Mark of the Beast Watch: New Fingerprint Technology Can Detect Lifestyle of Criminals
New fingerprint technology that can profile a criminal’s
“lifestyle” could soon be admissible in court. It’s capable of detecting
traces of drugs, blood, alcohol, condom lubricants, hair and cleaning
products and other substances “of forensic interest”, researchers say,
and could help investigators learn much more about a criminal’s
activities, just from a fingerprint. The technology, which was developed
by Sheffield Hallam University researchers, is called Matrix Assisted
Laser Desorption Ionisation Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Profiling (MALDI-MSI and MALDI-MSP). Its creators have
been working alongside West Yorkshire Police to trial the method, with
funding from the Home Office’s Innovation Fund, and it could be used to
help investigators in the very near future. “There’s a lot of scientific
work going on, with Sheffield Hallam University and West Yorkshire
Police visiting crime scenes looking at how this technique could fit in
with the workflow of collecting conventional forensic evidence and other
types of evidence, such as DNA and fibres,” READ MORE