"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Shocker! Francis Avoids Websites Exposing Him For Heresy

Shocker! Francis Avoids Websites Exposing Him For Heresy
By:  Eric Gajewski
Addendum by Fr. Kramer

Does it truly surprise any Catholic that Francis has recently stated that he avoids websites exposing him for heresy?  Of course he does not want to face reality.  He is not interested in Truth nor Catholicism.  No, rather he is interested in further progressing the New World Order’s One World Religion agenda.  Furthermore, he stated that he avoids websites like mine all in an effort to keep “mental sanity”.  But the reality is that as each day passes more and more Catholics are literally questioning his mental sanity.   

How can a true Pope teach what Francis teaches?  And why are there still a good number trying to paint people like me as the bad guy when all I seek to do is to demonstrate what the Church really teaches by way of Her Infallible Magesterium.   

Francis is progressing things at a rapid rate with no end in sight.  Did not Pope St. Pius warn that these modernist’s were full of themselves (pride)?

Francis has put his own self “outside the Church” by way of his teachings.  It is he who is resistant.  It is he who is a sodomite protector and Marxist defender (he has friends who are).  It is he who thinks Communists make the best “Christians”.  It is you who say that Vatican II is interpreting the gospel in a new way.   It is he who is on record as saying he might be the one to cause the formal schism!  It is he who thinks all you have to do is be baptized (no need to hold the Catholic Faith) in order to be “in the Church”.  It is you who think heretics and schismatics can shed their blood for Christ and be called a "saint".  It is he who implies Faith is not necessary for salvation by telling the atheist just obey your conscience and everything is cool.   

When will people realize that he is a false pope?   

When will people just start ignoring him for he holds no jurisdiction over the Church? 

It is his own fault if he doesn’t want to embrace what the Church has always taught not mine.

Reaction to misunderstanding he says?  Not hardly.  This argument is purely laughable.  We are not that stupid my Masonic friend.  We know quite well what you are saying and we know quite well the new world order’s plan.   

You are not deceiving us (the resistance) and because of this and the reality that more and more people see you as the antipope that you are …you had to make a statement. 

You should be very concerned.

There will be less gathering at your talks as more and more of the alternative media begins to expose you.  Forget about traditionalist sites for a minute but even the fundamentalist sites see your fruitcake teachings as anti-Christian.  

 It is all coming to a head and we are waiting patiently for God’s Justice.

Resorting to dialogue.  He states he wants to dialogue with us.  Fortunately for those not deceived by his heretical teachings there will be no “dialogue.”  The true Resistance will keep saying repent and convert.  It is simple we are tired of your lame excuses and tap dancing around your illicit teachings.   

We are not stupid.   

We are awake and we will not follow you to hell where you are leading souls.   

The good news is that we are on his radar!  He knows we are here and he knows we will not be quiet.   

We will expose every last word you utter that is heterodox as you further try to piece together your one world religion.  

 Just as much as you avoid the resistance we are likewise avoiding you but not just for our own mental sanity but for the sake of our salvation!  

So put Tradcatknight on bookmark Antipope Francis and all your heretical minions, we are awake!

Addendum by Fr. Kramer: 
Bergoglio does not hold the keys; and no, the heretical theology of Vatican II is not to blame for Bergoglio's agenda to actually institute a new false religion, which goes far beyond the diabolical disorientation of the Council fathers who were duped into signing the doctrinally tainted documents of Vatican II by the guile and pressures of perverse and misguided popes.
Bergoglio says all religions lead to God; and there must be peace and ecumenical fellowship between the believers of different creeds and cults; and that preaching your true Catholic faith to the heretic & infidel is "wrong" because it is the "venom against ecumenism"! YOU ARE CONDEMNED OUT OF YOUR OWN MOUTH, JORGE:
"Nolite iugum ducere cum infidelibus. Quæ enim participatio iustitiæ cum iniquitate? aut quæ societas luci ad tenebras?
15 Quæ autem conventio Christi ad Belial? aut quæ pars fideli cum infideli?
16 Qui autem consensus templo Dei cum idolis?" (2 Cor. 6: 14 - 16) -- Eh, Bergoglio?

The formal schism is in the making. The structure is crumbling. The collapse is imminent and inevitable.

Bishop Williamson: Francis Leading Souls into Hell  

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