More really wacky stuff in the Diocese of Scranton.
That's right if Grandma needs the last rites better have a census card
filled out. This is the opposite of the missionary spirit of Archbishop
Lefevre. Please feel free to use this information but I ask that you do
not publish my name not because I'm afraid of the Heretics but because I
have a job that scans social media looking for all employee names. I
don't belong to the fraternity I have no respect for them as a group and
I wouldn't want to lose my job because of them thank you.
from the bulletin at St. Michael's:
faculties granted to the FSSP by the Diocese limit your Pastors ability
to provide the sacraments to you. Therefore only those who have
completed a census card will be considered eligible to receive pastoral
ministry by right as of June 2018. Therefore please en-sure that you
complete a census form and return it to the parish office before the due
date. All new parishioners are also asked to complete the census form
before considering themselves members of St. Michaels parish. If you are
not a registered parishioner you may not be eligible to receive
pastoral care from the FSSP."