"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Saturday, December 5, 2015

RoyaumeFrance: What would a Catholic Monarchy in America look like?

RoyaumeFrance: What would a Catholic Monarchy in America look like?

Below the King and Queen who, being necessarily Catholic in religion, are masters of diplomacy, head of the Armed Forces for the protection of the Kingdom, and the hereditary masters of the Kingdom in all matters legislative and judicial, we have the following:
The Chamber of the Great Orders
  • First Great Order – the Clergy who are responsible for ensuring that the royal family and the laws of the land are aligned with Catholic teaching and that the royal family is both responsible and responsive to the Holy Father, the Pope in Rome in all matters of faith and morals.
  • Second Great Order – the Magistrature which is responsible for administering justice in the name of the King and Queen.
  • Third Great Order – Universities and Education which would be established to ensure an independent educational system, free from the influence of corporations, financiers, and revolutionary elites,  and maintaining the ideals of subsidiarity whereby the family is the core and central unit of society and the social unit responsible for the education of their own children. This Order will promote life-giving culture, arts, and entertainment in addition to protecting the educational system from negative outside influences and the power of money.
  • The Fourth Great Order – Social Charity which, working distinctly from private corporations and centralized government bureaucracies, will establish local and regional charitable organizations that aid in helping the poorest of the poor and those most disadvantaged. The royal family will be the visible head of this noble Order.
The Chamber of the States, similar to the modern House of Representatives, whereby the King’s subjects throughout the land voice their concerns through freely elected representatives.
The Council of the Kingdom, similar to the modern Senate, whereby the royal family appoints the wisest, most distinguished, and most Catholic-minded women and men in the kingdom to serve as a sounding board for royal decisions. The Council of the Kingdom would freely remonstrate with the King and Queen to ensure that the Kingdom remains free and organized through Catholic faith and morals and by the principles of Catholic social teaching.

The state and local principalities,
under the protection and care of the Royal Family, exercise a significant level of democratic freedoms. Within the well designed parameters of Catholic morality and social teaching, the states would have governors who are appointed by the Monarch with a state legislature freely and democratically elected by the subjects. At the local principality level, the subjects of the Kingdom would freely and democratically elect their local leaders.

In sum, the Monarchy would bring peace, order, justice, and freedom under the Natural Law and through Catholic social teaching, all in submission to the Social Kingship of Christ and His Church, which is the seed of the Kingdom of God on earth.