"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Friday, July 17, 2015

Fr. Rocque (Neo-SSPX): The TLM Mass May Be Celebrated in the Venacular??

By: Non Possumus (loosely translated)

As if we needed to provide further proof that the Neo-SSPX is poisoned...
When will people see past the pseudo-piety routine and keep things on level of doctrine?
We must not commune with compromisers of our Faith. Avoid the pseudo traditionalist groups

Before 2012 there were very abnormal things in the SSPX. In December 2006, the Brotherhood made ​​a DVD to teach priests novus ordo to celebrate the Traditional Mass. The DVD mentioned was accompanied by the following letter from Father de la Rocque, director at the time of the letter to our brother priests:

Dear Father,

Further to your request, please find enclosed a copy of the DVD that allows learning Tridentine rite of Mass. It will propose a repetition, then a celebration of the Mass according to the rite. To help you keep track of this film, the DVD a booklet containing the ordinary call of the Missal of St. Pius V with his initials attached. Everything is presented in both French and Latin.

It is important to know that although this DVD proposes learning Latin, the Tridentine Mass can also be celebrated in the vernacular. In 1965, an edition of the Roman Missal proposed a French translation Likewise, introducing the servandus ritus edition 1962, it provides for the Mass facing the people if need be. If Benedict XVI arrives to liberalize the rite, it seems possible progressively introduce in parishes without a blow shake the habits of his parishioners.

Finally, from a practical standpoint, I thank those who have made ​​payment of this DVD, or supported by a grant dissemination. I also thank those who, getting this film made ​​the payment. Recover funds allow us to proceed to a second embodiment, for this time no longer learning the gestures and rituals, but their symbolic and liturgical explanation.

Hoping that this new film can be carried out this year, I present all my wishes for 2007 and I assure my priestly devotion to the service of the Church our Mother.

Father P. de la Rocque.

Who is Father de la Rocque?

Father Patrick de la Rocque was ordained in Ecône in 1992. In 1996, Msgr. Fellay named former candidates for the priesthood in the seminary of Flavigny. In 2002, the Superior General did prior of Toulouse and since 2008, Nantes. He was director of publication Letter to our brother priests, intended to produce ties with the French modernist clergy, and since 2006 was responsible for conducting the DVD for learning the traditional Mass for the official clergy.

Confidant of Msgr. Fellay, he appointed a member of the Theological Commission of the SSPX in conversations with Rome, and in 2013 put him in charge of Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet (the center of the apostolate of the SSPX with the highest number of faithful worldwide), which eliminated the masses annually by Franco and Primo de Rivera. It also was responsible for notifying the Marie-Laetitia, Dominica, that on the orders of Bishop de Galarreta, it would be denied communion. Sr. received members of a community Ecclesia Dei in the Choir of San Nicolas de Chardonnet, and -clear - a member of the GREC, reports the P. Lelong in his book "In the necessary reconciliation": "The presence here of a Morerod P. and P. de la Rocque, helped to confirm that it was possible to identify points together convergence and divergence points, which was already an important step. (p. 136).


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