Novus Ordo: Liturgical dance escalates in Seattle
St. Patrick's
Catholic Church in Seattle is known for its nonstop liturgical dance. In
the wake of liturgical reform of Paul VI enforcing the erroneous
teachings of Vatican II, we have seen the institution of dancing on the
altar almost everywhere. On this page you see photos of dances at St.
Patrick's being performed at different times during these last years.
To dance in church is inappropriate for several reasons:
First: the sanctuary is a place of recollection, not of profane joy; second: the solemnity of the Sacrifice of the Mass is not compatible with dancing; third: women should not enter the presbytery; fourth: modest dress should always be worn in church; fifth: women should wear veils; sixth: we should not bring attention to ourselves during the Mass; seventh: many of these dances have sensual movements, which induce men to sin.
These are sufficient reasons to abolish liturgical dancing once and for all instead of promoting it.