“They went out and took counsel against him” (Mt.12:14)
By: Fr. Campbell
But at the mention of the word “conspiracy” people back away laughing, although conspiracy has been part of human history since the day the devil tempted Eve. Even at this late date many people are unwilling to believe that the deterioration of our society is due to the elaborate plotting and scheming of the enemies of God, of His Church, and of mankind itself. Oh, everything “deteriorates” given enough time, doesn’t? Don’t blame those “nice guys” out there, those “men of good will.”
But there must be some reason why the United States of America has fallen to the sodomite agenda, as has Canada, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and most other countries. That’s just it – the sodomite agenda. “A right is a right,” they say, calling for the legal recognition of same-sex marriages. Will someone now come forth to champion the rights of other purveyors of perversion? They are already at work! The way is now open for the total disintegration of human society, where wrong will be considered right and right will be considered wrong. “Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil,” says Isaiah, “that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. Woe to you that are wise in your own eyes, and prudent in your own conceits” (Is.5:20,21).
Of course, the rot didn’t begin yesterday. The United States and virtually every country fell to the secular humanists long ago. God is no longer Judge. His Commandments are under judgment by the world. All governments rail against God and His Anointed One, Jesus Christ, as the psalmist foretold: “Why do the nations rage and the peoples utter folly? The kings of the earth rise up, and the princes conspire together against the Lord and against his anointed: ‘Let us break their fetters and cast their bonds from us!’” (Ps.2:1-3).
How do they do it? What we have is a conspiracy of the various secular interest groups working to overthrow traditional norms and values, as we see in this report from Riccardo Cascioli, explaining why pro-life NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are excluded from some U.N. meetings. (For “plan” read “conspiracy”):
“Obviously there is a plan, promoted for many years, to exclude NGOs from the decision-making process in the different agencies and commissions of the U.N. The reason is simple: there are powerful anti-birth, pro-abortion, ecology and homosexual lobbies, which are trying to present reproductive rights – abortion and contraception – as fundamental human rights, and to destroy the family by equating homosexual unions with any other kind of union. The strategy consists in creating international documents that point in this direction so that they can become instruments of pressure in the different countries that have the opposite legislation. From this point of view, NGOs that favor life and the family are ‘enemies’ that must be excluded, so as to avoid obstacles” (Rome, June 29, 2005, Zenit.org).
This is only one of the reasons why this is happening all over the world. But none dare call it conspiracy!
We need not be surprised that the same rot has overtaken the priesthood, and that malefactors are protected by Church officialdom from the top down. The Catholic Church, always the defender of truth and justice, has been the prime target of the conspirators, who have infiltrated the ranks of the clergy and have been promoted to the highest offices of the Church. But they are in for a surprise. Rome is not the Church, and the Vatican is not the Church. They are part of the Church’s external structure that has been riddled with anti-Church conspirators like a building riddled with termites. But as St. Athanasius said about the Arian heretics who almost prevailed against the Church in the fourth century: “They’ve got the buildings; we’ve got the faith.”
Lest we believe that all of our institutions are failing us, let us remember that the Holy Catholic Church is a divinely founded institution, founded by Jesus Christ, Who is Head of His Body, the Church. Like her Master before her, the Church is the victim of a satanic conspiracy that seeks to destroy the Church as it sought to destroy her Lord:
“And I was as a meek lamb that is carried to be a victim: and I knew not that they had devised counsels against me, saying: Let us put wood on his bread and cut him off from the land of the living, and let his name be remembered no more” (Jer.11:19). “But the Pharisees went out and took counsel against him, how they might do away with him” (Mt.12:14). “And bearing the cross for himself, he went forth to the place called the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgotha, where they crucified him…” (Jn.19:17,18).
The true Church is now “as a meek lamb that is carried to be a victim,” undergoing its own crucifixion in imitation of her Lord. The Church is in eclipse, as Our Lady foretold at La Salette, it is not destroyed. And through the intercession of her Immaculate Heart it will triumph in the end. In the meantime we take comfort from the words of St. Peter, our first Pope:
“Beloved, do not be startled at the trial by fire that is taking place among you to prove you, as if something strange were happening to you; but rejoice, in so far as you are partakers of the sufferings of Christ, that you may also rejoice with exultation in the revelation of his glory. If you are upbraided for the name of Christ, blessed will you be, because the honor, the glory and the power of God and his Spirit rest upon you… For the time has come for the judgment to begin with the household of God;… Therefore let them also who suffer according to the will of God commend their souls in well-doing to a faithful Creator” (1Pet. 4:12-13;17;19).
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