Doctrinal Preamble must be signed for "full recognition"
real Catholics aka traditionalists rejecting Vatican II need to accept
Vatican II to be called Catholic OR Modernist Rome repent and lose their
new impotent humanitarianism (religion)? Catholics must wait in
patience for the chastisements this is Gods "Intervention" plan to wake
up these heretics occupying our buildings.

The prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) has said that the October meeting of the Synod of Bishops must avoid “reducing the word of Jesus and the teaching of the Church.”
In an wide-ranging interview with, Cardinal Gerhard Müller spoke about the challenges facing the Synod, the reported apparitions at Medjugorje, the efforts to reconcile the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), and his own role at the Vatican’s doctrinal agency.
The Synod, in discussions of marriage and family life, will strive to give the faithful a renewed understanding of the meaning of marriage and publicly committing oneself to another person,” the cardinal said. “There needs to be a review of the preparation and guidance processes for marriage.”
Cardinal Müller confirmed that the CDF will meet in the fall to weigh a report on the Medjugorje phenomenon, and make a recommendation to Pope Francis. The Pope will make the final decision on any formal pronouncement about the authenticity of the Marian apparitions that have been reported there, he said. He said that the CDF is studying a thorough report on Medjugorje, prepared by a special committee that was created by Pope Benedict XVI and led by Cardinal Camillo Ruini.
Regarding talks with the SSPX, the cardinal said there are no “major updates,” but the talks continue. He said that "Pope" Francis has directed the CDF to continue, with “tenacity and patience,” to seek ways to reconcile the traditionalist group with the Holy See.
Question: It has been strikingly quiet recently regarding the Society of Saint Pius X. Are the attempts to find an agreement suspended or postponed?Finally, Cardinal Müller sought to deflate speculation that when he said the CDF exists to provide theological “structure” for statements by Pope Francis, he was implying some tension between his office and the Pontiff. The cardinal explained that the CDF exists to offer theological advice and support to the Pope. “Personally, to the Pope lies deep within my heart and has done so throughout my life,” he said.
Mueller: Regarding this question, there is no substantial new development. The Holy Father wishes that we keep trying: “con tenacia e pazienza” – “with decisiveness and patience.” The precondition for a full reconciliation is the signing of a doctrinal preamble in order to guarantee a full agreement in the essential questions of the Faith. In the past months, there were encounters of different ways which are meant to strengthen the mutual trust. – Translation by Maike Hickson
Some of the “more” from the Vatican Insider article:
Pope Francis’ recent visit to Latin America “shows that the Church needs to strive for a real liberation theology”, a theology that “is not ideologically aligned but seeks the good of mankind and of society,” Müller said, underlining that the book he co-wrote with Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutierrez with a preface by the Argentinian Pope himself, “is a sign in this direction”.Additional sources for this story:
Meanwhile, the “long and patient dialogue” with the US nuns of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) concluded with an apostolic visitation, which yielded a
“positive result” white-wash, the German cardinal added.
•Müller: Synod must address family issue without reducing the word of Jesus (Vatican Insider)
•”Keine Abstriche von der kirchlichen Lehre” (
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