DEPOPULATION blueprint: Scientists engineer human-infecting form of deadly new bird flu, claiming they need to “know how it works”
Following in the path of Bill Gates, the Berkeley California City Council recently passed a resolution declaring climate change a worldwide emergency. The resolution states, “The United States of America has disproportionately contributed to the climate and ecological crises and to preventing a transition away from fossil fuels, and Americans thus bear an extraordinary responsibility to solve the crises.”
Part of solving this “crisis” involves population reduction efforts. According to the resolution, cutting down on carbon emissions should also include a plan to “humanely stabilize [the] population.” Just as Bill Gates proposes, the Berkeley City Council also calls for a reduction in the population in order to mitigate the effects of global warming.
Viruses being genetically prepared in the lab to infect humans
Not far from Berkeley, Professor James Paulson of The Scripps Research Institute in California is engineering a human-infecting form of a deadly new strain of the bird flu. Speaking to the Independent, Professor Paulson said, “We need to know what the virus could do in nature, so we can be alert and aware if we start seeing these changes.”
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The California research team has already created a new set of mutations in the lab which allow the virus to infiltrate human lung cells.
The scientists believe they can stay one step ahead of an outbreak if
they study how the virus works. In the process of their studies, they
have created a highly mutated strain of the bird flu. By altering the
genetic programming, the scientists produced strains that stopped
infecting birds and started targeting human trachea tissue, a pathway
for infiltrating human airways. Their experiments, carried out on a key
protein that covers the surface of the virus and binds to the cells it
infects, are opening a Pandora’s box. This lab-invented virus mutation
is exactly the stealth ingredient needed to fulfill the goals of a
depopulation scheme.Bill Gates even said, “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.”
The ethical question for climate change supporters is: Do we really protect the planet by finding ways to “stabilize the population?” Because there is very little public acceptance for letting the government decide how many children families are allowed to have: Will depopulation schemes have to be conducted through covert means, like through vaccine-induced outbreaks? Is this already happening…
Scripps Research Institute already proves that mutated viruses are being used against the population
In the most recent flu seasons, people have been coming down deathly ill after contracting highly mutated forms of the flu – mutations caused by the annual flu vaccine. These mutations are caused because the flu viruses selected for each year’s flu vaccine rapidly mutate in the chicken egg embryo medium within the vaccine. This phenomenon has been demonstrated by scientists at none other than the The Scripps Research Institute. By the time the mutated strain of flu is introduced into people through the vaccine, it is more infectious, shedding (replicating) among the population and causing deadly complications. A malnourished population is not adapted to face these mutated strains. The young and old are at greatest risk.The urgent call to stabilize the population, passed as a resolution by the Berkeley City Council, adds to the suspicions that there is a bigger conspiracy to stealthily reduce the population through unseen mechanisms, such as the spread of mutated pathogens. Combating climate change is the insane justification for all this! As scientists prepare mutated, human-infecting viruses in the lab, it becomes clear that there are quick methods to covertly cull the population, and sadly, the intentions and justifications for population reduction are publicly recognized by some of the most powerful, influential people and governments.
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