"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, October 8, 2017

German Priest Stands Up Against Migration...

German Priest Stands Up Against New World Order "Migration"...

Below is the subtitled version of a sermon given by a German Catholic priest named Father Pietrek.
He’s a refreshing antidote to Cardinal Rainer “Man in the Boat” Woelki, the Archbishop of Cologne (for the most recent antics of Cardinal Woelki, see this post and video from last month).
I didn’t get any information about Fr. Pietrek beyond what’s in the transcript. However, based on some careful searching on the Internet, I’m certain that he’s Father Winfried Pietrek, born in 1932 in Breslau (now the Polish city of Wrocław). The sermon below appears to have been given in December of 2014, when he was 82.

Considering the current condition of the Catholic Church under Francis, Fr. Pietrek might be accurately described as a dissident priest.
Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00 Let’s imagine, someone owns a house.
00:05 And has a family. He has empty apartments in that house.
00:10 He would like to lease them. Is he going to take a tenant
00:15 with whom he has to worry that they… might debauch
00:20 his children? Everyone would say: No.
00:25 It’s his decision. At present
00:30 Germany is facing this decision.
00:36 Catholic social teaching demands that we also… take a position towards
00:41 such difficult problems. Politicians,
00:46 also Church people told us, you have
00:51 to take more people, take in, no matter who they are,
00:56 whoever it is, he is referred to the words of the Holy Scripture
01:01 for example: do good to those who hate you,
01:07 pray for those who persecute you.
01:12 … today’s Gospel on the enemies
01:17 of Saint Stephen, who even while dying had said:
01:22 “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”
01:27 Following Jesus’ example he said this, Jesus explained on the cross:
01:32 Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
01:37 What should we think about it?
01:42 How far should “Love thy neighbor” go? There is a discussion about it,
01:48 many Germans are even so scared that they gather outside
01:53 in thousands or tens of thousands, because they
01:58 don’t want our county Islamized.
02:03 In 2013 we took in
02:08 eleven thousand asylum seekers
02:13 from Syria.
02:18 Of them 70% — so about eight thousand — were
02:23 Muslims; the others were mostly Christian.
02:29 Surely, we have
02:34 towards them, the homeless, the driven-out,
02:39 from whom everything was taken away, a big moral obligation
02:44 of brotherly love. It can lead up to
02:47 the limitation of the individual.
02:54 For example, in the refugees’ neighboring countries
03:00 villages have been built,
03:05 towns, which were financially
03:10 supported by us. We have, however, not only a right
03:15 but also an obligation, and I say it here also, if
03:20 I have to contradict some bishops, who aren’t infallible concerning this question:
03:25 We have the right and the obligation
03:30 to defend our Faith, our
03:33 predominantly Christian culture. We…
03:41 — the limits are flexible for sure, the line has to be drawn by the experts,
03:46 and politicians — but we have a right
03:51 to defend ourselves against foreign infiltration, and we rightly demand
03:56 from all politicians, and this has to be said openly by the Church as well:
04:01 Since we are in the majority a Christian country
04:07 we demand that we take in Christian refugees before any others.
04:12 Paul writes: “[We should] do good to everyone”,
04:17 but “especially to those in the family of faith” [Galatians 6:2-17].
04:22 Also to protect one’s own faith, which is totally clear that
04:27 an Islamized Germany will lose in large part.
04:32 Many who don’t really know the faith, who don’t really exercise it,
04:38 would become weak and they would give up their own faith. It’s the duty of the shepherd
04:48 to warn about it. My mother left
04:53 me as a leading thought for my later
04:58 life the sentence:
05:03 What use for the sheep is a shepherd who is a sheep?
05:09 We have to — in the love of our neighbor —
05:14 go to the extreme we know the Sermon on the Mount, we know that
05:23 Jesus voluntarily calls us to voluntarily be ready for the extreme,
05:29 to sacrifice everything, even our life, our belongings out of love for our enemies
05:39 or also for our opponent.
05:44 But since we know that Islam is violent,
05:50 that it cannot change the Quran and doesn’t want to change it,
05:55 precisely because it CANNOT change it, and because
06:00 wild conquest belongs to Islam, we have — as our ancestors
06:05 did, before Loreto, twice before Vienna,
06:10 during the defence against Muslim attack against Rome,
06:15 during the attacks on the entire Mediterranean Sea,
06:18 where over the centuries hundreds of thousands of Christians
06:26 fell into slavery, like the Christians who
06:31 were conquered in Spain, that three quarters
06:36 of a millennium: for 750 years it was occupied by Muslims,
06:41 so that even today every fourth word in Spanish has an Arabic influence —
06:46 So we have, as Christians, namely out of love
06:51 for the Savior, the duty to preserve our faith
06:57 and to preserve also the faith that was entrusted to us.
07:02 So, in the name of Catholic social teaching, I would like to openly
07:07 put to our politicians the demand that
07:12 they take in Christians, but where non-Christians
07:17 are concerned, finance shelters for them in other countries.
07:22 And when the politicians don’t do it,
07:27 then I encourage all the Christians not to be impressed by the warnings,
07:30 also by those put forward by bishops,
07:38 and go to the great rallies [PEGIDA]. It’s totally clear that
07:43 among them radicals are also mixed with normal protesters, people
07:48 who look for a fight. So it can always… the press will always
07:53 be able to destroy separate groups, but
07:58 we love our Catholic Faith. It is sad
08:03 that we — in the Muslim world up until now —
08:06 are able to proselytize so little.
08:14 An old missionary in India, who recently passed away,
08:19 told me that during his life he baptized about
08:24 four to five thousand Indians — especially the natives [in India].
08:29 Always when he built a church — first a school
08:34 then a church — and a tiny village around it, he transferred it
08:39 to a younger missionary and he would then move on with a couple of families.
08:45 He told me at this occasion, that in his life in India he
08:50 was able to baptize only a handful of Muslims, because they were scared
08:55 of being rejected or killed by their families.
09:00 We cannot close our eyes before the fact
09:05 that the love of one’s neighbor has to be exercised towards everybody,
09:10 but it starts in one’s own homeland,
09:15 in one’s family and towards those of the same faith. Everything else is
09:26 And so we want to pray to Saint Stephen,
09:31 the martyr for the love of neighbor,
09:36 that the Catholic Church in Germany wakes up,
09:41 that it recognizes what the REAL LOVE OF NEIGHBOR IS!
09:44 We have to preserve the tradition of our fathers, not only in the liturgy,
09:47 but also in the practical behavior of Catholic social teaching,
09:56 the way it was taught to us for hundreds of years, also in the defense against Islam:
10:01 We love an individual Muslim: he is also our brother; we pray
10:07 that he might be saved for eternity, but we also
10:12 have to tell him what Jesus shared with us: that
10:17 we can only be saved through Jesus, through the birth
10:22 of the divine child at Christmas and our devotion to His cross.
10:27 So the strength of the mission — also of
10:32 the Catholics in Germany — has to return. Amen.
10:37 In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit
10:42 Amen.