"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth.... [Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Vatican Does Not Expect a Capitulation from the SSPX
Vatican Does Not Expect a Capitulation from the SSPX
Commission "Ecclesia Dei" -Secretary Pozzo: There is "no doubt"
that the teachings of Vatican II have a different binding, depending on
the nature of the document. SSPX could expect to return with personal
Vatican (kath.net/RV/red)
Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission 'Ecclesia Dei' has
said in an interview with the French magazine 'Famille Chrétienne' that
the Vatican will require no capitulation from the controversial SSPX
Pius X. This was reported by "Vatican Radio". "The Holy See invites the
SSPX to take its side into the framework of doctrinal issues, insofar
as they are essential for a permanent attachment to the faith and to
Catholic teaching and tradition," said Pozzo. Currently, there are
obviously continuing talks with the SSPX. The Secretary of the
Pontifical Commission then stressed: "The reservations of the SSPX over
some aspects and formulations of the Second Vatican Council and to some
of the reforms carried out that do not concern non-negotiable dogmatic
and doctrinal issues may be simultaneously further studied and
With that Pozzo signaled that the SSPX could retain some peculiarities
when they have been inserted back into the large frame of the Catholic
Church. There is "no doubt" that the teachings of Vatican II have
different bindingness, depending on the nature of the document. "The
Constitutions of the Church on Revelation, Lumen Gentium and Dei Verbum,
have the character of doctrinal pronouncements; the explanations of
religious freedom and non-Christian religions as well as the ecumenical
decree, on the other hand, have less authority and less bindingness."
The CDF has presented the SSPX in 2011, with a "Doctrinal Statement.";
this they should sign if they want a full return to the Catholic Church.
Pozzo let them know in case of a reconciliation with Rome the SSPX
could expect the status of a personal prelature. He also confirmed that
the Vatican - as during the pontificate of Benedict XVI. - insists on
unchanged clarity on the part of the SSPX. The conversation between the
Prefect of the CDF, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Bishop Bernard
Fellay went well according to Pozzo.
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