"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Monday, April 23, 2018



Eric - I am a 'revert' cradle Catholic who was hunted down by the hound of heaven 11 years ago.  The scales have fallen off eyes that were blinded by years of brainwashing that culminated in a PhD in cultural anthropology.  So much to tell, but suffice to say that I found home in Holy Mother Church.  I'm trying to break out of novus ordo and still need help there.  In any case, I've been following your site for a number of years and I'm grateful for your witness.

I don't know the complete truth about the physical cosmos, but I know we've been deceived.  I want to share this video with you that I received from my sister.  Yesterday (April 21) we all (me, sis and our dad) separately noticed the massive spraying that was going on in the atmosphere (DC-Baltimore region).  My sister decided to film the chemtrails and when she watched the resulting videos, she discovered that there are two obvious objects in the sun at the 11:00-12:00 position.  There is no way they are camera anomalies given that the chemtrails can be seen directly in front of the objects.  This video needs to go viral - I don't know what we are seeing but there is no doubt that the heavy dose of spraying yesterday was intended to hide this.

Please feel free to post this - we don't do youtube or anything like that so I figured you would be the best outlet to like-minded folk.  God Bless you, Jesus cover you in His Precious Blood and Our Lady wrap you in her holy mantle. 

Bryan Oles

P.S. pic attached of Our Lady of Poland icon taken this past summer during our family's first trip to Poland (we had backstage pass to Jasna Gora thanks to a family connection)