"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Nine-Year-Old Girl Raped And Tortured By ISIS Escapes, Says ‘They Made Me Become A Muslim But I Prayed To God Each Day He Would Send Bombs To Kill Them’

Nine-Year-Old Girl Raped And Tortured By ISIS Escapes, Says ‘They Made Me Become A Muslim But I Prayed To God Each Day He Would Send Bombs To Kill Them’

As ISIS is finally removed from Iraq and Syria, more horror stories are coming out about their evil deeds, especially from children kidnapped by them.
One story is that of Basma, a nine-year-old who was raped and forced to be a slave. She says her owners made her dress and pray as a Muslim, but she says she never believed and prayed to God instead that He would drop bombs on ISIS:

In Iraq, the Caliphate of Evil has fallen, and the horrific stories of their victims emerge, especially those of children whose innocence has been torn away from them forever, children treated as slaves, as sex objects, as pack animals. Children who talk about this terrible experience today as if it were part of normal life, unaware of the existence of another type of life.
Basma, sold to many masters
This is what happened to Basma, (see photo 1), the little Yazida girl who is nine years old now, sold several times to several masters before being found by her uncle and bought through an intermediary.
Basma, who is today in Dohok (Kurdistan), was at Telaafar, taken away with all the children. She describes the first days after being seized: “Every morning, she says, they carried children away and forced them to learn the Koran, threatening them with death. We had to learn it by heart and we learned.”
Her childhood conscience does not understand that through that this teaching converted her by making her perform the shahada [the profession of Islamic faith]. From Telaafar she was first sold to a Daesh fighter, who in turn soon resold her to another fighter who took her to Rakka in Syria where she was resold to a Saudi. After treating her like a slave for 12 days he again resold her to another man who kept her for three months. After three months she resold again who after three days sold her on to another, with whom she stayed for a week before meeting the buyer who bought her and saved her, selling her on to her uncle. Basma was photographed with adult clothing, as was customary for all Christian girls, Yazite and Shabak dragged from the plains of Nineveh; her photo was published on the Daesh site devoted to the slave trade (see photo 2). Basma cannot say the word “rape”, she doesn’t know the term, but talks about these “masters”, some of whom were her grandfather’s age. Like all of the others she was beaten everyday without any reason. Treated like a slave forced to clean, wash laundry, wash the dishes, heat the bath water and cook for the wife and children of her various masters. Basma says she had to “educate and nurture the masters little children” and could not sleep “before two or three in the morning … I could not sleep before I had put the baby to sleep and washed the dishes.” And she adds: “They beat us” especially “when they told me something and wanted me to remember what it was.” Sometimes, however, I could “sleep a few hours before, midnight, but not always.” Basma is now saved and free, but still today is afraid to listen to music and covers her ears for fear of being punished. “When there were air raids – she says – they [Daesh fighters] were afraid and asked me to go and pray. I did not pray the Islamic prayer, I pretended, but I prayed to God to send more bombs so they would die and I could escape, “she smiles satisfied. But Basma’s greatest fear was when “I was torn away from my mother, who I have not seen since.” (source)

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