"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Fr. Cristoforo: Welcome to this frocioni: queer theology of neochiesa. With the blessing of Bergoglio

Welcome to this frocioni: queer theology of neochiesa. With the blessing of Bergoglio. For those who still had doubts

There is a very serious problem at this time. And it should not be underestimated. That in the Vatican there is a long-standing gay lobby. That there are gay priests around the world, it has been known for a long time. In fact, as Dr. Tosatti wrote in his last article, Bergoglio, he only uncovered the hatch. Giving these people the ability to "express themselves", and now, to have the helm of command within this neochiesa. No one can say anything against civil unions, against perversions, which is pointed out as an intolerant, a Pharisee, and is often willingly marginalized and buried alive. Because today also in the neocentric is "gay pride" that counts and commands. And who does not adapt, poor him.

But do you realize that we must submit to the diktats of four priests frocioni? Highly sponsored by the leaders of this neochiesa arcobaleno?

Other than if Bergoglio does not know ...

He also invited for his Spiritual Exercises (which will be held in Ariccia from February 18 to 23) a preacher, certainly Father José Tolentino de Mendonsa, who is an ass and a shirt (every reference is purely coincidental - and sponsors the books) with Sister Maria Teresa Forcades, a "theologian" known for her extreme positions "queer", who is in Italy these days to present her latest book entitled "We are all different. For a queer theology ", Ed. Castelvecchi publisher (https://www.corrispondenzaromana.it/papa-francesco-apre-le-porte-alla-teologia-queer/).

So it is a mindset that YOU WANTLY want to approve, disseminate, inculcate, IMPOSE. And Bergoglio knows it. And Bergoglio sponsors. It is not only the case of the diocese of Turin (https://anonimidellacroceblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/04/la-diocesi-di-torino-ceglie-la-via-dellanatema-allontaniamoci-al-piu-presto -of-these-mystificators-and-traitors-of-christ-of-finan-of-lindisfarne /), but now the "frocista" mentality is highly sponsored and widespread in this neochiesa.

I repeat. It is not today that these cases exist. It is now for years. Try to think of this priest (one of many) who since 2009 has also been the drag queen (http://www.gay.it/attualita/video/big-mama-capretta-il-prete-drag-queen-ha- fact-coming-out). It is only the emblem of a serious problem, which Benedict XVI and the previous Popes have tried in every way to contain. Today, with Bergoglio, these people find the doors wide open!

Try to think, for example, of Amoris Laetitia. One can read it thinking of the natural "family". But you can also read thinking about gay couples. It's a cylinder where you can bring out everything and the opposite of everything. The only way we can counter this mentality is to DENISE these abuses, to be faithful to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Costs what it costs. CRY to the whole world that this is APOSTASIA! PERVERSION! HIGH BETTER TO JESUS CHRIST AND THE CATHOLIC FAITH! Other than get off the pants ... and apologize (http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/cronache/papa-francesco-bacchetta-chiesa-deve-chiedere-scusa-ai-gay-1276259.html).

I conclude with a video. To play down a little ... if it can serve (watch it .. at least you have two laughs to their face).


1 comment:

  1. https://www.traditioninaction.org/RevolutionPhotos/A767-Flamb.htm
