Good Signs: Russia, Church & State Sign Agreement to Prevent Abortion
America, be humbled...Our Lady said the key to world peace Is Russia. We must pray for the consecration of Russia to Immaculate Heart. Look for the successor of Benedict XVI to do so

The agreement includes joint actions with medical institutions for the
“creation of crisis pregnancy centers at hospitals
with the participation of psychologists and participation of
representatives of religious organizations of the Russian Orthodox
Church in advising women who are planning to terminate the pregnancy, in
medical institutions”
and for the provision of space for
“posting information of religious organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church on the stands in medical institutions.”
“joint efforts to provide assistance and support to
pregnant women whose prenatal diagnosis indicate to the malformation of
the fetus, as well as mothers who give birth to a child with
developmental disabilities.”
Under Article 5, the Orthodox Church will cooperate with the Health
Ministry in the preparation of health professionals by providing
formative instruction on the spiritual foundations of medical activities
and by facilitating the interaction of medical organizations with
organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church.Legislation Proposed to Restrict Access to Abortion
The Russian State Duma is considering legislation on abortion that includes limiting funding for abortion to only those that are considered medically necessary. The bill is designed to help reduce the number of Russian children destroyed through the violence of abortion.
According to the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs, for every 1,000 births, there are 34 abortions in Russia where the fertility rate is below replacement at 1.53.
The legislation would ban private abortion clinics and over-the-counter sale of abortion inducing medication would only be available through a doctor’s prescription. Women considering abortion would be given ultrasounds. One of the sponsors of the legislation, Yelina Mizulina, states that “up to 80 percent of them [abortion minded women] refuse to have the abortion when they see their child on the screen.”
Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, is seeking a total ban on abortion. In a speech to the Duma earlier this year, the first ever by a religious leader, he referred to abortion as “evil” and “infanticide.” In regards to the present bill, he believes that “taxpayers must not pay for this.”
In response to the proposed legislation, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe tabled [introduced] Written Declaration 594 entitled “Women’s right to access appropriate reproductive health services in the Russian Federation” which states:
We the undersigned members of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly are strongly concerned about the three draft laws submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation aiming to severely restrict access of women to abortion. They aim:
1. to require women to visualise and listen to the
heartbeats of the foetus before being given permission to access a legal
2. exclude coverage of abortion from the Obligatory Medical Insurance;
3. to prohibit the sale of safe medication that terminate pregnancies.
All individuals are entitled to the highest attainable standard of health, which the State must ensure. We call on parliamentarians in Russia to turn down the above draft laws.
PNCI notes that the Members of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly in their rush to object to the pro-life provisions with worn-out pro-abortion arguments are forgetting that the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action states in section 8.2 “Any measures or changes related to abortion within the health system can only be determined at the national or local level according to the national legislative process.”
The Russian State Duma is acting in its sovereign capacity to save the lives of Russian children and offer their mothers real help and support. Such action ought to be applauded, and if not, it should not be opposed as the action is fully compliant with international standards.
Russian officials ban yoga
Crackdown on false religions and movements!
At least two studios in the central city of Nizhnevartovsk have reportedly been sent letters by local authorities asking them to stop hosting yoga classes being taught in municipal buildings. The Aura and Ingara studios are both known to conduct classes of Hatha yoga, one of the most popular forms in Europe.According to The Moscow Times, the letter received by both studios urges them to “prevent the spread of new religious cults and movements.” The letters identify Hatha yoga as being “inextricably linked to religious practices” and ask the property owners to put a stop to the classes accordingly.
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Russia has persecuted Roman Catholicism for hundreds of years most brutally, and she is still doing it today. The conversion of this brutal and at the very best, schismatic country, will be a GREAT Miracle from the hands of Our Lady.
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