Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fr. Voigt, "Do You Want To Be A Saint"

 Fr. Voigt, "Do You Want To Be A Saint"

"This place stinks of God!"  These lines open the most mystical novel of the 19th century written by the great French author, Leon Bloy.  In the world today the very notion of God's presence sends chills up the spine of most modernists.  Culture has taken the place of Christ.  Whatever the majority wants that is what determines the society in which we live.  Problem number one:  our time in this world is limited and we have an infinite capacity within us crying out for more.  Problem number two:  our purpose in this temporary life is to glorify the One Who has called us into existence.  He is necessary and we are only contingent beings.  We are called to be saints and as the work of Leon Bloy concludes:  "The greatest sadness in the world is that we did not become the saints God has called us to be."

Problem number one:  Sanctity answers the problem of the infinite within our hearts.  So how do we begin our life of holiness.  Our Lord answers this with the Sermon on the Mount.  "Blessed are the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  Humility is the soil of all holiness and it is not determined by a lack of money or possessions.  It is determined by the realization that all that I 
have or do not have is planned by the providence of God.  This is the soil that must constantly be renewed for the increase of true holiness.  

This poverty begets a spirit of meekness and gentleness which exhibits itself in the manner by which I deal with my neighbor.  The meek do not seek to lord it over but rather to assist their neighbor through the spiritual means that are available to everyone:  i.e. a love of the Blessed Sacrament, devotion to our Blessed Mother, frequent confessions, spiritual reading, etc.  The meek 
draw to themselves the earth as their inheritance.  

Complementing the meek and strengthening this quality are the hearts that mourn.  The prayer of tears shed by these truly holy hearts seeks to make reparation for the sins of the world.  Blessed are these souls that realize that they will not arrive at the gates of heaven solitary and sterile.  God seeks the fruitful not the sterile.  Tears for one's own sins and tears for the sins that continue to 
plague our world are necessary to bring about the conversion of souls.  How many souls we can save if we will mourn in these modern times.  

Mourning is insufficient if our hearts fail to hunger and thirst for justice.  To give to God what belongs to God is justice.  To give to man what belongs to man is justice.  To offer to each what is due to each leads us to the ultimate act of justice:  the salvation of our souls.  We cannot offend through adultery, stealing, lying, etc and think that we possess a hunger and thirst for justice.  To become saints we must seek to glorify God in thought, word and deed exclusively.

Justice without mercy turns to cruelty while mercy without justice is weakness.  Blessed then are the merciful for mercy shall be theirs.  We are called to possess a heartfelt mercy in our justice to our neighbor.  Mercy tempers our justice and guides us to act in such a way that we attract souls to that which will offer them true happiness.  Holiness does not stifle the develop of the personality but rather enhances it.  If you find a sad saint, then you found a sad sort of saint.  In general, the saints are the happiest souls on this planet even if they seem to have it the roughest.  They love the cross of Christ for by it the Precious Blood ransoms and redeems us from sin.

In the Cross of Christ all problems in this world are resolved and the divine order is established. Hence Christ said:  "Blessed are the Pure of Heart, they shall see God."  The forgiveness of the merciful purifies the heart of the sinner turned saint.  Purity in thought, word and action is the surest way to the heart of Christ and our blessed Mother.  Innocence can be achieved in one of two ways: 1st, through the baptismal innocence preserved through life and 2nd, through regular and sincere confessions of our sins.  

Hence the vision of the pure of heart confirms the order of sanctity provided by the love of God for all His sons and daughters.  These are the souls that achieve the peace of Christ which the world cannot give.  It is a peace that surpasses the wisdom of this world and gives the soul such courage as to endure everything and anything as an act of divine love.  No one can shake the spiritual order which the peaceful possess.  Peacemakers shall be called sons and daughters of God. 

Problem number two is solved by the progress of the seven steps of the beatitudes and now the conclusion which embraces all of the above.  "Blessed are you when men insult you for the name of Christ, your reward in heaven will be great."  The apostles found it a glorious moment when they were able to suffer before the Pharisees and the leaders of the people for their hearts were with Jesus and they were in heaven.  Sanctity is the only reasonable approach to accept in a world gone crazy.  Holiness cannot be answered; it can only be admired.  Remember that every age has its saints and they are the antidotes to the lives that are headed to a hell.  They are not what the world wants but they are what the world needs.  Be a Saint!

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt 


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