"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Resistance Sermons for January 2016

Resistance Sermons for January 2016

Here are the latest sermons from the Catholic Resistance. 
These come in no particular order.

 TradCatKnight Exclusive: The Resistance 

Bishop Williamson on Liberalism & Communism

Fr. Richard Voigt sermon - San Antonio Seguin TX

His Excellency Bishop Williamson on Modernism

 His Excellency Bishop Williamson - Sacrament of Confirmation on Feast of the Holy Family in Goa, India on January 10th 2016

Fr. François Chazal Jan 26, 2016

Sermon and Update on the traditional Catholic Resistance

Paul Kramer: 'El Vaticano está dominado por la masonería

New Resistance Chapel & Website!

Sermon Padre Ribas January 31st 2016 

Sermon Padre Pfeiffer January 31st 2016 

Sermon Feast of Saint Timothy Catechism January 2016

Sermon Padre Pfeiffer the harvest is freat the laborers few

Sermon Padre Hewko 3 Sermons January 2016 

Sermon Padre Hewko I Will Reing In Spite Of My Enemies January 2016 

Sermon Padre Pfeiffer Septuagesima Sunday January 24th 2016 

Sermon Padre Hewko Septuagisima Sunday January 2016 

Sermon Padre Pfeiffer The Mother of Jesus is there; our only hope January 16th 2015 

Sermon Padre Hewko Feast of the Epiphany January 6th 2016

Sermon Padre Hewko Feast Day of the Holy Family January 10, 2016

Sermon Padre Ruiz 2o Domingo despues de Epifania Enero 1, 2016

Sermon Padre Hewko No compromise! January 17th, 2016 

Sermon Padre Hewko Saint Marcel I January 17th 2016 

Sermon Padre Hewko January 17th 2016 


Sermon Padre Hewko The Three Kings January 9th 2016 

Sermon Padre Pfeiffer January 9th and 10th 2016 

Sermon Padre Hewko Feast of the Epiphany January 6th 2016

Father Pfeiffer Sermon January 16, 2016

Fr. Voigt January 16, 2016 Sermon - Audio Only 

Fr. Voigt January 1, 2016 Sermon - Audio Only 

Fr. Voigt Mass - January 17, 2016 Syracuse, N.Y. 

Fr. Voigt January 23, 2016 Sermon - Audio Only 

Fr Voigt Feast of Christ the King 2015 Mass Syracuse, N Y 

Fr. Voigt January 24, 2016 Sermon - Audio Only

Fr. Voigt January 3, 2016 Sermon - Audio Only 

Fr. Hewko Mass - January 1, 2016 Syracuse, N.Y.

Fr Hewko Sermon January 1, 2016 St Catharines, ON 

If you have videos, blogs and information related to the Resistance please send an email to apostleofmary@hotmail.com