Planet X approaches
Signs in the Sky, Meteorite Hits Iran
Luke 21:11
And there shall be great earthquakes in divers places, and pestilences, and famines, and terrors from heaven; and there shall be great signs.
And there shall be great earthquakes in divers places, and pestilences, and famines, and terrors from heaven; and there shall be great signs.
Iran has confirmed that a meteor has hit somewhere in the northern part of the country.
The meteor landed in Avaj in the province of Qazvin, Mohammad Ali Ahani, director of Qazvin Crisis Management Staff said, Mehr news agency reported July 31.
Also, there have been reports that some pieces of rock have hit areas in Eshtehard, Alborz Province, Arsalan Qasemi, governor of Boeen Zahra, county in Qazvin Province, said.
Another local governor of Takestan County, Qazvin Province, said that the area witnessed the passing of the meteor, but nowhere in the district under his supervision had been hit.
The meteor landed in Avaj in the province of Qazvin, Mohammad Ali Ahani, director of Qazvin Crisis Management Staff said, Mehr news agency reported July 31.
Also, there have been reports that some pieces of rock have hit areas in Eshtehard, Alborz Province, Arsalan Qasemi, governor of Boeen Zahra, county in Qazvin Province, said.
Another local governor of Takestan County, Qazvin Province, said that the area witnessed the passing of the meteor, but nowhere in the district under his supervision had been hit.
NEWS FROM IRAN. Multiple locations report damage. Also, Iran
city hits suffocating heat index of 165 degrees, near world record. This
165 reading, recorded at 4:30 p.m. local time Friday, comes one day
after the heat index soared to 159 degrees (70 Celsius) in the same
Serious Meteorite Impacts/IRAN UPDATE
Nasa releases images of strange shaped asteroid that passed just 4.5 million miles from Earth last weekend
collage of radar images of near-Earth asteroid 1999 JD6 was collected
by Nasa on July 25, 2015. The images show the rotation of the asteroid,
which made its closest approach on July 24 at 9:55 p.m. PDT (12:55 a.m.
EDT on July 25) at a distance of 4.5 million miles - about 19 times the
distance from Earth to the moonNasa has captured images of a peanut-shaped asteroid as it made its closest approach to Earth last weekend.
The bizarrely-shaped asteroid appears to be what is known as a contact
binary, which is an asteroid with two lobes that are stuck together.
The images show the rotation of the space rock, named 1999 JD6, which
made its closest approach on July 24 at 9:55 p.m. PDT (12:55 a.m. EDT on
July 25).
The asteroid remained at a distance of about 4.5 million miles (7.2
million km), or about 19 times the distance from Earth to the moon.
'Radar imaging has shown that about 15 per cent of near-Earth asteroids
larger than 600 feet (180 metres), including 1999 JD6, have this sort of
lobed, peanut shape,' said Lance Benner, who leads Nasa's asteroid
radar research program.
Earth flyby of 'space peanut' captured in new video
To obtain the views, researchers paired Nasa's 230ft-wide (70-metre)
Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, California, with the 330-foot
(100-metre) National Science Foundation Green Bank Telescope in West
Using this approach, the Goldstone antenna beams a radar signal at an asteroid and Green Bank receives the reflections.
The technique, referred to as a bistatic observation, dramatically
improves the amount of detail that can be seen in radar images.
The new views obtained with the technique show features as small as about 25 feet (7.5 metres) wide.
The individual images used in the footage were generated from data collected on July 25.
They show the asteroid is highly elongated, with a length of
approximately 1.2 miles (2km) on its long axis. The film spans a period
of about seven hours, 40 minutes.
This week's flyby was the closest approach the asteroid will make to Earth for about the next 40 years.
The next time it will approach Earth this closely is in 2054, at approximately the same distance of this week's flyby.
Data from the new observations will be particularly useful to Sean
Marshall, a graduate student at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
'I'm interested in this particular asteroid because estimates of its
size from previous observations, at infrared wavelengths, have not
agreed,' he said.
'The radar data will allow us to conclusively resolve the mystery of its
size to better understand this interesting little world,' he said.
Despite the uncertainty about its size, asteroid 1999 JD6 has been
studied extensively and many of its physical properties, as well as its
trajectory, are well known.
It rotates in just over seven-and-a-half hours and is thought to be a relatively dark object.
Asteroid 1999 JD6 was discovered on May 12, 1999, by the Lowell
Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search, located in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Fireball turns sky green over Argentina
A massive fireball soared through the sky over Argentina, triggering a
wave of social media posts. The mesmerizing show, which lasted just a
few seconds, colored the sky green.
The bright object could be
clearly seen from Argentina’s capital of Buenos Aires. Other reports of
the dazzling display came in from Brazil’s southern state of Rio Grande
do Sul, as well as neighboring Uruguay.MOMENTO en el que cae Meteorito en Argentina | Luz verde INCREÍBLE 30/07/2015
Meteor explosion caught on camera in Santa Cruz, California
By Marc Donahue
While shooting some timelapses, we saw a huge bright flash in the sky.
It even lit up the entire ground. We looked up and saw a huge streak
across the sky of burning dust.
I did the calculations and the dust fell from the sky for at least 50
frames of my timelapse. Each exposure was 15 seconds long, so that means
the burning dust fell for 12.5 minutes. CRAZY!!! This was shot at Shark
Fin Cove just north of Santa Cruz on July 21st, 2015 by
Meteorite Explosion - Santa Cruz, CA 7-21-15
Meteor captured streaking through Jervis Bay sky, Australia
not every day you get to see, let alone photograph, bioluminescence and
then throw a meteor into the equation. But that is what Vincentia
photographer Maree Clout has managed to capture.Up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's a meteor.
And let's just throw in a bit of bioluminescence for good measure.
That's exactly what Vincentia photographer Maree Clout managed to capture at Jervis Bay last Wednesday night.
Along with Corinne Le Gall, whose superb photograph of bioluminescence
on display in Jervis Bay featured in Wednesday's South Coast Register,
Ms Clout spent three nights last week trying to capture the natural
During one of her 15-second exposures Ms Clout also managed to capture a meteor among the star laden night sky.
"It was just this huge green fireball streaking across the sky," she said.
"It was quite slow. I have seen faster ones.
"It was really green and as it burnt out at the end sparks were coming off it."
She said it was a real "I-hope-I-got-that moment".
"My hands were shaking as I pressed the review button and there it was in all its glory.
"Quite often when you look at a photo it may not be as good as you hoped. But this looked great."
Ms Clout has previously captured a meteor at Bolong while doing a night
sky shoot but said this photo was the result of hours of painstaking
time and great investigative work by Corinne.
Maree's stunning photo was shot using a Canon 6D on a tripod, with a
Canon 16-35mm lens with a 15 second exposure at 2.8 with an ISO of 2000.
Bright flashes seen in the sky and loud bangs heard in Bundaberg, Australia
Police don't know what it was, and neither do Bundaberg's firies.
But Elizabeth Ottoway says something caused her house to shake at about 8.30 Tuesday night.
Ms Ottoway said she was waiting for a friend to come over when she heard a bang.
"It sounded like it could have been something big," she said.
"It shook my house.
"It was like a dull thump."
The West Bundaberg mum said she then saw what looked like a "huge fire" that looked like it was coming from town.
"I'm not sure if it goes hand-in-hand or if it was sugar cane burning or smoke from the sugar mill," she said.
Another Bundaberg man, who didn't want to be named, said he saw a bright flash light up the sky at The Hummock at about 10.30pm.
"I was on the balcony enjoying a late supper when a flash of light caught my eye in the northern sky," he said.
He said the light was similar to the bright flash of a camera.
Bundaberg Police said they had not received any reports of fires or loud noises in the region on Tuesday night.
A spokesman for the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service also said they hadn't received any unusual reports during the evening.
Alloway Observatory's Mac Jonsen said while he had no specific knowledge of cosmic activity coming to earth during the evening, it was certainly possible that meteors could cause loud sounds and shaking.
"They have been known to come through roofs," he said.
And he said they didn't need to be big to put on a show.
"Half an inch around can still light up the sky," he said.
"They can look massively impressive when they're actually just a tiny thing.
"A massive amount of stuff comes into the earth all the time."
Mr Jonsen said it could just be a case of being lucky enough to spot something when it happened, as reports were not uncommon.
He said keen observers could keep an eye on the skies with the annual
August Perseid meteor shower due in our skies in a matter of days.
The shower should put on a display of about 50 meteors per hour from about August 9-13.
A spokesman for Geoscience Australia said there were no earthquakes on Tuesday night.
"I can happily say we've had no earthquakes since Monday," he said.
He said at this stage, any additional aftershocks would probably be too small to be felt in Bundaberg.
The region has been the subject of seismic activity in the past week,
with the latest known small earthquake striking off the coast of Fraser
Island on Monday night.
It followed two stronger earthquakes in about the same location, one of
which hit on Saturday at 1.38pm about 133km off the coast of Rainbow
Beach with a magnitude of 5.7.
The other, measuring 5.2, shook the region on Thursday.
Meteor/Fireball Sightings U.S./Brazil/Argentina/Australia
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Eric, use 8 r=drops of oil of oregano for your throat,,,GOD BLESS.