming you and your loved ones to get their hands on your supplies. This is why you need to keep it all to yourself and talk about your prepping habits only with family and close friends. In times of martial law, you never know how everything will play out and you need to be selfish, selfish about sharing information and selfish about sharing supplies. You should share only with your family and close friends and that if you have enough supplies. It might sound harsh, but it will keep you alive.Be calm and think before you act
In any type of crisis panicking will get you in trouble and you will make matters worse. The first thing you have to do in harsh times is to remain calm and carefully plan your next steps. It will make the difference between life and death and you should put your best effort to remain composed. Panicking people are seen as a threat, especially under martial law. Even the most prepared soldiers will choose to eliminate a threat rather than dealing with it and see how the situation develops. I can’t stress this enough, stay calm and think before you react. Rationality and being able to restrain your emotions will help you survive martial law.Plan your storage for a home invasion
During martial law, hoarding food, guns and ammo is restricted and the military will implement house to house searches without warrant. They will put a considerable effort into locating your supplies and they will confiscate all you’ve got without thinking twice about it. This is why it’s important to plan your storage and keep your supplies in areas of the house where it will not be easily found. You don’t want to put all your efforts into preparing so that it can go to waste in the end. You can also use the bait method, which is having a small part of your supplies “hidden” without much effort. When they find your supplies put up an act and ask them to let you keep them, they won’t, but they will not put any more effort into looking for your other supplies if you are convincing enough.Act when the time is right
In the event of martial law, when the situation is at its climax you might have to take a stand. It is your right to pick a side and no one can take it away from you. Before taking a chance and choosing a side you have to be sure it suits your personal beliefs and principals. Even more, taking a stand doesn’t mean you have to join the resistance and take it to the streets. There are always alternative ways of fighting for what you believe in, you just have to find a way to be safe and make yourself heard.Bartering for Survival in a Post-Collapse Society
It’s easy for people to think they don’t need to worry about preparing for a disaster because they have the financial resources to carry them through tough times. They’ve become accustomed to relying on money to take care of their problems, assuming their finances will help them weather any storm. What about bartering? The truth is, no amount of money will protect you if the U.S. suffers a total financial collapse, something many experts believe could happen in the near future. Peak oil, currency collapse, an EMP attack—any number of events could easily bring the country to its knees, decimating our savings or keeping them locked up in banks for months or even years. There’s also the very real possibility of inflation making our currency virtually worthless.No matter how fat (or slim) your bank account may be, it’s critical to recognize there may come a day when currency is unavailable and/or completely useless. If our economic system collapses, it’s likely that the goods we’ve stockpiled and the skills we possess will be the only things that hold any real value. In this situation, many of us will have to barter these goods and skills to survive.
To see this in action, you don’t have to look farther than Greece, where many now rely on bartering after the country’s economy came crashing down in 2015.
“In Greece there’s a major liquidity problem,” butcher Thodoris Roussos said in a recent New York Times article. Roussos trades his meat for items like tires, part of an online bartering system that’s helped him stay afloat during the crisis. “People are finding it more convenient to trade because money is not readily available,” he adds.Of course, there’s no guarantee we’ll have the Internet or even electricity in a post-collapse society, so protecting yourself in such an event means two things. First, you need to make sure you have the necessary supplies for your family’s survival. Then you’ll want to stockpile additional supplies for bartering.
For your personal stockpile, start by storing enough food and water for your family for 72 hours. Once you have that, you can graduate to storing enough for one month, three months, six months, one year and even longer. You’ll also want to collect as many non-food items as possible, such as clothing, blankets, flashlights and batteries. It’s important to stockpile these items in at least two locations, in case you’re forced to flee your home.
When you’ve covered your own family’s needs, you can start stockpiling items and acquiring skills likely to help in a post-collapse society where bartering is the only form of commerce.
Which items should you hoard for bartering? The list is limitless, but you’ll do better to focus on those items that will give you the biggest return on your investment. That is, choose items with a long shelf life that are likely to be very valuable later compared to their current cost.
The most valuable items in a post-collapse society will likely be food and water. However, trading any extra essentials from your stockpile is risky, given that we won’t know how long it will be before we can buy those items in stores again (if ever). Instead, you’ll be better off stockpiling things that others haven’t but will be in high demand, like coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and candy.
Some other items that could be valuable include:
- Gasoline and oil
- Soap
- Candles
- Tools, nails and other hardware
- Reading glasses
- Personal hygiene products
- Toilet paper and paper products
- Medicines
- Lighters, matches and other fire starters
- Flashlights and batteries
- Paracord
- Clothing
- A wide variety of non-GMO seeds.
In addition to supplies, you’ll want to consider which skills you currently have or would like to develop that would be useful in a post-collapse society. These may include:
- Medical services
- Hunting
- Farming
- Construction and carpentry
- Welding
- Blacksmithing
- Sewing
- Gun repair
- Small engine repair
- Appliance repair.
Finally, it’s critical that you take steps to protect what you’ve stockpiled. That means making sure you’ve stored up enough weapons to protect your store, and never revealing the extent of your supplies to those you barter with. If you do, you run the risk of getting robbed.
We need only look at what people endured during the 20th century’s world wars to see that when supplies get tight, people have little regard for the law or human life. In this kind of situation, you simply can’t rely on money. You’ll only have your wits, your skills and whatever you had the forethought to store ahead of time.
Hate the Dentist? Homeopathic Remedies For All Phases Of Dentistry
The homeopathic dentist is concerned about the “whole” patient not just the “hole” in the tooth. No longer should dentists be regarded as “ drillers, fillers and billers” and thankfully our previous gruesome image is becoming confined to history.
Remedies in dentistry
Although Arnica is the major remedy in dentistry (I give it to my patients routinely before and after treatment), many other remedies are in fact used: from Aconite for shock, panic and fear of dentists to Zingiber, an excellent remedy for nausea and gagging. If you have the collywobbles at the thought of going to the dentist and have to keep running to the loo, try Gelsemium, one tablet under the tongue every hour or so beforehand depending on the severity.
Homeopathic remedies are proving valuable in making treatments more comfortable. For instance, when local anaesthetics are used, Chamomilla is an excellent antidote. Patients can begin taking it every fifteen minutes after dental treatment is completed to reduce the numbness. Ledum is particularly important for people who have soreness from the local anaesthetic needle (puncture wound) in the area of the injection.
Another problem is sensitivity. Since almost any preparation of the tooth can involve minute nerve tubules, these fibres rather than the main nerve of the tooth are often sensitive after treatment. Bonding restoratives and other materials used in these techniques often cause some post-operative sensitivity. Two homeopathic remedies are beneficial here: Hypericum because of its nerve injury healing properties is also very useful after root canal therapy, and Magnesium phosphorus, which is often referred to as the “homeopathic aspirin”.
Plantago tincture is a remedy I have found most beneficial when rubbed onto or around a tooth or teeth that are sensitive to hot or cold, or applied as a “toothache tincture” into a cavity.
Long appointments
Modern dentistry can accomplish much more in less time, and it is not unusual for a dentist to do in one appointment what he used to do in half a dozen appointments years ago. The trend in modern high tech treatment is towards “cosmetic” dentistry: “Hollywood” smiles, porcelain crowns, inlays, facings and tooth whitening. These procedures improve and enhance appearance and increase confidence and can have a very positive effect on personality.
However keeping the mouth open for extended periods does cause problems for some patients. Magnesium phosphorus or Causticum may be prescribed to relieve cramping of the jaw or inability to open the mouth. Arnica should also be given if there is soreness or bruising. For a soothing mouthwash try a few drops of Hypercal (Hypericum and Calendula tincture) in a small glass of warm water to relieve dryness and make the mouth feel much more comfortable after any dental procedures, particularly those involving surgery.
Gum disease
Dental decay is not the only cause of tooth pain. Periodontal (gum) disease can be painful and is a major cause of tooth loss. Treatment can be complex and the remedies depend on your constitutional prescription and require the attention of an experienced homeopathic dentist.
Remedies for children
Chamomilla is a remedy most used for teething infants. Frustrated parents have discovered that a teething fractious baby very often falls asleep after a dose of Chamomilla. However it is better to prevent the trouble by looking out for a rise in the baby’s temperature (reddened cheeks) and not giving any milk to drink after mid-day. It is the combination of the growing tooth and the curdling of the milk in the stomach, caused by the raised temperature, that really troubles the baby. The growing tooth by itself will not be a problem. Chamomilla also helps soothe an irritable child and even children with painful abscesses respond to this remedy.
Nux vomica is indicated for children who vomit before going to the dentist. As a temporary measure to treat caries (decay) apply Plantago tincture to the cavity. For allergic reactions I would suggest trying Anacardia.
After any adjustment of braces or wires use Ruta and if the wires have cut into the cheeks or lips use Staphysagria (a good remedy if there is cutting and stitching). Calendula tincture is soothing and healing to all damaged tissue.
Oral surgery
After surgery Silica 6 twice daily is useful to help root fragments or splinters of bone exfoliate. Ruta is tremendously helpful in implant surgery, particularly when the bone is surgically prepared for the implant. If you have had implants inserted do not take Silica as this may cause the implant to be rejected.
Tension, anxiety and anger can cause tooth clenching (bruxism) which may also bring on neuralgic pain of dental origin. A number of homeopathic remedies are very useful but are best prescribed by a homeopath.
DIY emergency treatment
Fortunately, dental emergencies are not very common but the safest course is to call your regular dental surgery; they may be able to see you. If this is not possible, because the trouble occurs outside of normal working hours, or you are far from home, here are a few tips, which may help. Take one tablet, either potency 6c or 30c, if there is no improvement after ten minutes, repeat the dose. If there is still no relief consult a homeopath.
Pain and/or swelling
This must be the most common emergency after dental treatment. Arnica is the remedy here. You can anticipate trouble by always taking an Arnica tablet just before entering the surgery and taking another as soon as you leave, if there has been any treatment done under local anaesthetic, or any deep scaling.
Toothache has several remedies depending on the symptoms experienced. For example, throbbing pain will be relieved by Belladonna. If heat brings on the pain, Pulsatilla will ease it. If cold eases the pain, Coffea will help. If clenching the teeth eases the pain, Staphisagria will help. If rubbing the cheek over the tooth eases the pain, Merc sol will help.
Other remedies include:
- Aconite for toothache which comes after being out in cold dry winds.
- Arnica for where there is bruising, soreness and pain.
- Magnesium phosphate for relief from heat, pain shoots like lightening.
- Silica for toothache with swollen face and glands, abscess at root of teeth; sufferer wants the face to be warm.
- Chamomilla very useful in tincture form for acute toothache of pulpal (nerve) origin.
If you have had a tooth extracted and later in the day the socket starts to bleed, apply pressure to the wound by biting on a damp, rolled-up handkerchief and take a Phosphorus tablet. Phosphorus is indicated when the blood is bright red, which it is likely to be in this case. If the blood is bluish, then Lachesis is the indicated remedy. This latter remedy is more often indicated when there is bleeding from the gums from gum disease.
If, after tooth extraction, some infection gets into the socket and it becomes painful and a bit smelly, then Gunpowder is the remedy that will stop the pain and infection. (Soldiers in the Crimea knew about this and used to take gunpowder from a bullet if they had a gunshot wound.)
If you are ever unfortunate enough to have toothache with a gum boil which is red, swollen and throbbing, then Belladonna will bring relief. If, in the acute stage, the swelling from the abscess runs down into the neck, Myristica is an absolutely magical remedy. When the abscess has occurred before and the condition is more chronic, then Hepar sulph will quickly bring relief. It must be potency 6c. This is very important as the higher potency will make the gum boil discharge through the skin. Potency 6c makes the body’s lymphatic system drain the abscess.
These can be extremely painful. They are relieved very quickly…READ THE FULL STORY HERE: http://www.jbbardot.com/homeopathic-remedies-dentistry/
8 Effective Ways to Detox GMOs
In a
world over-run with Big Ag chemical residues and genetically modified
crops (80% or more of various crops are genetically modified), it is
more important than ever to learn how to potentially rid your body of
these toxic creations. Below are some excellent and even enjoyable ways
to rid your body of GMO toxins.
If you are
vigilant about refusing GMO foods, then you are already giving yourself
an enormous health boost and protecting yourself from countless potential complications that
genetically modified foods can cause. But even with stalwart attempts
to avoid these creations, you are likely still ingesting them when you
eat at a restaurant, take certain supplements, and even eat foods marked
‘GMO’ free – such as in the recent cases of Kellogg’s Kashi brands and Xochitl tortilla chips.
Then of course, there is the cross-pollination of many organic crops with GM varieties that only Mother Nature can control.
So what is a non-GMO eating person to do? Fortunately, there are many ways you
can get GMO toxins, pesticide residues, herbicides, fungicides, heavy
metals, fluoridated water, and metabolic toxins out of the body with a
little effort. With over 85,000 different toxins lurking in the modern
body – it is essential to take some proactive steps toward cleansing it.
Toxins begin
by moving through our blood plasma – so it only makes sense that we
wouldn’t want those toxins to recycle in our blood, but instead, move
through one of the channels of elimination – the skin, the bowels, our
urine, our bile, or through the blood itself.
Detoxing GMOs, Pesticides, and More
Here are 8 ways to detox GMOs and more:
1. Drink more Purified Water
Our water is completely rife with pesticides, pharmaceuticals,
fluoride, nanoparticles of industrial waste, viruses, bacteria, and
heavy metals from non-organic substances. Purified water, however, can
help the body rid itself of these contaminates. There are many ways to
purify water – some more effective than others, but among them are
reverse osmosis, carbon filters, ceramic filters, ozonated water
filtration, ultraviolet light, ion-exchange, copper-zinc, and distillation which is likely the best and most easily available.
2. Add Fiber and Fruit Pectins
that binds with heavy metals, pesticide residues, and other toxins to
usher them out of your body will help guard you against GMO toxins and
other unnecessary chemicals. Fiber, like psyllium husk,
or fruit pectin, can effectively help with a detox. Just be sure you
drink plenty of pure water if you going the psyllium husk route or it
well end up obstructing the gut.
3. Replace One Meal a Day with a Detox Smoothie
There are hundreds of juicing recipes out there that will help the body detox, many of them with very simple ingredients like leafy greens or fruit juices. Adding citrus like lemon or lime is also detoxing.
4. Get a Good Massage
This can be the most enjoyable way to
rid your body of toxins. The lymph system gets a boost when you get a
massage. It works sort of like a sponge: When pressure is applied to the
tissue and fat, toxins are literally “squeezed” out from in between the
muscle fibers and cells. Then they are released into the circulatory
system for easier elimination.
5. Drink Dirt
Bentonite clay is a great way to detox.
It may sound weird to drink dirt, but not if it is a special clay that
helps bind to impurities and usher them out of your body. Bentonite clay
can produce a negative electric charge once it’s hydrated, which helps
to pull heavy metals, radioactive material, and other toxins out of your
body and into your eliminative channels.
6. Drink Green Tea Instead of Coffee
Green tea
has about half the caffeine as a normal cup of coffee, and it is full of
antioxidants that help the body cleans itself from impurities. Matcha
green tea is the absolute best. In some varieties, it has up to 35
times more antioxidantsthan regular green tea.
7. Fast, Purge, Sweat
taking any additional supplements or herbal remedies, you can fast,
allowing the body to rid itself of toxins naturally. You can also
utilize ancient remedies like shatkarmas described
in yogic literature, including things like nasal irrigation or master
cleanses. You can also sweat out your toxins as they did in Indian sweat
lodges. The body is quite masterful at rebalancing itself once these
practices are engaged. You can rid your body of everything from arsenic,
to GMO toxins, to BPA and a host of other unwanted materials.
8. Add Detoxing Herbs
There are
hundreds of herbs that efficiently detox the body coming from a diverse
heritage of cultural medicinal wisdom. You can try dandelion root,
organic gum acacia, chlorella, spirulina, milk thistle, black walnut,
peppermint, and cilantro for starters. Cascara sagrada and wild burdock
root are also very effective. Additionally, try Sarsaparilla. The herb
has anti-inflammatory properties to treat the liver, diaphoretic
properties, and binds with toxins which are removed from the body through sweating.
Of course
continue to boycott companies who support Big Ag practices and prohibit
GMO labeling, and refuse to eat anything but organic and non-GMO when
you can – but also add these tried and true techniques for detox so that
you can stay healthy in a toxin-filled world.