By: Hugh Akins
News of the firing of Fox superstar-icon Glenn Beck is being received by unthinking Catholics, Christians and patriots as the greatest moral outrage since 9/11. “This poor persecuted patriot.” “So hated by the Jews.” “A genuine martyr for the cause of freedom.” “A real American hero.”
also predicted that Fox News would eventually fire him and that his
Zionist handlers would subsequently make a martyr out of him, furthering
their evil cause.
The following is taken verbatim from one of the parts of the soon-to-be-released Synagogue Rising that had to be omitted from the text in order to streamline the book for practical reasons.
master manipulators once again get the dumbed-down American public to
fall for yet another of their mass-deceptions as part of a meticulously
engineered psychological warfare campaign against the simple-minded
television addict who foolishly permits the likes of Glenn Beck to
poison his/her thinking is certain to remain misinformed, confused and
cemented in Rabbinic lies, even while believing they have all the
answers and remedies for all the wrongs in the world. Such massive mind-conditioning is frightening.
For all the talk about the New World Order, Glenn Beck is one of its most energetic and effective facilitators. How so? One reason: he’s a fanatic warhawk for Israel. Nothing
is driving the world faster into the Judaized New World Order than the
aggressive and genocidal wars we are fighting for Israel.
reason this wholly Judaized court-jester is given so much coverage in
the Jewish-controlled media – Fox is no less Zionist than all the other
purveyors of disinformation – is because he is one of them, notwithstanding all the impassioned claims to the contrary. A
Mormon by creed, Beck is therefore linked to Talmudic Freemasonry,
which is and has always been under Judaic inspiration and control. With
an estimated 2-3 million viewers per night, the “king of conservative
porn” would not be in the national spotlight and raking in millions of
dollars from misinformed conservatives from coast-to-coast if he were
nearly as true-blue conservative and anti-Big Government as he makes
himself out to be.
there was anything we might agree on with the radically subversive
hate-peddlers of the Southern Poverty law Center (SPLC), it’s their
concern regarding the upsurge in new “patriot” organizations in the past
year. In its March 2, 2010 report, “Rage on the Right:
The Year In Hate & Extremism,” we learn that “an astonishing 363 new
patriot groups appeared in 2009, with the totals going from 149 groups
(including 42 militias) the year before to 512 (127 of them militias) – a
244% jump.” [2]
Why should true patriots be alarmed over this development? Because the majority of these newly formed groups are part of the controlled opposition, intentional or otherwise. Like
Fox News and Glenn Beck, their mission is to deceive, divert,
discredit, demonize – in a word, neutralize – moral-minded citizens who
would otherwise stand against the Rabbinic Tyranny that is right now
fastening the final chains about the American people.
you can be sure that Mr. Beck and Fox TV have a far different agenda
than what those who’ve become hypnotized by all their lies hold to be
true. Their agenda is ISRAEL’S agenda, it’s quite simple and quite obvious. And on the top of the list is the rabid push for war with Iran and more support for Israel and an ever escalating war on terror on Israel’s behalf. Make no mistake about it. This
high-strung and pompous con-artist, comedian, showman,
pseudo-conservative is no Moses, but no less a Mossad asset than Abe
Foxman of the ADL is a Mossad agent, only less conspicuously so. And
because the fact is more cleverly disguised, he is the more effective
and hence the more dangerous traitor. At least Foxman is honest enough
to openly stand for anti-Christian Talmudism. Beck is the greater deceiver whose task is to lead the whole of conservative/moderate-liberal middle
America into the Zionist camp under the pretext of defending American
and Israeli democracy and standing against Marxist and Islamic
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Beck sporting some "Illuminati wear"... |
“This is actually sort of entertaining in small doses. But in bigger doses, not so much.” [3]
scam consists of a vast media effort, the left collaborating with the
right as always, to project Glenn Beck as a persecuted enemy of the
liberal establishment rather than an invaluable stooge of that same
Talmudic establishment’s Grand Design for America and the world. Even
the Jews, whom Beck serves with undying loyalty, criticize him in
public in order to maintain the deception (as they now do with Obama). By
portaying His Lordship Mr. Beck in this light, as an anti-Semite, he is
lionized as a martyr/hero for “the cause” which is certain to galvanize
more support for him and therefore secretly for International Jewry’s
anti-Christian conspiracy. This is exactly what is happening. Michael Hoffman explains:
Beck couldn’t be more of a slave of the Talmudic mentality if he wore a
kippah (skullcap) and carried a copy of the Talmud Bavli onto the Fox
News set. He follows their script 99% of the time. But it’s that one percent of independence that troubles any slave-master.
“(1) Beck is not supposed to use ‘Holocaust’ parallels. ‘Holocaust’ is a trademark of the Master Race of Holy People and they have a proprietary relationship with it. (2) Beck cannot criticize any certified ‘Holocaust’ saint. St. George Soros is one such Holy Person.
the pea under the shell: with this controversy, Zionists show
themselves as independent of Beck and Beck gets to appear as a thorn in
the side of Zionism – even though Beck is a fervent war-Zionist who
doesn’t just kiss Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s feet, he
kisses each of his toes…Watch for ‘useful idiots’ in the right wing
start to refer to Beck as being ‘courageous as Father Coughlin’ and
someone who is beginning to wake up about the ‘Jews.’” [4]
We predicted months ago that Beck may well get “fired” by Fox to really dramatize the “persecuted martyr” false image. Now
that Beck’s termination with Fox has been made official, we may well
see him take a more active role in the Tea Party movement, making more
public appearances, giving more public talks to standing ovations of
unthinking masses who actually believe him an independent and a voice of
traditional conservatism. We recently saw a similar
tactic employed in the termination of Keith Olbermann from MSNBC, who is
said to be Beck’s counterpart on the left. Right, left,
centrist, Beck, Olbermann – they’re all on the same side: the side of
the Elders of Zion, Masters of America and the world.
An article titled “Glenn Beck the Socialist” [5] does a poor job of exposing his Rabbinic, socialist, statist, Big Government proclivity, [6] no matter how much rhetoric is spent focusing on the opposite. But it does speak a single truth in observing that some folks “view him as a phony usurper of the freedom movement.” He is exactly, emphatically that.
those who do not have their head buried in the sand, ostrich-like, Mr.
Beck is as predictable as the rotation of dawn and dusk. Yet Beck’s rhetoric
is always for less government intrusion in our lives, less federal
regulations in the market, less state encroachments upon our liberties,
less cultural and political communism, less Islamism...he will even
throw in a word or two about God for all the religious fanatics among
his vast throng of wide-eyed devotees. Truly the man is a “saint,” is he not?
defenders are quick to point out that he has invited on his show such
genuine patriots as Dr. Ron Paul and G. Edward Griffin. This, we assert, is only to keep up the masquerade that he himself is a principled and leading conservative who can be trusted. But a closer look betrays a horse of an altogether different color.
is certainly brilliantly cunning in the way he will manipulate the few
genuine conservatives on his program; most cunning in the way he, not
his guests, will direct and dominate the dialogue, in the way he will
allow certain truths to be disclosed only to totally dismiss them in
drawing his typically false conclusions, in the way he will permit the
discussion to go only so far before he will cut off his guests from
speaking of the real issues, the real dangers, the real culprits, the
real answers to our nation’s greatest ills.
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Beck sporting some more "Illuminati wear" |
Glenn Beck can be counted on to avoid, whitewash or misrepresent the truth. We
read that, in the same show which featured Mr. Griffin, expert on the
Federal Reserve and author of the most comprehensive expose on the Fed
ever produced, The Creature from Jekyll Island, Beck did most of the talking and Griffin could hardly get a word in. Beck reportedly mocked the idea that a Rothschild conspiracy was behind the secret founding of America’s
Central Bank, which is essentially a money monopoly of which Beck’s Fox
sponsor is a witting player, and that behind the Rothschild Empire was a
vast International Crime Syndicate of Rabbinic anti-Christianism, all
of which is a matter of historical fact. Glenn Beck will attack George Soros, a Kissinger-type villain that everone loves to hate and which the Powers that Be permit
to be villainized and hated, but never will Mr. Beck even whisper an
unfavorable word about the Cryptocracy’s far more powerful Insiders at
B’nai B’rith, the ADL, Chabad Lubavitch, the OTO, in short, not a single
negative word about those hardline anti-Christian Talmudists that sit
at the helm of Political, Financial and Ecclesial Power that rules
America and the world.
is this systematic disinformation and cover-up of the facts not
complete and utter treason on the part of media superstars like Glen
Beck? How is this not the charades of a shrewd and cunning master deceiver, and a Zionist wolf in sheep’s clothing?
Glenn Beck Exposed
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Want more "Illuminati wear?" |
is the same Glenn Beck who practically single-handedly snatched hold of
the initial Tea Party movement, which had some sincere patriots and
noble intentions propelling it, and turned a huge part of it into just
another false alternative to the bipartisan status quo Judeo-Masonic
establishment. For all these reasons combined, and given
the power he and Fox News seem to hold over the minds of countless
millions of basically honest but absolutely conned patriotic Americans,
Mr. Beck himself may well become the next “most dangerous man in America.” We cringe at the thought of how many traditional Catholics have
been beguiled and played for a fool by this pied piper of crypto-Judaic
Totalitarianism disguised as anti-Obama, Star-Spangled,
Motherhood-and-Apple-Pie American Conservatism.
friends, Glenn Beck’s mission, we cannot stress it enough, is to make
true conservatives a laughing-stock, thereby undermining the moral and
religious foundations upon which true conservativism is built. A
Judaic “useful idiot” if ever there was one, Mr. Beck is to be
considered extremely delusional in his self-adulation and exceedingly
dangerous in the extent of his influence and of his disinformation.
have much more to say about Sarah Palin, the Tea Party movement, the
new up-coming Zionist “No Labels” third party controlled opposition to
the two-party Zionist syndicate, neocons – false patriots and
psychopathic warmongers, phony Christians who parrot the Zionist party
line, etc. You’ll have to purchase a copy of Synagogue Rising to read the rest.
you liked what you read above; if you see the importance of the book it
was excerpted from, perhaps you will see fit to help us get this book
published. It is 99.5% completed. Besides a few last-minute finishing touches, all we need now are the funds to take it to print. If
you think this book has merit and is important, perhaps you will send
us the most generous donation you can to help get it printed, bound,
advertised and widely distributed. Getting this book into the hands of many good people is as much to your advantage as it is to ours. None of us are immune from the menace of crypto-Judaic Totalitarianism which is swiftly descending upon us all.
PayPal online to Checks, money orders to CTC Books P.O. Box 678047, Orlando FL 32867.
Thank you and God bless,
Hugh Akins, author.
Please support Mr Akins & the League of Christ
League of Christ the King, SSPX Resstance
[1] David Corn of, quoted in “Beck’s Extremism: A Conservative Dilemma,” The Week, March 11, 2011.
[2] “Meet the Patriots – A ‘Patriot’ Movement Timeline,”, April, 2010.
[3] Kevin Drum, “Standing Up To Glenn Beck,”, Feb. 11, 2011.
[4] Michael Hoffman commenting on a message from Jewish Funds for Justice President Simon Greer, The Hoffman Wire,, Nov. 19, 2010.
[6] How exactly is Glenn Beck a propenent of Big Government socialism? By
answering this question you will have your answer: “Does he or does he
not crusade against such unconstitutional bureaucratic monstrosities as
Homeland Security, FEMA, the Fed, IRS, ATF, CIA, NSA, DEA, FDA, DoD,
DoE, EPA…?”
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