"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Secessionist Movements Gain Momentum

Secessionist Movements Gain Momentum
Why was Crimea's secession from the newly (and violently) installed CIA-Soros-NATO puppet gangster state of Ukraine greeted with such universal hostility and sanctions from the "International Community" -- whereas the current secessionist movements in Catalan (Spain) and the African nations of Camaroon and Nigeria are covered by the Slimes in an almost sympathetic manner? 

Why were the very same Eurocrats that were all so outspokenly opposed to "Brexit" (which is still being delayed) now so quietly unconcerned about Catalan's possible exit from Spain?
Frankly, until putting together today's analysis, Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times didn't have a definitive answer to such questions. But whenever there is a geo-political mystery to be solved, the wise man (and cat) should always begin the quest for truth by rounding up "the usual suspects." (cough cough) That's what we did, and here is what we found.
Google: "Soros Catalan"
  • Headline: Ad Alerta (Spain): El multimillonario George Soros financia el independentismo catalán (Multi-Millionaire George Soros is Financing Catalan's Independence) (here)
  • Headline: Rambla Libre (Spain): El movimiento separatista catalán lleva la cara de George Soros (here) (The Catalan separatist movement bears the face of George Soros)
https://mikeyyblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/img_6503.pnghttps://i.ytimg.com/vi/yaVeGORJ0B8/mqdefault.jpg https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/01/world/02catalonia-photos1/02catalonia-photos1-superJumbo.jpg
1. Antifa banner in Spain. “MADRID FOR SOROS” -- “Madrid is not a home for Whites.” 2. Turd Worlders in Spain protest because Spain is not taking in enough migrants. 3. As usual, spoiled libtarded students have been manipulated into leading the latest Globalist "cause" --- that of Catalan "independence."
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/Cataluna_in_Spain_%28plus_Canarias%29.svg/250px-Cataluna_in_Spain_%28plus_Canarias%29.svg.pnghttp://static3.businessinsider.com/image/541ac6386bb3f7250c3c96d9/catalan-independence-protestors-are-in-edinburgh-urging-the-scots-to-vote-for-independence.jpg http://ww3.hdnux.com/photos/65/77/32/14153354/3/920x920.jpg
1. The Catalan region includes the major city of Barcelona. 2 & 3. Signs in English -- usually the mark of CIA-NGO playing to an international audience.

Why exactly Soros is destabilizing Spain is not 100% clear (maybe 95%?). Could it have to do with the growing rumblings of a "Spexit" from the European Union? We think so.

  • Headline: The Daily Star (UK): Spain ‘to quit EU in bombshell move to keep boozy Brit Costa holidays: SPAIN could follow Britain out of the European Union in a bid to maintain the thriving holiday industry and care for Brits living on the Costas, an expert has claimed. (here)

  • Headline: Blacktower Financial News: Could Spain be heading for its own EU referendum? (here)

In Mafia movie parlance, it appears that the Globalists are sending a "Sicilian message" to Spain. "Forget about the Spexit nonsense and let more migrants in -- or else we'll split your country, understood?"

http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/d8c23c34a0104618a4835ad3638e7163/spexit-spain-exit-from-european-union-on-referendum-gegckw.jpg https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.266716662.9678/ra,womens_tshirt,x1000,fafafa:ca443f4786,front-c,190,200,315,294-bg,ffffff.u1.jpg
The Euro-skeptics of Spain were getting a tad bit uppity lately. The "Catalonian Nationalism" card should snap them back into total EU obedience.

As for the secessionist movements sprouting up in the increasingly uppity African states of Camaroon and Nigeria, clearly, it is the same tactic that was used to weaken and split Sudan into two states. Soros money and CIA-NGO agents are deeply entrenched all across Africa (here) -- as are proxy terrorist mercenaries "affiliated with ISIS."  The main objective is jockey China out of position and enforce total  compliance with NWO commands to remain backwards and to not harvest the continent's vast resources. That's what all that Hollywood "Save Darfur" nonsense was all about.
You see, boys and girls, as paradoxical as it may seem on the surface, whenever a nation is not fully compliant with NWO directives, all of a sudden, the Globalists, working through their local agents,  conveniently turn "nationalist" and "pro-sovereignty" within a region of that target country. Think Kosovo, Chechnya, Tibet, South Sudan, Kurds etc.

https://eurolade.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/clooneydarfur.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HQfpvg_RXaw/hqdefault.jpg http://endgenocide.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/01/abyei-southkordofan-bluenile-darfur-map.jpg
Hollywood CIA assets such as George Clooney and Angelina Jolie couldn't care a rat's ass about African refugees or poverty. As a play against Chinese influence in the region, they were used to destabilize Sudan and split it in two states -- a secession which The New York Times approved of.

The Globalists have been at this game of setting up and financing phony secessionist / nationalist movements since the "spontaneous" Revolutions of 1848 -- aka, "The People's Spring" -- in which the "nationalist aspirations" of peoples throughout Europe and South America were used to weaken the existing Empires and nations. On a smaller scale, the "chop-em-up-into-weaker-smaller-nations" process was repeated after World War I, with the infamous Treaty of Versailles.
For the Globalists, this type of "independence" is like cutting up a tough steak into small pieces so that it becomes easier to chew and swallow. With the precedents of 1848, 1918 and the 1990's Yugoslavian breakup in mind, you can be sure -- 100% -- that if any new nations are born in Africa or Europe, their fake leaders will be wholly-owned traitors of the Soros-Rothschild gang.

 http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/history/1848/1848-year-of-european-revolutions-rapport.jpg http://www.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/7.542613!/httpImage/image.png
1. The 50 or so "spontaneous" secessionist / nationalist / communist / democratic movements of 1848 were controlled for a higher purpose, with idiot young "students" playing a key role. The same game is now being played in Spain and Africa. 2. The aftermath of World War I also saw the creation of newer small states -- two of which (Poland & Czechoslovakia) the Globalists used to provoke trouble with Germany.
  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that independence movements in Spain and Africa are getting stronger.
Boobus Americanus 2: All peoples should have a right to national self-determination.