"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

False Prophet: Welcome to the New Time

False Prophet: Welcome to the New Time
Know thy Enemy! 
Latest (Master Jesus or Yeshua Ben Joseph) Message.  
More support for "Pope" Francis!

Welcome, welcome to the New Time, the New Age of Oneness. Many today are frightened by the onset of the New Age, but let them look carefully at what is happening and they will see the coming together of some of the most gifted exponents of change.
Currently there is in the world a group of wise individuals showing humanity the new situation. Among others, Pope Francis is a unique expression of the people’s ideal, and close to his people. The Dalai Lama, too, is playing a powerful role on behalf of the people he represents.

Never before has such a group of gifted representatives been gathered together at one time to show humanity that all is well, and that men everywhere have little time to wait to see the fulfilment of their dreams. They bless each day that passes and brings their love close to the hearts of men everywhere.
Love them too in return and embrace them in the name of the Coming One (Maitreya). Turn your fears into loving expectation and await the new time in the bliss which is yours by right. It is not long, not long until you see the wonder of His face, until you know the joy of His presence and His love for all. Then you will know why you are in incarnation at this special time.
God bless you and forever banish your fears.


Excerpts from Share International magazine Jan / Feb 2016

Q. What exactly do you mean by economic collapse? Are we talking about such a serious situation where we won’t be able to take out any money that we may have in our bank account at all? Or just bigger amounts of money? Surely those who have a few thousand pounds will be able to take that out, or would you advise us to rather take all the money out of the bank?

A. An economic collapse usually refers to banks and other large corporations, not to private individuals.

Maitreya "Star" is referring to Planet X

Maitreya’s ‘star’

Dear Editor,
We live on an island in the Indian Ocean. On 26 December 2015, around 00.42hrs, we thought we saw Maitreya’s star. We wanted to film it but, unfortunately, my husband’s portable phone battery was flat. We were able to observe the star carefully as it was moving slowly. It was quite bright, different from the other stars. Its colour was a brilliant yellow. We made a search on Google in hope to find out what it could be, and found the articles about Maitreya. We immediately understood that this was the star we’d seen. We were surprised. We have a strong belief in Jesus Christ and are wondering why the star appeared to us.
D.and C., Baya, Mauritius Island.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the object was Maitreya’s ‘star’.)

 New Age once again referencing "Pope Francis" in their apologetics!!

Wise words

The Pope and the Dalai Lama echo Maitreya’s priorities

Share International gives extracts below from recent speeches and writings by the Pope and the Dalai Lama.
In this month’s article, ‘Welcome to the New Time’, Benjamin Creme’s Master refers to “a group of wise individuals showing humanity the new situation”, and among them He singles out Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama. According to Benjamin Creme, they are doing the work of Maitreya and helping to sway public opinion by their tireless example.

Pope Francis

“Thanksgiving for the past year”
Retracing the days of the past year may happen either by remembering facts and events that bring back moments of joy and sorrow, or by seeking to understand whether we have perceived the presence of God who renews and sustains all things with his help. We are called upon to ascertain whether the course of world events has been carried out according to God’s will, or whether we have primarily heeded the plans of man, often rife with private interests, an insatiable thirst for power, and gratuitous violence.

Today, however, our eyes need to be focused in a particular way on the signs that God has conveyed to us, so as to physically touch the strength of his merciful love. We cannot forget that many days have been marked by violence, death, the unspeakable suffering of many innocent people, of refugees forced to leave their homeland, by men, women and children without stable shelter, food and sustenance. Yet, many great gestures of goodness, love and solidarity have filled the days of this year, even if they did not become television news. Good things do not make headlines. These signs of love cannot and must not be obscured by the contempt of evil. Goodness always wins, even if in certain moments it seems weaker and obscure.
(Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis, Vatican Basilica, 31 December 2015. Source: vatican.va)

“Nothing is more important than to choose what pleases God most, his mercy”
Nothing is more important to choose than “what pleases God most,” namely, His mercy, His love, His tenderness, His embrace, His caresses!....
This is the objective that the Church sets for herself this Holy Year. Thus, we will reinforce in ourselves the certainty that mercy can really contribute to the building of a more human world. Especially in these our times, in which forgiveness is a rare guest in the ambits of human life, the call to mercy is more urgent, and this in every place: in society, in institutions, in work and also in the family….
But it is necessary to keep in mind that, at the root of the forgetfulness of mercy, there is also self love. In the world, this takes the form of the exclusive search of one’s interests, of pleasures and honours joined to the desire to accumulate riches, while the life of Christians is often crossed by hypocrisy and worldliness. All these things are contrary to mercy….
I hope that, in this Holy Year, each one of us will experience God’s mercy, to be witnesses of “what pleases Him most.” Is it of the naive to believe that this can change the world? Yes, humanly speaking it is of the foolish, but “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” (1 Corinthians 1:25)
(Pope Francis: General Audience in St Peter’s Square, 9 December 2015. Source: zenit.org; radiovaticana.va)

Marching in unity

Dear Editor,
On Sunday 29 November 2015, Share International co-workers from groups in the South of England met to join an estimated 50,000 people on the Climate Change march in London. People from all walks of life and ages were represented, with a few in marine costumes and some characters from the stage production of The Lion King. The speeches were led by songs from the Scandinavian Arctic First Nation, who also walked at the front of the demonstration.

 Maitreya in the guise of an Indian holy man at the London Climate Change March, 29 November 2015.

At the end, we walked back to Parliament Square outside the Palace of Westminster, where I saw a portly, white-bearded Indian holy man dressed in silver and gold ceremonial robes. He moved about the people, talking to some of them. I wondered who he was and left our little group and went towards him. I asked: “Do you have a message for us?” He replied: “Message? I don’t have any message. I am, I just am. We are all interconnected, all together in unity. We are life! We are love!” Then he turned to talk to another person. I returned to our group and a co-worker wondered if there was a possibility of taking his photograph, so together we returned and he gave his permission. She asked the holy man where he lived and he replied that he lived in everyone’s heart. She also asked him why he was wearing a necklace of 13’s. He replied that it was a symbol that appears in all sorts of guises; in the OM, the Christian Cross incorporates 13 in that the lower, longer arm is one and then three additional upper arms. It can be seen in mandalas and everywhere in Nature; it is a universal number.
Would you kindly ask your Master if he was anyone special? Is there a blessing at the bottom of the photo?
S.P., Ashurst Wood, West Sussex, UK.
Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that the encounter was with Maitreya in the guise of an 'Indian holy man'. The light on the photograph is a blessing.

Signs in the Skies = PROJECT BLUEBEAM

Signs in the skies

 13 January, photographer Amy Langley in Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii

Mechaele Loraff in Buchanan, Michigan, stopped her car to photograph an unusually beautiful sunrise on 13 January 2016.


On 30 October 2015 
a bright white shape appeared in the sky over Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine.


New Age "claiming" false visionary sites...

An image of the Madonna on a pane of glass at the Transfiguration Catholic Church in Marietta, Georgia, USA. It appeared on 12 December 2015, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A parishioner was at the church when the image appeared. He wrote: “We started praying and singing songs to Our Lady of Guadalupe, and immediately felt peace and smelled the perfume of roses! Someone noticed a very bright sun ray and in front of our eyes her image appeared in the window.” (Source: cbsnews.com)
(Benjamin Creme’s Master confirms that this is a miracle manifested by the Master Who was the Madonna.)


Do you not see how close we are to the False Prophet's Arrival? 
He is the setup man to Maitreya 
The Vatican II "Social Justice Program" is the SAME as Maitreya's! It is Socialism...