TradCatKnight March Message:
"Possess Your Vessel"
1 Thessalonians 4:4
That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour
That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour
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Fly fornication. Every sin that a man doth, is without the body; but he that committeth fornication, sinneth against his own body. [19] Or know you not, that your members are the temple of the Holy Ghost, who is in you, whom you have from God; and you are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6: 18-19 |
Brothers and Sisters I write to you in the Selfless Love and peace of
the Union and Marriage of Jesus Christ and of His Heart and all the
blessings that flow forth from it. Nay, in this lenten desert
season let us reflect upon how Our Lord comes to us by giving all but in order to
receive His all we must accept all that He is. Thus, as a part of our
Holy Religion, we find the boundaries laid forth, in our Faith, that we
must accept, abide in and practice, in order to remain safely in the
Fortress of Grace. It is not merely enough to understand what our Lord
requires of us it is equally as important for us to implement what He
teaches. The heretical protestants will argue " I do not need Religion I
just need and have Jesus". Yet, logic and reason tell us that if we
are to be in a relationship with someone clearly there must be
laws/boundaries established so as to understand what is expected to
"even be in a relationship". Protestants pervert the Word; they
construct false maxims based upon ill philosophies of men rather than
coming from the Divine One Himself passed down thru His only Catholic
Church. Scripture and Tradition compose the Word. Thus, in the end, the protestant, who does not keep the proper
norm of Faith remains on the outside of the Fortress and does not
possess in reality what he claims. Truth does not lie. Yea, we cannot
hope to possess our own vessel if we refuse to even enter upon the only
Vessel, the Ark that saves, the Holy Catholic Church.
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Brethren, clothe yourselves properly and demonstrate to the world you are following Our Lady and the Lord and not the world |
the man or woman who will not cover his own vessel modestly cannot
possibly have the hopes of covering his or her own soul in grace. For
chastity is first protected by modesty. A heart is put on display in
both our speech and dress and the man or woman who seeks to satisfy
the self by winning over the eyes of the world will assuredly drown
outside this Ark. The body was meant for Christ and meant to be
glorified. But what does modern man do instead? He or she seeks to gain
approval from their peers and the world which in the end is only
satisfying the self and therefore Our Mother is horrified at the conduct
of so many. Because the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. Deut 4: 24 Therefore, do not any longer horrify heaven but rather
mortify your senses and spirit so that the grace of God can work and
operate and bring your unruly passions and desires under control. The
man who lives on the natural level alone is like ship which blows with
the winds of this world of sin never knowing where they will end. But
our Captain who controls our Ark, if we are faithful, has full command
and knows how to bring our souls safely Home to port. But the man of
self cannot simply have this he must be the captain of his own canoe.
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Do you love Christ or yourself? When you stare into the eternal Pond do you see His Face or your own reflection in self's attempt to gain attention? |
every soul this day must check every movement of his own heart and ask
himself "Do I lust or truly love?" Do I love the Lord enough to properly
take care of my own body and clothe myself or do I love the attention
that I get so that I exalt my body or looks as if it were a "god"
itself. Adore not any strange god. The Lord his name is Jealous, he is a jealous God. Exodus 34:14 Truly, in order to possess your own vessel you must first
possess your heart. Therefore, ask yourself again "Whom is the captain
of my ship?" Do I let Christ have control or do I think I know these
endless seas better than the One who created them? Christ is the
Captain, Our Lady is the Ark. We first enter our Lady in order to get to
Christ. Therefore who is the one that protects us from the perilous
seas of sin and self. Who is the One who is a Fortress between the world and
the soul? It is Our Lady whom we ought run to in order to seek safety
from these times of immodesty, lewdness, pornography and all sins of the
flesh. Undoubtedly, the Rosary is our weapon, our canon (if you will), against the
enemies on the seas and the Scapular is our firm walls of defense, by
which the enemy cannot penetrate IF we only remain faithful!
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We were not meant to esteem the "self" we were commanded to deny it! |
Lastly, God is the avenger of those who would lead others into scandal. "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be
hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of
the sea." Matthew 18:6 So why do men and women still live according to
the law of self by dressing and speaking immodestly? The answer, for the
most part (ignorance aside), is due to the loss fear of God or loss of any consequence to
their behaviors. And why should we...assuredly they will say, as the
modern world continues to promote "self", by exalting the body, looks
and all those things which do not pertain to our end, salvation itself. The new tower of babel is being constructed with "self" as foundation; trying to reach God and become a "god" without every possessing God. It is clear modern man does not possess his vessel. Modern
man for along time now and especially since Vatican II continues to
exalt man or the self so why not just go with the flow? But the truly
few who still see clearly in these times which is a sign of the
true sanctifying grace working and operating will say, "Here comes the
Storm..." However, the blind lusting after their own attention will
unfortunately be swept away out into the deep seas. Yea, we must
continually pray to be loosened from the heavy chains of self so that we
can have the hopes of our own vessels safely arriving Home. This is where our souls will truly be happy and that is in the direct Presence of the
Living God who is the very antithesis of this self we so exalt. May thee Immaculate Heart of Our Lady guide, protect and guard your heart everyday in this exile, Ave Maria – Amen.

You are all in my prayers!
Please keep this apostolate in your prayers, Ave Maria!
#EagleoftheWest #EagleoftheFortress

Please keep this apostolate in your prayers, Ave Maria!
#EagleoftheWest #EagleoftheFortress
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