"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Muller Was Fired Because He Refused Deaconesses as Trojan Horses to Priestesses

Muller Was Fired Because He Refused Deaconesses as Trojan Horses to Priestesses


NOTE:  Not an endorsement for Sedevacantism 

Gerhart Muller, Fired as Head of New Order Doctrine
  Is No Conservative
The Heretical Cardinal Denies Catholic Dogma on the Mass
Helped Push Bigamy and Sacrilege in Newchurch for Francis-Bergoglio
And Approved of the Murderous Marxist
"Liberation Theology" of the Newjesuits
Yet He Did Stand up to the Heretic  Bergoglio
And Would Not Go along with Deaconesses, then Priestesses
And for That He Was Fired by Bergoglio


Typical of the Modernist Newcardinals is Gerhart Muller, who was fired on July 1, 2017, as Prefect of the Congregation for the [New Order] Doctrine of the Faith by Francis-Bergoglio, for being "too conservative." Muller was replaced by Newarchbishop Luis Ladaria Ferrer, a leftist Newjesuit and intimate of fellow Newjesuit Francis-Bergoglio, for whom he has been writing documents, such as the heretical Amoris laetita (The Joy of Sex) of March 19, 2016, which opens the way to bigamy and further sacrilege in Newchurch. Now additional information has come out regarding the Mueller affair.

In an interview published on August 31, 2017, it was revealed that Newcrdinal Muller refused to head up Francis-Bergoglio's new exploratory commission on installing deaconesses because Mueller saw it as an "entrance door for the topic of the ordination of women." Nevertheless, with these heretical Modernists like Muller, the story is never that simple. Janus-faced Newchurch prelates now routinely play both sides of the field -- leftist and Neocon -- so that simplistic terms like "liberal" and "conservative" are never adequate.
Muller's book The Mass on the New Order Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service openly rejects the dogmatic teaching of the Church on transubstantiation. Muller approved the murderous Marxist "Liberation Theology" practiced by the Newjesuits of Newchurch. He pushed Francis-Bergoglio's heretical Amoris laetitia to the leftist German Bishops' Conference in the name of false "unity." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the German periodical Katholisches.]
True Catholics, since the Vatican II Anti-council, Newspeak has been implemented in the Newchurch of the New Order, so that words no longer mean anything and certainly don't have the meaning in which the Church has used them over the last two millennia. This shift is all in accordance with the lethal heresy of Modernism ("there is no objective goodness, truth, or beauty; each individual defines these for himself") practiced by Protestants, agnostics, and atheists, so strongly condemned at the turn of the 20th century by Pope St. Pius X. Often we TRADITIO Fathers are asked, "Are there any Catholic Newcardinals left in the Newchurch of the New Order?" We answer, in the words of Psalm 31: "No, not one."