The Rothschild-Gutmann Money Behind the SSPX Kosher Imperative
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'The Remnant' has published an 'interview' with SSPX lawyer and asset manager Maximillian Krah in which he makes a statement regarding
his involvement with a Jaidhofer Foundation:
Siscoe: Another company name that is mentioned is Jaidhofer Foundation. Can you discuss this company?
Yes, this is linked with the SSPX ... There is a family in
Austria which wanted to donate to the SSPX, but did not want to
donate directly. They wanted to establish a foundation that
would support the SSPX. And in every foundation you need some
trustees. It’s a kind of trust, and I am one of the trustees. I
was chosen by the family who established the foundation ...
This foundation is supporting the SSPX and using the money
which was donated by this family. As an example, it is
supporting the new Seminary project in Virginia ...
is a picture of Maximillian Krah at Jaidhof with members of the
Austrian Gutmann family he describes above as benefactors of the SSPX:
From the Rothschild family archive we find some background on the Gutmann family and how its wealth was amassed:
The steel heart of Czechoslovakia, as Frankova
names it, was once owned by the Austrian Rothschilds, in partnership
with the Gutmann brothers [Wilhelm and David] ... It is Salomon von
Rothschild who, in 1844, bought the iron works, and founded the United
Coal Mines of Vítkovice and Austro-Hungarian Blast Furnace Company ...
Salomon’s English cousins helped fund the creation of De Beers in 1887.
The Jewish Encyclopedia gives us the proper name of the Gutmanns who partnered with Salomon Rothschild:
and his brother David established the firm which, during the war of
1859-60, despite the difficulties then surrounding business ventures,
supplied coal for all the railroads, for all the great factories
throughout the empire, and for the cities of Vienna, Budapest, and
Brünn. Gutmann Bros. leased some coal-mines from the Rothschilds in
1865, and purchased outright other valuable carboniferous properties in
Silesia, Galicia, and Hungary. The close connection between coal and
the production of iron easily led the Gutmanns to combine their
interests with the Witkowitz iron-works, which they afterward owned
conjointly with the Rothschilds and the counts Larisch and Andrassy.
With Kuffner they built (1871) the first sugar-factory in Austria ...
the Jewish Encyclopedia we find that Wilhelm von Gutmann partnered with
the Rothschilds in financing a rabbinical seminary in Vienna:
teachers' seminary in Vienna, founded 1893 at the suggestion of Wilhelm
and David von Guttmann and with the assistance of Albert von Rothschild
and Freiherr von Königswarter, and opened Oct. 15 of that year. It is
subventioned by the Austrian government, by the "Cultusgemeinden" of
Vienna, Prague, and Lemberg, and by the "Landesjudenschaft" of Bohemia,
and is governed by fifteen curators. The first president was Baron von
Königswarter, who, at his death, was succeeded by Moritz Karpeles; the
latter was followed by Moritz Edler von Kuffner.
From an obituary for one of Wilhelm von Gutmann's sons, Moritz, we find that he was a relative of the Rothschilds of Vienna:
Below is a historical overview of the Gutmann family and its ownership
of the Jaidhof property, which the Austrian branch of the SSPX is based
from, beginning with the Rothschild partner Wilhelm Ritter von Gutmann
bringing us to the present heir Guntard Gutmann who is pictured above
with Maximillian Krah at an SSPX chapel on the Jaidhof grounds:
Below is a brief history of the Jaidhof property and its ownership
including how the Jaidhof castle was given to the SSPX by the Gutmann
Below is a webpage from a "Europa Institute" which Guntard Gutmann seems
to serve as an advisor on matters including think tanks and economics.
He's credited as working for many years as an international banker. This
Europa Institute seems to be associated with the Acton Institute which
serves to acclimate Catholics to predatory economics and 'neo-con'
politics. It's figurehead, Fr. Sirico officiated at the first homosexual
'marriage' in the U.S:
The Neo-SSPX has more than one issue going on from top to bottom |
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