"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

False Friends of Tradition

False Friends of Tradition
By: Eric Gajewski

Everyone seems to have a varying opinion on who holds “Tradition”.  The ultimate question is that which pertains to the Second Vatican Council.  Does this Council correspond as a whole to Tradition or not?  The answer to those who have studied Modernism and Masonry of course is no.  The others are simply ignorant or simply “hold on” to something that isn’t there.  There are many false friends of Tradition who do not want to be labeled as such but it is truth.  Quite frankly anyone (mainstream media or otherwise) who labels us as heretics/schismatics or Lefebvrists simply aren’t Catholic at all and this is the truth of the situation.  Archbishop Lefebvre said we must avoid (cannot commune with them) such groups/persons because of their infidelity to Tradition and now we have compromiser Bishop Fellay suggesting that we say something different than the Archbishop.  Let us examine.

At this point in the game in order to be truly holding on to Tradition one must be rejecting all of the errors. True friends of Tradition must reject the novelties and heresies in the Council and those subsequently taught by the Vatican II Popes but also must reject the Council specifically.  The Neo-SSPX, ICK, FSSP and the others do not do as such therefore they are false friends of tradition objectively speaking. Archbishop Lefebvre said it was poisonous to get caught up in these groups still making excuse for the council but now the Neo-SSPX tries to put a new spin on who the Archbishop truly was.  As a side note, there was a recent report by Pseudo Traditionalist Sandro Magister that the Neo-SSPX “likes” Francis in spite of all his hellish heresy.  It is such delusion in which these pseudo traditionalists rest in.  I, personally do not “like” anyone who is openly destroying the Catholic Faith.  I love them in the sense I will pray and suffer for their eyes to be open but these Modernists are sending souls to hell and these pseudo trads are simply accomplices.  

Is it sufficient to obtain the title of “traditionalist” otherwise known as Catholic by simply going to the Latin Mass?  Absolutely, not!  Our Faith is always about doctrine first.  The Second Vatican Council does not correspond to our Catholic Faith but rather a modernist’s new one.  The Second Vatican Council does not correspond to our Gospel but rather the Sillonist’s as Pope St. Pius X warned.  These people whether Pope, prelate, priest or laity following the Second Vatican Council are simply not Catholic (objectively speaking). The Social Justice Program of Vatican II is the same as the New Age Maitreya’s.  The problem of not knowing the difference between the Novus Ordo Religion of Vatican II and the Catholic Religion still remains the main problem.

And so while the Pseudo traditionalist’s still try and fit in to something not Catholic (many of them still attending the new Mass) real Catholics who can see clearly as eagles keep exposing and keep their distance from the poison.  There is overwhelming evidence that Bishop Fellay is a pseudo traditionalist and the direction the Neo-SSPX has taken the last few years is only proof.  We have uncovered his errors enough here at TradCatKnight.  The point of this short piece is to once again reaffirm that the majority who label themselves “traditionalist” or one who holds to the Tradition of the Church simply are not and do not. It is painful to hear for those who do not agree but unfortunately it is in our disagreement on Doctrine and often times over the New Mass which will keep us from you and for good reason (in light of knowing compromise is grievous sin). Father Gruner once spoke of the “false friends of Fatima” and now I speak of all these “false friends of Tradition” who do not help the Church but only harm it in the end.