"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Signs of the End: Divisions and Contentions

Signs of the End: Divisions and Contentions
By:  Eric Gajewski
The culture of self has brought a “spirit” to the Church which has already been found in the world

Warning: Honest observations within.  One of the chief signs of the end of the world is the culture of self.  Scripture records this, “Know also this, that, in the last days, shall come dangerous times. [2] Men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked, [3] Without affection, without peace, slanderers, incontinent, unmerciful, without kindness, [4] Traitors, stubborn, puffed up, and lovers of pleasures more than of God: [5] Having an appearance indeed of godliness, but denying the power thereof. Now these avoid.”  2 Timothy 3: 1-5  Man has lost its way (Or should we argue over that).  It has turned its back on God and the true Faith which opens the door of the heart... the Catholic Faith.  We have turned into “men of self” trying to outdo each other in every way possible.  Brethren this is the "Gospel of the self or man" not of Christ.  This culture of the world has embedded itself deep into the Church where we now can see divisions and contentions everywhere.  When will it end?  Open for debate.  What is the answer?  Only the Rosary and a turning back to God can bring us back to a world of true unity.  Let me talk further providing some examples.

Charity or the “disease of me” New World Order style.  In the Catholic religion there are matters open for debate and doctrines which are not.  Can all “traditionalists” at least agree that the New World Order does not want truth?  They want parts of truth mixed with lies being propagated as truth.  The best example will be the coming One World Religion under the False Prophet in Rome wherein people of all religions can have their opinion and be formally in the club of 666.  How is that unity?  Without truth there can be no unity thus we have a false peace of the world which is pretending to promote unity.  And who is truth?  Jesus Christ.  Where is His truth found?  In the Catholic Faith.  There is inherent division in lies, therefore, Christ and the true Gospel can only bring about true peace and unity.  Vatican II went the way of the world and man and is misleading many good people into a formalized One World Religion.  They are some still holding onto the past and don’t want to see how their “favorite pope(s)” have lent their hands into the destruction of the Church.  Yes, Im even talking about John Paul II "the great" specifically.  Charity requires me to point this out.  

There will always be varying opinions.  Their are eyes looking at the same situation giving it their own analysis and thus it has caused a lot of "division and contentions" in the Church.  Is this bad or good?  You can decide.  But it’s certainly not good from the unity point of view when you have something claiming to be Catholic which objectively speaking is not.  One can only put out their material and pray over some of these other issues.  Although I will never be a sedevacantist (believing we haven’t had a true Pope since 58’) I have a lot of sympathy and compassion for those of that opinion.  I have alot of friends who are of that theological thesis.  I even have sympathy for those who are now learning about this crisis and swimming in a sea of confusion.  The contentions come about when we say something and then get nasty after the fact over someone else not seeing it this way.  I have fallen into that trap at times as others.  The devil wants to split us on every issue.  He wants us to have ill feelings towards others whether they are Catholic or not.  However, this is not the path of the Sacred Heart.  Certainly, there have been others to disagree with me on alot of issues and so be it.  What can you do?  Even the church fathers argues about how long the world would last after the death of the antichrist.

Blessed Anna Emmerick on this endtime division:

April 12, 1820

“I had another vision of the great tribulation. It seems to me that a concession was demanded from the clergy which could not be granted. I saw many older priests, especially one, who wept bitterly. A few younger ones were also weeping. But others, and the lukewarm among them, readily did what was demanded. It was as if people were splitting into two camps…”

September 12, 1820

 “I saw a strange church being built against every rule (Apostate Church of Darkness)…No angels were supervising the building operations. In that church, nothing came from high above…There was only division and chaos. It is probably a church of human creation, following the latest fashion, as well as the new heterodox Church of Rome (Vatican II NewChurch)  which seems of the same kind…”

Recent examples.  Fr. Kramer being recently dis-invited from an important Fatima Conference is another sign of this.  Fr. Kramer being dis-invited to a Fatima Conference is like Santa being dis-invited to Christmas.  Essentially he was let go due to his position on Benedict XVI being the true Pope.  This was the position of Fr. Gruner coincidentally.  Pretty sad considering all the efforts that Fr. Kramer has made in recent times on exposing Francis being an Infidel.  Want more examples?  How about in general on Vatican II?  How about the division in the SSPX?  How about the division in the Resistance?  How abotu division even amongst the sedevacantists.  And now the Fatima Center and in general over the issue of who is the true Pope?  and on and on and on when does it stop?  That is a good question considering more and more devils are being released into this world "egging people on".  Jesus said on the basis of His doctrine that it would separate men but on some of these side issues this does not apply.  The New World Order is doing a good job of causing division’s and dissensions amongst the states and this spirit has long been infecting the Church.  Assuredly divisions will arise due to how many topics there are these days within the Church but we are getting to the point of arguing and being separated over what is the best cereal out there!  This is sure sign that the man of lawlessness is about to appear and not in a few decades from now.  We are ripe for the One World Religion which will capitalize on all the differences of “religions” and just say yes your opinion is good too (formally)!  

If you look in the mirror often or
take 20 selfies a day
this is a good indication of what you love, yourself
Storms gathering… prayers and reparation needed.  As we sit back and continue to watch the world being swept away by the "spirit of self" we can likewise view all of the storms destroying our country.  First Harvey, now Irma and Katia.  Sidenote: There are even “Catholics” trying to recently argue against my point that God is chastising the world believe it or not.  Of course, these people are coming from the Vatican II world (which is to be expected because of so many non-Catholic teachings therein) but to be so fundamentally blind is frightening.  Can we all agree as we watch Florida go underwater that there is a spiritual storm in our own hearts we must quiet first?  Can we not agree that in Rome there is a spiritual storm which is seeking to annihilate nations without ever shooting off a missile?  One thing I say to myself is for sure ….God’s wrath is long overdue …and yet God is perfect thus His Will is perfect thus I am wrong.  The Masonic motto of “out of chaos comes order” applies to this crisis in the Church.  So many arguing over FrancisDoctrine lately that we are being setup for a"christ-like" figure who shall just say do as thou wilt and obey your conscience.  Oh wait we already have Francis saying that!  You get the point. We are being setup for a One World Religion and Government on the basis of so many division’s and contentions.  Ever notice that has been happening in this country with Trump especially after Hurricane Harvey?  Oh let us just lay down our differences and come together.  On the surface level it seems harmless but it is all playing into the New World Order’s program which to us FAITHFUL is not true unity.  John Lennon where are you! Imagine if people would just come back to the truth in the Catholic Faith and apply themselves to the Way of Perfection! 

Questions, comments and suggestions? Email me at apostleofmary@hotmail.com

Donations: Please get behind TradCatKnight financially if you feel you have benefited from the material I present.  I appreciate all your prayers and support!  I also appreciate the letters coming in as well!  For CASH contributions please email me at apostleofmary@hotmail.com for the mailing address.

Reminder this paypal link is only staying up through end of September!