Drifting Away...
By: Fr. Campbell
“I rejoiced because they said to me, ‘We will go up to the house of the Lord,’” says the Psalm quoted in the Introit of today’s Mass Ps.121:1). On Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent, we are encouraged to rejoice. The secret of true joy, of lasting happiness, is to fulfill our destiny, which is “to know God, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and be happy with Him forever in the next.” This we learned in one of our first catechism lessons. But questions arise: Who is God? And how do I get to know Him?
The questions have a simple answer, because God has revealed Himself to us. Some, ignoring Divine revelation, have created “gods” for themselves and fashioned their own religion. But it is the God of Revelation, the one true God, Who must be heard and obeyed.
This is how God revealed Himself to us: “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, last of all in these days has spoken to us by his Son” (Heb.1:1,2). “Therefore ought we the more earnestly to observe the things that we have heard, lest perhaps we drift away. For if the word spoken by angels proved to be valid, and every transgression and disobedience received a just punishment, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” (Heb.2:1-3a).
“Lest perhaps we drift away.” How many have drifted away from the true faith in the years since Vatican II! The Church we once knew is in hiding. It is still with us, but it has been obscured, eclipsed by the false and heretical “church”. While we await its reappearance, we must “observe the things we have heard” and carefully discern between truth and error, keeping the ancient faith of the Catholic Church until we find ourselves in “the house of the Lord.”
“Lest perhaps we drift away,” let us be aware of the things that rob us of our faith! The heresies that afflict the Church are many, but they are all interrelated, so that we could begin with any one of them and find our way to all the others. But Modernism is the “synthesis of all heresies,” according to Pope St. Pius X. The Modernists believed that the Church must change with the times. Her doctrines must evolve so as to be in touch with the findings of modern science and philosophy. The Gospels, they say, were not truly historical documents but were written at a later time to shore up a Church not founded by Jesus Christ, but later by His followers. Christ became a shadowy figure, and faith was reduced to little more than a subjective feeling of the “numinous”. In 1910 Pope St. Pius X required an Oath against Modernism to be taken by bishops, priests, seminarians, and those responsible for their education. But Modernism triumphed when Paul VI abolished the oath in 1967.
“Changing with the times,” the Modernist church now believes in the Masonic doctrine of the “brotherhood of all men,” denying St. Peter’s words to the faithful, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people” (1Pet.2:9a). Since the doctrine of Original Sin is no longer taught, they now say that all men are conceived in “original grace”, and Baptism is just an empty ritual. So the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a meaningless dogma, we are all conceived without sin. So who needs Baptism?
This doctrine of Universal Salvation is now commonly taught. When did you last attend a Novus Ordo funeral where the deceased person was not declared to be in heaven, canonized on the spot?
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Fr. Robert Smith (d. 2001) once stated: “This is the final state of heresy… belief in universal salvation. Universalism! Today, this belief in universal salvation seems to be itself universal.”
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A Saint?... Really???..... |
How will the Jews be saved if even the official “church” has abandoned truth for the sake of a fictitious brotherhood with the Jews? The Jewish Talmud teaches that Jesus Christ is a liar and an imposter who is now in Hell, and Christians are idolaters because they worship Him as God. They deny the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity. And since they do not know the Son, it is impossible for them to know the Father. In Our Lord’s own words:
“No one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and him to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him” (Mt.11:27).
The first requirement of the Gospel is to believe in Jesus Christ. The second requirement is to obey Him, which means to be baptized, and to live as a faithful member of His Holy Catholic Church. As Catholics, we rejoice in the fact that “Christ has made us free” (Gal.4:31).
God has made it easy for us by sending His divine Son to be one of us, so that we could know Him, love Him, and serve Him – our Emmanuel, God with us. And Jesus has made it still easier for us by giving Himself to us in the form of Bread, so that we can receive Him, our God, into our very bodies, as He foretells in the Gospel today: “Jesus then took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, distributed them to those reclining” (Jn.6:11). Later, as recorded in the same chapter six of St. John’s Gospel, He would say:
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst… Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day” (Jn.6:35;54,55).
“Lest perhaps we drift away,” let us rejoice in the faith of the Holy Catholic Church!
Yes. Pope John Paul II who while seated in the Chair of Peter, established by our Lord to be the Chair of Truth and the Light to the Gentiles.
ReplyDeleteWell what can you say. He did teach and demonstrate universal salvation and that man is Christ (very craftily - but it's there). That Christ in his incarnation united Himself in a certain way with every man - thus dissolving Christl. The Koran kissing - 'we all worship the same God stuff". Allah! who has 99 names - among them "Greatest of All Deceivers"; "The Most Proud"; "The Afflictor".. So who exactly are we talking about here?
The cult of the Santo Subito is growing in the West - attempts to venerate the relics in Our Lady's sanctuaries have this tendency to meet with unfortunate series of events.
Where it is really the top of the pops is in Astana Khazakstan under the guidance of Pope John Paul II 's Muslim disciple Nursultan Nzrbayev. The Cult is leading the Center of Eurasian Harmony which holds Multifaith conferences of Peace and Harmony and the conferences for all the worlds major religions and conferences for the world's indigenous religions.
Pope John Paul II jetted over to Astana to get all that organised with the Nursultan right after 9-11.
To quote the Subito Santo himself: " Under the leadership of President Nursultan Nazarbayev and with the strategy of Harmonisation, Khzakstan will be the cradle of a harmonious civilzation in the 21st century."
Now. That great crescent of the the Urgaritic peoples (Turks) who migrated out of the South Caucasus (the Khazars also belong to this people) and settled in Anatolia (modern day Turkey) - wasn't that great crescent of their ancient Babylonian civilisation (in its province of Phrygia) - Greater Khorasan? That great crescent of the ancient Babylonian religion of the crescent star (Hilel ben Sahar )which today is IslamI ? I see it right there on the map.
The prophet Isaiah clearly refers to this religion when he addressed Lucifer - in Aramaic (Babylon) 'Hilel' which means crescent as the son of the morning star (bin sahar).
And geographically what stands directly above the great crescent of ancient Babylon is the ancient captial of the Kievan Rus - in the Ukraine.
The prophets of the Covenant clearly do not kiss the Koran of the son of the crescent star. That is the worst form of blasphemous idolatry. While proclaiming universal salvation on the basis of Gaudium et spes. And saying that in a certain way the Divine Lord who took upon Himself a perfect human nature in His Incarnation as the Second Man identified Himself with every man.