By: Atila Sinke Guimarães
In his 3,744 word speech (38 minutes) to the European Parliament (EP) on
November 25, 2014, Pope Francis did not mention even once the name of
Our Lord Jesus Christ of whom he is the Vicar on earth. Probably he
omitted that Sacred Name in order not to “offend” the sentiments of the
Freemasons who strive to replace the glorious Christendom of the past
with a New World Order, whose most expressive symbols are the EP and the
UN. (Check the original text
This conjecture is probable, given that when Francis was in Jerusalem in May 2014, he hid his pectoral Cross likewise in order not to “offend” the rabbis, who deny Our Lord and are the heirs of those who crucified Him.
This conjecture is probable, given that when Francis was in Jerusalem in May 2014, he hid his pectoral Cross likewise in order not to “offend” the rabbis, who deny Our Lord and are the heirs of those who crucified Him.
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In his long speech to the European Parliament, Bergoglio did not mention the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
In his long speech, he mentioned the name of God four times in contexts
where the word could be replaced by “the Great Architect of the
universe” and, therefore, be easily accepted by his audience. Here are
the excerpts:
- “To speak of transcendent human dignity thus means appealing to human nature, to our innate capacity to distinguish good from evil, to that ‘compass’ deep within our hearts, which God has impressed upon all creation.”
- “This strikes me as a very apt image of Europe and its history, made up of the constant interplay between heaven and earth, where the sky suggests that openness to the transcendent – to God – which has always distinguished the peoples of Europe, while the earth represents Europe’s practical and concrete ability to confront situations and problems.”
- “I am likewise convinced that a Europe … will be all the more immune to the many forms of extremism spreading in the world today, not least as a result of the great vacuum of ideals which we are currently witnessing in the West, since ‘it is precisely man’s forgetfulness of God, and his failure to give him glory, which gives rise to violence.’’
- “Each of us has a personal responsibility to care for creation, this precious gift which God has entrusted to us.”
Kalergi & the European Union
At this point, a reader could object: “You are assuming the EP indisputably represents the ideals of Freemasonry, a presupposition you did not prove. So, either prove it or be quiet.” In fact, without proof offered on my part, the objection would be valid. Then, let me pause to do so, before returning to the papal speech.
The pioneer of the present day EP was Count Kalergi (Richard Nikolaus von Coundenhoven-Kalergi; 1894-1972). In 1922, he was reportedly accepted in the Masonic Lodge Humanitas in Vienna. That same year he launched the Pan European Union. Very soon after its birth the movement was financed by Louis Rothschild, Max Warburg, Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch.
In 1923, Kalergi published the Pan-Europa manifesto; in 1924, he founded the Pan Europe journal, and from 1925 to 1928, he published his great three-volume work Fight for Paneurope. The first Congress of the Pan-European Union took place in 1926 with 2,000 delegates. At this Congress Kalergi was elected president of its Central Council, a position he held until his death in 1972. The European Freemasonry supported the movement.
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President Truman, above in Masonic apparel, adopted the ideas of Count Kalergi, below, as the official policy of the United States regarding Europe |
With the rise of Nazism – which preached the primacy of the German race and, therefore, went against the ideal of the European Union – Hitler attacked the movement as Masonic and persecuted Kalergi. He fled first to Czechoslovakia, then to France and, via Switzerland and Portugal, he ended in the United States as a professor at New York University. This part of his life inspired Hollywood to portrait the hero in the movie Casablanca.
After the war, Harry Truman read an article by Kalergi and adopted his ideas of a United Europe as an official policy of the United States. In November 1946, Kalergi sent an inquiry to all of the European parliaments requesting a gathering to promote the union of Europe. This inquiry gave birth to the European Parliamentary Union, which met for the first time in 1947.
Besides all these initiatives that establish Kalergi as the effective founder of the EP and the European Council, in 1955 he also proposed Beethoven’s Ode to Joy as the European Anthem, which later on was also adopted by the European Union.
Now, the inconvenience of having Kalergi as the father of EP was that everyone knew that he was a Mason and that his successful endeavor was identified with the ideals of Freemasonry. Thus, to tidy up this ideal and distance it from its obvious source, another entity with identical goals, but composed of different men, was created and is presented today as the origin of the European Parliament and the European Council.
This new look of the origins of the EP is based on an economic-political post-WWII agreement that some nations made to prevent Germany from exploiting its own coal and steel in fear of a possible rebirth of its war industry. In 1950 French minister Robert Schumann made a Declaration that is considered the founding document of the European Coal and Steel Community. On January 1, 1958, an assembly of that Community signed the Treaty of Rome, which renamed the organization the European Commission. Its assembly became the European Parliament.
Despite this deviation, it is not hard to realize that the EP accomplishes the centuries-old plan of Freemasonry to establish the European Union as an indispensable step for the Universal Republic. (1)
So, when Pope Francis affirms that the EP must be faithful to the spirit of its founding fathers, he is indirectly referring to the spirit of Count Kalergi as well as the other promoters of a One World Order.
Francis praises the EP founders & encourages its ideals
In the introduction of his message to the EP, Bergolgio announced himself to be a follower of the ideals of the founders of the institution. He assured its members he wanted to address the EP precisely in order to encourage its members to increase their ardor in defending the dignity of man:
“It is a message of encouragement to return to the firm conviction of the founders of the European Union, who envisioned a future based on the capacity to work together in bridging divisions and in fostering peace and fellowship between all the peoples of this continent. At the heart of this ambitious political project was confidence in man, not so much as a citizen or an economic agent, but in man, in men and women as persons endowed with transcendent dignity.’”
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Francis went to the EP to increase its declining revolutionary ardor |
As he prepared to conclude his address, Pope Bergoglio again lent all possible prestige to the EP founders:
“Europe urgently needs to recover its true features in order to grow, as its founders intended, in peace and harmony, since it is not yet free of conflicts.”
But, the papal eulogies were not restricted to the EP founders. He also exalted universalism as a criterion of approval for any individual, regional or national interest. Anything that is not universal – tending to universal fraternity – should be banned as an unbearable harm to democracy and a treacherous promotion of multinational Capitalism. Indeed, Francis affirmed:
“The true strength of our democracies – understood as expressions of the political will of the people – must not be allowed to collapse under the pressure of multinational interests which are not universal, which weaken them and turn them into uniform systems of economic power at the service of unseen empires. This is one of the challenges which history sets before you today.”
Thus, in brief, we have Francis who goes to an organ of the Universal Republic, conceals his mission as Vicar of Christ, but uses the prestige of his position to encourage the members of the European Parliament to be more ardent in accomplishing the ideals of Freemasonry to which they are committed.
Not a word about Our Lord, not a word about the Catholic Church, not one single attempt to convert those members.
How can we be surprised that Freemasonry and its lackeys don’t miss one opportunity to praise Bergoglio?
Please Note: TradCatKnight does not view Francis as Pope but rather Benedict XVI
Jason Craig describes the Church as did Augustine: "Being a son also makes you a brother. By being a brother with Christ (co-heir) you are also a brother with all of his brothers." Worshipers in "Spirit and in Truth," the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. Though "the Shepherd is struck and the sheep are scattered" the Church prevails in this time of Mercy. We pray for great conversions!
ReplyDeleteCould you please provide sources for the claims that Rothschild, Warburg and Baruch financed the pan-european union and that Kalergi was a freemason?