I have often been asked over the years by the
Conciliarists, Pseudo-Traditionalists included, “Why don’t you come into the “Church” and help
restore Her. I, reply, what you deem to be "the Church" I deem to be a cesspool of heresy and therefore the Church teaches me to avoid. The pseudo
traditionalists like Rorate and the
Remnant do not have the same fight as us, therefore, how can we co-sign
with such individuals in any effort of "pseudo trad ecumenism" for a restoration from “within”. Thou
shalt not sow thy vinyard with different seeds, lest both the seed that thou
hast sown and the fruit of the vinyard be sanctified together. Deuteronomy 22:9
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The Conciliar Church IS Protestant! |
Now, it is true we ought still evangelize and “pick
our battles” but let us remember that
those following the “new direction” of Vatican II have a different theology
and gospel than us which pertains to man. This “impotent humanitarianism” which seems so attractive yet has been
progressively “rooting out” Catholic doctrine has me to ponder over the
Apocalyptic “zombie-like” infestation that has subsequently occurred since the
Council. We must critically and objectively ask: “Is the Modernist a “believer”
and the answer is a resounding , no!
Therefore how do I “commune” with a “non-believer” who has an erroneous version
of Catholicism? Do not work together with unbelievers, for what does justice have in
common with injustice? II Corinthians
Does Holy Mother Church allow for a Catholic to “commune” with non-Catholics?
Answer: In the negative. Does She allow for us to receive Sacraments from (modernists)heretics?
With exception to “grave situation” the answer once again is no! Therefore,
how can I step onto the “Conciliarist battlefield” every Sunday and expect not to step on some “landmine” via modernist/liberal
theology and/or novelty by way of the Liturgy? “It is an illusion to seek the company of sinners on the pretence of
reforming them or of converting them; it is far more to be feared that they
will spread their poison to us.” St. Gregory Nazianzen Further, does the modernist think he is a
modernist or know he has caught “theological ebola”? Answer: I would say
humbly, for the most part, no he does not.
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The Remnant are "dressed up" modernists/liberals |
A modernist genuinely thinks that what he is teaching
falls in line with Tradition and what the Church has always taught. And yet,
we who are healthy, can clearly see, the symptoms of their disease arising on
the surface. However, did not John Paul
II assert in Ecclesia Dei that there are new doctrines? For if they have doctrines opposed to ours,
it is not fitting to be mixed up with them for this cause alone. [...] What do
you say? "Their faith is the same; these men are orthodox"? Why,
then, are they not with us? St. John Chysostom Further, take another example most recently, the “Remnant”, posted to their face book page, an “implication”
that the New Mass is, in and of itself, healthy, and therefore they
continue to spread “theological ebola” which now others will pick up and spread
themselves. The Neo-SSPX has an alliance
with them which speaks loudly!
Verily, there is a fine line between being charitable and being imprudent for the
man who constantly surrounds himself with those affected with Vatican II “Ebola” will only eventually succumb to
the disease much like the Neo-SSPX has. They have been surrounding themselves with
those who have had the disease for far too long and NOW it has overrun them and
prevails inside their own Society. But
do these priests and laity realize it? Answer: In the negative. The modernist/liberal
does not always show the signs of their
ailing disease on the surface so how deceptive our times have become. For the Church’s enemies “want” to stay
within the structure of the Church wilst teaching their doctrines which remain “outside
of the Church”. Therefore, “the
building” is not what is the measure of “Catholicity”. Rather, it is where the true Faith resides that
dictates where an individual may “commune with”.
Pseudo- traditionalists like Rorate or Remnant pretend that they can
be apart of this unhealthy battlefield and not be affected. But does the prudent man enter onto the
airplane which has “known passengers” affected with “theological ebola”?
Answer: In the negative. Therefore, we
try and draw souls out of the Conciliar Church rather then enter into its
structure. Nay, much like your
Mother would give you an earful in charity for even considering to enter onto
the airplane, Holy Mother Church, has likewise, screamed at the top of Her
lungs, admonishing us to avoid such infected places.
Moreover, St. Athanasius was prime example for how
Catholics must react when “theological ebola” enters into the Church. And what
was this response? It was to maintain that we must keep our distance from the
disease wilst still recognizing the “disease
carrier’s” authority.
Further, we must hold to the Church’s teaching on
Judgement, therefore, we acknowledge that these “infected souls” still have
legal/lawful ownership over the buildings wilst objectively recognizing that
mystically/interiorly they do not belong to the Body of Christ. I have no
authority to officially depose of a superior because I am not “just authority” I
can only “warn against” as opinion until just authority in the future decides. This
is true prudence and it is not the Neo-SSPX flavor. And what clear vision did
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre have by stating that we could not “officially” reconcile with lawful authority
until they themselves reconciled with the Catholic Faith. For it is the
superior which forms the subject, therefore we must wait for a Pope who has an intent of getting rid of Vatican II
altogether. Then, from there, wilst the chain of command flows from a Pope
in “his right mind”, in conjunction with the severe punishments coming from the
Hand of God, we can then begin to become officially apart of the structure
of what is called on the surface…Catholic.
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Hazmat suits required to resist Vatican II Modernism/Liberalism |
And so, the Conciliarists look around them and now
see that there are others whose symptoms are more advanced than they and now wonder?
Have I too been infected? We are beginning
to see a good number of “good willed” Conciliarists begin to understand
that Vatican II and its modernism or “theological Ebola” was and is the problem. And so they come unto Our Lady and Tradition
for the cure. Related:
They come unto Our Lady asking and
pleading for this disease to be taken from them and she shall grant them this
grace for those of good intent. They see these prelates who are so far advanced
in their disease and this frightens them for assuredly nothing but death arises
out of these errors and heresies promulgated by these Vatican II modernists.
So, soon, Vatican II NewChurch, objectively speaking, turns into the Harlot,
that is, the formalized One World Church
of Apostasy and can anyone doubt the severity “of effect” that these “zombies”
will further have upon the world. As the Church Militant, we are called to fight
in this battle but to do so prudently. Who
can accept the Neo-SSPX’s version of “prudence” these days? Answer: the man stricken with “theological ebola’
can. It is therefore unlawful, and a profanation, and an act the punishment
of which is death, to love to associate with unholy heretics, and to unite
yourself to their communion. St. Cyril of Alexandria
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Michael Voris, Pseudo-Traditionalist |
Sure, they maybe not as advanced as others
like Michael Voris or Father Z but they still have the disease and it is
progressing for the worst. Did not Lefebvre say to “wait!” but what is the Neo-SSPX response… “What do we have to wait
around a couple hundred years to be “recognized”?.... Ugh!
A clear lack of grace on behalf of the Society!
"I shall not give the Church's destroyers an easy conscience by
handing over to them what belongs only to God, to the Faithful, to the Church
of all time.....
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Father "Z", Pseudo- Traditionalist |
...This is what makes our situation with the Vatican appear
deadlocked. But it is only an appearance. The time will come when the Church
will triumph as she has always done... What are a few years, or few tens of
years, compared with eternity? As I said to you a little while ago, all we
need do is wait." ("Talks of
Joseph Hann with Archbishop Lefebvre," ed. Stock, Paris)
Yea, the
Neo-SSPX leaders are so blind that they do not realize that to have an intent
to accept an agreement before Romes conversion (Vatican II’s removal) is to
imply Rome need not conversion at all! You help the ungodly, and you are joined in
friendship with those who hate the Lord; and therefore you did indeed deserve
the wrath of the Lord. II Paralipomenon
Furthermore, the incubation period for Ebola is said
to be 2-21 days. So, as an analogy, these pseudo traditionalists, don’t always
show the “worst signs’ but they sure do show us they are infected like Menzingen
and Bishop Fellay. The worst possible situation is to think there is nothing
wrong with me or there is no chance of catching this modernist disease but how
many different groups have fallen like the FSSP or Institute of Christ the King
who have a Latin Mass but still continue to “vomit
up their vile doctrines” from the pulpit and still “sweat out” their acceptance/tolerance of the “bastard new rite of Mass”
which is illicit and schismatic.
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Order the "Impossible Reconciliation" that unmasks Fellay and Neo-SSPX |
Moreover, it was Bishop Fellay in 2012 who “threw
up” all over the plane which infected his surrounding subordinates. And now the majority of them have this disease
as well. But assuredly the early symptoms were present for many years with his “watered down” statements and/or positions
on the Council and the subsequent Conciliar Church. Therefore everyone should be “running from” not flocking to the
Neo-SSPX. This is prudence! Indeed,
one needs not wait for the Zombie Apolocalypse to arrive for we already find ourselves in the midst
thereof. “Among the strangest things that I saw, were long processions of
bishops. Their thoughts and utterances were made known to me through images
issuing from their mouths. Their faults towards religion were shown by
external deformities. A few had only a body, with a dark cloud of fog instead
of a head. Others had only a head, their bodies and hearts were like thick
vapors. Some were lame; others were paralytics; others were asleep or
staggering.” Blessed Anne Emmerick on
the Vatican II Modernists.
Specifically, Ebola, strickens the
“innards” and therefore kills a man from within. Therefore, it is no
different with heresy; it is no
different with Vatican II’s whole new subjectivist modernist theology. For it “loves” man to such a
point that our Lady is left weeping at the foot of Her Son Who still cries out
into this night for
souls to awaken. The intellect and heart are
stricken with this “theological ebola” and the heart and mind darken until it
no longer even realizes it is affected at all. “And thou shalt be sick of a very
grievous disease of thy bowels, till thy vital parts come out by little
and little every day.” (2 Chronicles 21:15)
Slowly the Conciliar Church has been
progressing in its “theological ebola” till one day all humanity/all religions will be “united” via an invalid excathedra
under the banner of “absolute equality” and the world will fall into utter
darkness. And those who are still healthy, who still are the salt of the
world can only ask God Himself in His mercy to send forth His Justice that we may
once again re-establish Truth in the world. Mayst the eagles gather and
harken to my call.
In Conclusion, for the purpose of
“driving home a point’ let all understand this was written in charity. It is
just another reminder that we are in the greatest
crisis of Church history and it will only be through the Immaculate Heart
that we survive. For where Her Heart is... there also will you find the Heart of
the Church. However, in Selfless Love, let us continue to work in the Vineyard
of the Lord. Let us continue to pray, make reparations unto the Sacred Heart.
Let us cling close to Our Blessed Mother and Her Immaculate Heart. Let no
Soldier in the Divine Army be caught without his or her Rosary along with our
armor the Scapular. Pray always, and remember Love cannot lose but in order to
gain we must first “lose” our “self” and then “clothe” our soul in grace.
Therefore, stay close to Tradition, continue
rejecting Vatican II WHOLESALE as a good Knight and Handmaid does and actively seek out the traditional Sacraments where and as often as you can. Support the Resistance! We must pray for the sin of pride to leave the
Neo-SSPX and other pseudo traditionalist groups so that they may “see clearly”.
Once again I assert that to try and fight “from within” the
Conciliar Church is “impotent”, unscriptural and does not follow the examples
laid down by the Saints in Church history when heresy enters into the Church. The “watering down” of this Vatican II crisis by the pseudo-
traditionalists is only the reality that the “theological ebola” has already set
in with them and the Neo-SSPX is included because they are more interested in listening
to these other “zombies” rather than following the principles and teachings of
their own very founder...
Quotes to reflect upon:
There are some, you know, who are accustomed to go
around with the Name on their lips while they indulge in certain practices at
variance with It and an insult to God. You must shun these men as you would
wild beasts: they are rabid dogs that bite in secret; you must beware of them! St.
Ignatius of Antioch
Whoever is separated from the Church must be avoided
and fled from; such a man is wrong-headed; he is a sinner and self-condemned.
[...] But if some of the leaders of schism persist in their blind and obstinate
foolishness, and if advice for their own good fails to bring them back to the
way of salvation, let the rest of you [...] break away from their ensnaring
falsehood. [...] One must withdraw from those who are engaged in sin; rather,
one must fly from them, lest by joining in their evil course and thus taking
the wrong road, one should [...] become involved in the same guilt oneself. St.
I grieve for having been, if only for an hour, in
communion with guilty men. St. Martin of Tours
Do not converse with heretics even for the sake of
defending the faith, for fear lest their words instill their poison in your
mind. Bl. Isaias
Saints Peter and Paul, in their Epistles, have loathed heretics, and warned us to avoid them. St. Cyprian
St. Paul commands that a heretic be avoided after two warnings, that is, after showing himself to be manifestly obstinate. And this is what St. Jerome writes, adding that other sinners are excluded from the Church by excommunication, whereas heretics exile themselves on their own from the Body of Christ. St. Robert Bellarmine
Outside are dogs. Apocalypse 22:13
What fellowship does a holy man have with a dog? Ecclesiasticus 13:22
Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? And what concord does Christ have with Belial? Or what part do the faithful have with the unbeliever? [...] Wherefore, go out from among them and be ye separate, says the Lord. II Corinthians 6:14-17
Separate yourself from your enemies. Ecclesiasticus 6:13
I have always regarded the Church's enemies as my own. St. Jerome
Heresy is everywhere an enemy to Catholics. St. Gregory of Tours
If any man who is called a brother be a servant of idols, with such a man do not keep company, not so much as to eat. I Corinthians 5:11
I will not communicate with the choicest of them. [...] Depart from me, ye malignant ones! Psalm 140:4; 118:115
John, the disciple of the Lord, going to bathe at Ephesus, and finding Cerinthus inside, rushed out of the bath-house without bathing, shouting: "Let us fly, lest even the bath-house fall down, for Cerinthuis, an enemy of truth is inside!" And Polycarp himself replied to Marcion who met him on one occasion asking: "Do you know me?" "I do know you," replied Polycarp: "I know you to be the first-born of Satan!" Such was the horror which the Apostles and their disciples had against even holding even verbal communication with any corrupters of truth. St. Irenaeus of Lyons
ReplyDeleteYou wrote about St. Athanasius that "It was to maintain that we must keep our distance from the disease wilst still recognizing the “disease carrier’s” authority." Here is the answer from St. Bellarmine:
"This principle is most certain. The non-Christian cannot in any way be Pope, as Cajetan himself admits (ib. c. 26). The reason for this is that he cannot be head of what he is not a member; now he who is not a Christian is not a member of the Church, and a manifest heretic is not a Christian, as is clearly taught by St. Cyprian (lib. 4, epist. 2), St. Athanasius (Scr. 2 cont. Arian.), St. Augustine (lib. de great. Christ. cap. 20), St. Jerome (contra Lucifer.) and others; therefore the manifest heretic cannot be Pope."
Please note that to support himself he referes, among others, to St. Athanasius. So my question is where did you find St. Athanasius speaking about recognizing the "disease carrier's authority"?
Liberius was not a manifest heretic nor do we consider the Conciliar Pontiffs manifest heretics. I just did a Radio show on this and can be listened to in detail under todays date.
ReplyDeleteMichael Voris is a plant. To keep Catholics in the church. He is a part of that system that is 2 faced. Where they say one thing but do ANOTHER. He is part of the double dealing that we see so often with the church. He is duplicity in pure form. Acting like he is exposing lies and falsehoods while at the same time supporting tha pope and acting like a good catholic would stay and fight and go to mass. When in fact there is no more church.
ReplyDeleteThe fight is over we lost they won. The war started back in the 1700'S.