"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Fr. Voigt, The Mystery is in the Details

Fr. Voigt, The Mystery is in the Details

Michaelangelo was working diligently upon the Sistine Chapel when one of the art critic cardinals commented on how much time it was taking on a ceiling that few could see.  The artist's reply is significant:  "God sees."  That is sufficient when one is working for the Lord then all things work unto their good.  We find God in the details of our lives or we do not find Him at all.  Here is the issue which two little words cause.

First the word, "Master", Peter had been listening to the words of Jesus Who had chosen his boat to separate him from the crowds who were in a fury to touch Him and be healed of their maladies.  Certainly, He would heal all who came to Him but the priority was to heal their souls.  This would be done and continue to be done through the preaching.  The Word has the power to heal our souls if we will only meditate upon it daily. 

Now Simon (Peter) listened along with his brother, Andrew, and they were impressed but when Jesus turned to Simon and asked him to "put out into the deep," this was something that was completely out of the competence of a preacher.  Now comes the word:  "We have been hard at it all night and caught nothing."  Now Jesus comes along and wants them to fish at the wrong time.  What does a carpenter know about fishing anyway.  Good fellow Simon then states:  But at thy word, Master, I will lower the nets."

What a catch, it was so abundant that Simon and Andrew called for John and James to come and help.  They filled both ships to the sinking point.  Now seeing the miraculous catch, Simon falls down before Jesus and cries out:  "Leave me, Lord, for I am a sinful man."  Humility calls for the moment of exaltation and it comes with the words:  "Follow Me and I will make thee fishers of men."

Simon Peter moved from seeing Jesus only as "Master" to the recognition that He is "Lord".  Now the Church carries on the mission of preaching the whole truth and nothing but the truth, i.e. Jesus is Lord.  The Son of God is our Lord and Savior but do we recognize His Lordship over the details of our lives.  So often the attitude is so self-centered that we might think we are in charge.  In truth, we possess nothing that has not been given to us on loan.  Some have received five talents; others received two and still others only one but all of these are gifts which must be shared for the common good. 

What are the details of your life?  Think about them and ask why God gave you these circumstances and what can you do to praise Him for the gifts received.  All our details ought to give glory to God and seek to save a soul of a sinner who has no one else to pray and make sacrifice for that soul.  In effect, we all must become soul savers everyday of our short lives.  Consider the beautiful and simple life of the holy family.  Silence and reflection reigned supreme there for Our Lady "treasured all the words of Jesus in her heart."  Let silence and recollection reign in our hearts this summer and let none of the details of our lives be lost in selfishness but be enhanced by prayer. 

Put out into the deep, my brothers and sisters, no one can stop you from penetrating the meaning and the beauty of God's word and God's life in you.  Your faith and your charity will keep the bark of Peter afloat.  God bless you with a spiritually rich summer time

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt