Synod Covered II....
"On the synod's discussion, the summary said, "Where there is religious fundamentalism and Christians do not enjoy equal rights with Muslim citizens, there are often difficult problems for families in mixed marriages."
TCK: When you hear "fundamentalism" being used by a Conciliarist assuredly you are hearing a modernist speak. It is to be rejected as a Catholic. As a Catholic we do not respect other false religions which send souls to hell.
Belgian bishop urges Synod to adopt moral relativism, charges pro-family group
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Antwerp Bishop Johan Bonny |
Voice of the Family, a coalition of pro-family and pro-life groups holding meetings with bishops in Rome, has hit back firmly against suggestions by Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp that they say leaves the decision on the nature of marriage up to “the subjective decisions of couples.”
In his 22-page open letter, published on his diocesan website September 1, Bonny called on the Synod to establish the primacy of personal “conscience” above the natural law and a “proportional” approach to moral decision making."
Black Pope: "There can be more Christian Love in An Irregular Pair, Than in One, Which Has Been Married in the Church"
(Rome) Giacomo Galeazzi of Vatican Insider conducted an interview with Father Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the approximately 18,000 Jesuits worldwide. The General of the Jesuits provost is also called "Black Pope" because of the contrast to the white robe of the Pope, while the Jesuits have no habit, but wear the cassock of secular priests. At least that's the theory. But above all, for a fourth vow, the Jesuits owe allegiance to the Pope. "There can be a more Christian love in an irregular pair, than in one that was married in the Church," Nicolas said at the beginning of the interview. documented the full interview with the Superior General of the Jesuit order, which one of the three synod is participating as a representative of the Catholic Order of the Synod.
More modernist bile spews forth from Francis' mouth...
Another day and Francis reveals more of the modernism he so loves. Touching on a subject once again which translates into English as "God spray",
Francis gives us this gem of modernistic trash:
"He accompanies us and teaches us to pray. And our prayer should be Trinitarian. So often [people ask]: 'But do you believe?': 'Yes! Yes! '; 'What do you believe in?'; 'In God!'; 'But what is God for you?'; 'God, God'. But God does not exist: Do not be shocked! So God does not exist! There is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, they are persons, they are not some vague idea in the clouds ... This God spray does not exist! The three persons exist! Jesus is our companion on the journey who gives us what we ask; the Father who cares for us and loves us; and the Holy Spirit is the gift, the extra gift from the Father, that our consciousness does not dare to hope for".
Previously on 18 April 2013, Francis introduced the attendees of his Novus Ordo Missae at Casa Sancta Marta to the concept of "God spray" during the homily. As reported by the Official Vatican Network:
"But who is this God you believe in?"
"An ‘all over the place - god, a 'god-spray' so to speak, who is a little bit everywhere but who no-one really knows anything about. We believe in God who is Father, who is Son, who is Holy Spirit. We believe in Persons, and when we talk to God we talk to Persons: or I speak with the Father, or I speak with the Son, or I speak with the Holy Spirit. And this is the faith. "
Francis distances himself from ‘very conservative’ bishops...
ROME – In an interview released on the opening of the Synod on the Family, Pope Francis distanced himself from “very conservative” bishops, adding however that he enjoys "debating" them as long as they are "intellectually well-formed."
In an interview with the pope, published October 5, reporter Joaquín Morales Solá at Argentina’s La Nacion newspaper asked if he was “worried” about the recent book by five cardinals opposing Kasper’s proposal, titled Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church. Morales Solá said to the pope that the book is “critical of your positions.”
Francis “doesn’t answer” the question directly, according to Morales Solá, but says, “Everyone has something to contribute. I even enjoy debating with the very conservative, but intellectually well-formed bishops.”
Synod is split on issue of divorce...
The Vatican spokesman said participation peaked during yesterday afternoon’s session but the Synod is not counting how many are “for” or “against” communion for remarried divorcees. Meanwhile, Cardinal Coccopalmerio presented some ideas on how to make the marriage annulment process simpler.
Synod14: Summary of 7th General Congregation
The seventh general congregation of the synod of bishops, which took place this morning, Thursday, was divided into two phases: the first consisting of further general debate on the theme of the previous afternoon, “Difficult Pastoral Situations” (Part II, Chapter 3. Situations in Families / Concerning Unions of Persons of the Same Sex”, and the second regarding the subsequent issue, “The Pastoral Challenges concerning an Openness to Life”.In the first part, therefore, the Assembly continued its reflection on the matter of access to the sacrament of the Eucharist for divorced and remarried persons. Firstly, it re-emphasised the indissoluble nature of marriage, without compromise, based on the fact that the sacramental bond is an objective reality, the work of Christ in the Church. Such a value must be defended and cared for through adequate pre-matrimonial catechesis, so that engaged couples are fully aware of the sacramental character of the bond and its vocational nature. Pastoral accompaniment for couples following marriage would also be useful.
At the same time, it was said that it is necessary to look at individual cases and real-life situations, even those involving great suffering, distinguishing for example between those who abandon their spouse and those who are abandoned. The problem exists – this was repeated several times in the Assembly – and the Church does not neglect it. Pastoral care must not be exclusive, of an “all or nothing” type but must instead be merciful, as the mystery of the Church is a mystery of consolation.
Read the whole article:
Church prepares 'pastoral earthquake' on divorce, gays...
Vatican City (AFP) - Participants in a landmark review of Catholic teaching on the family suggested on Monday that the Church adopt a more positive perspective on the relationships of cohabiting, divorced and gay couples.
Senior clerics handpicked by
Pope Francis to draw conclusions from the discussions within an ongoing
Vatican City synod of bishops from all over the world issued a working
paper that said many saw "positive aspects" to relationships currently
officially regarded as "irregular". Those included same-sex partners,
unmarried couples, or civilly married couples in which one or both
partners is divorced.
In what
one prominent Vatican expert described as "a pastoral earthquake", the
clerics suggested in the paper that the Church should reach out to these
"Homosexuals have
gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community. Are we capable
of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our
communities?" asks the paper, which was produced as a kind of
summing-up of a first week of discussions in the Vatican.
Cardinal Marx: Exclusion is not the language of the Church, the debate remains open...
“Exklusion ist nicht die Sprache der Kirche!” Exclusion is not the language of the Church! Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich, President of the German Bishops’ Conference and a member of the 9-member Council of Cardinals, gave an overview of the Synod debate that is taking place the day before the Synod Fathers vote on the final document, the relatio synodi, tomorrow afternoon. In the daily briefing in the Vatican, he and the President of the French Bishops’ Conference, Mgr. Georges Pontier, stated that the debate will continue beyond Sunday, which is the last day of the Extraordinary Synod, until the Ordinary one in October 2015. The same principle of openness and free expression of opinion will apply during the Ordinary Synod.
Modernist Benedict XVI to attend Modernist Paul VI’s "beatification" ceremony...
"We can expect the presence of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI at the beatification of Paul VI Sunday," said the Vatican spokesman, Fr. Federico Lombardi. Benedict was created cardinal by the Italian Pope along with two others Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns and Cardinal William Wakefield Baum. All three will be present at the beatification ceremony.
Bishops revolt against Synod manipulation: Only 3 in 10 support Kasper proposal, says Cardinal Pell...
Cardinal George Pell, a leading voice for "orthodoxy??" in the ongoing Synod of Bishops on the family in Rome, has said that small group of “radicals” has failed in their attempt to push the Synod to accept homosexuality, cohabitation, and other changes of Catholic moral teaching.
Cardinal Pell said, “We’re not giving in to the secular agenda. We’re not collapsing in a heap. We’ve got no intention of following those radical elements in all the Christian churches including some of the Catholic Churches in one or two countries and going out of business.”
“If people are heading in the wrong direction, it’s no virtue for the Church to say that’s good. A lot of people that are outside and don’t accept our views will welcome it,” he said. “But certainly not the people in the pews, the good people.”
TCK: You cannot follow Vatican II and objectively speaking call yourself a Catholic for it is a modernist new twist on the Catholic Faith. (Below) More "Pseudo-Mercy coming from the modernists who "love" man too much(over inflated human dignity).
“Mercy is neither do-goodery nor weakness” says the Synod’s Special Secretary...
"What is the path that has opened up from this moment until the Synod in October 2015?
“Above all, I foresee that this path is going to be a calm one. There is a great deal of faith in the local Churches, in listening, in considering various possibilities, in examining things further and finally in proposals. There is a need for great freedom of expression and for us to listen in the spirit of truth and of charity, continuing in the footsteps of this Synod.
Modernist double-talk
“As far as I recall, everything that was said during the debate was reported faithfully. In any case, the final text is clear about the Church opposition to marriage being equated to same-sex unions. At the same time, however, it is welcoming and does not discriminate.”
Blessed Paul VI called for Church “to adapt ways and method to the growing needs of our time”
TCK: He sure did and in the process re-interpreted the whole Catholic Religion into a subjectivist modernist one.
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“On this day of the Beatification of Pope Paul VI, I think of the words with which he established the Synod of Bishops: “by carefully surveying the signs of the times, we are making every effort to adapt ways and methods… to the growing needs of our time and the changing conditions of society”. Pope Francis has declared his predecessor Giovanni Battista Montini - who was Bishop of Rome from June 1963 to August 1978 - Blessed. In the homily he pronounced at today’s mass which he concelebrated with all the Synod Fathers, Francis spoke once again about the path taken by this first Synod on the Family.
Francis beatifies Blessed Paul VI, the 'great helmsman' of Vatican II...
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Modernist/liberal Paul 6th who taught many heresies including right to religious liberty |
"Facing the advent of a secularized and hostile society, ("Blessed Paul") could hold fast, with farsightedness and wisdom -- and at times alone -- to the helm of the barque of Peter," Francis said, in a possible allusion to "Humanae Vitae," the late pope's 1968 encyclical, which affirmed Catholic teaching against contraception amid widespread dissent.
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