(Resistance) Cardinal Brandmüller on the SSPX & Vatican II
By: Non Possumus (loosely translated)
In the "informal meeting" with Cardinal Brandmuller and the SSPX, the issue to be addressed will be the special status of Vatican II - the authority of their documents, their interpretation and atypical nature of "pastoral council" as the secret note Menzingen. Given that the Card. Brandmüller even wrote a book about the Vatican and the hermeneutics of continuity, and that Bishop Fellay accepted the call hermeneutic of continuity in its Doctrinal Statement April 2012, it seems that both sides have many points in that match.
But make no mistake: this ploy of "informal meetings" the doctrine is not as important as the SSPX impose the liberal and modernist principle of DIALOGUE. Indeed, what matters here is not what you talk but the fact of talking peacefully to dialogue. The exchange of more or less conflicting views regarding the Vatican or other similar materials is just an excuse or occasion, because what these meetings are meant the acuerdistas, is accustomed to the Fathers of the SSPX to sit down and talk cordially destroyers of the Church.
Besides that, it is entirely predictable that these "informal meetings" once "broken the ice" and "overcome the old prejudices" dangerous and improper relationships of trust will be generated between certain traditional liberal prelates and priests sensitivity of the Fraternity.
So, by the work of Bishop Fellay and other traitors acuerdistas, the fraternity is subject to the strategy of "grip" of which we have spoken before : pressed from the top and from the bottom, you converse with the modernists level General Council but also and simultaneously at the local level of mere priories.
For those who do not want to close my eyes, this is ultimately a very cunning operation gradual rapprochement between the SSPX and Rome with a view to the agreement.
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We present this interview with Cardinal published in CNS (excerpt):
German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller and Italian Archbishop Agostino
Marchetto spoke to reporters on May 21 (2012) after presenting the book
they wrote with the Father Nicola Bux The Keys of Pope Benedict XVI to interpret Vatican II ".
three scholars wrote extensively about how the Vatican II must be read
in continuity with the previous teaching of the Church and have
frequently criticized theologians, priests or other Catholics watching
too much novelty in the council.
In the book, Cardinal Brandmuller said the SSPX and Old Catholics who reject the Pope infallible teaching of Vatican I "have in common the rejection of legitimate developments of doctrine and life in the church."
While Cardinal describes the Old Catholics as having a "minor role" in global Christianity today, said the vitality of the SSPX force to church "to demonstrate that their protests are not justified. We can only expect this to happen. "
Asked about this passage in the book, Cardinal Brandmuller told reporters: "We hope the Pope's attempt to reunite the church succeed."
to keep in mind is the different degree of acceptance and obedience
that Catholics due to the different types of Church teaching, ranging
from absolutely embrace teaching in the creed to accept the principles
of Catholic social teaching and try to implement in a variety of
political and social situations, said the cardinal, who is the former president of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences.
"There is a huge difference between a constitution" as the constitutions of the Church of Vatican II, the liturgy and divine revelation, "and mere statements," as the statements of Vatican II on Christian education and the media .
"Interestingly, the two most controversial documents" for the SSPX -the religious freedom and relations with non-Christians "have no binding doctrinal content, so you can discuss them," said the cardinal.
"There is a huge difference between a constitution" as the constitutions of the Church of Vatican II, the liturgy and divine revelation, "and mere statements," as the statements of Vatican II on Christian education and the media .
"Interestingly, the two most controversial documents" for the SSPX -the religious freedom and relations with non-Christians "have no binding doctrinal content, so you can discuss them," said the cardinal.
"Then do not understand why our friends SSPX focus almost exclusively on these two texts. And I'm sorry to do so, because these are the two that are more readily acceptable if we consider its canonical nature "as nonbinding he said.
Of course, said the cardinal, all documents of the council, including the two statements, "must be taken seriously as expressions of the living magisterium", the official teaching of the Church that has been further developed under the pontificates of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Of course, said the cardinal, all documents of the council, including the two statements, "must be taken seriously as expressions of the living magisterium", the official teaching of the Church that has been further developed under the pontificates of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
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