"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Neo-SSPX Watch: Doctrinal Study of the Capuchins of Morgon (France)

Neo-SSPX Watch: Doctrinal Study of the Capuchins of Morgon (France)
The Capuchin study, running nearly 100 pages, is titled, “In the Face of Roman Proposals: Can we Today Accept a Canonical Recognition on the Part of Neo-Modernist Rome?
Though the study is not available in English, the translated introduction of Christian Lasalle, and the Preface of Fr. Antoine de Fleurance (Father Guardian of Morgon), below, will suffice to convey the general spirit of the document.

For those of you who have a bit more patience, you can paste the study 5,000 characters at a time in the Google Translate page, and get passable results (Note: You may first have to download the study, save it, and then convert the saved document into Word before you will be able to copy/paste chunks of the document; this may also throw off the formatting of the document a bit).
The introduction of Christian La Salle:
“On June 3, 2016, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Capuchins of Morgon distributed to their friends and to members of their Third Order a doctrinal study on the question of the relations of these traditional communities with conciliar Rome.
In this almost 100-page document, written in a very scholastic method (St. Thomas Aquinas), the religious men put forward the deep reasons why the “agreement” with Rome, as envisaged today, seems harmful to the Church;
Father Antoine, a superior called “Father Gardian” of Morgon, was also the signatory of the salutary and courageous “Letter of the [French] Deans” on marriage, recalling the right of the faithful in this field and the true nature of the state of necessity that exists more than ever today, while denouncing the confusion linked to the will of some to rally to modernist Rome.
We are profoundly thankful to our Capuchin brothers for this firm text…which for [over] one year has convinced and opened the eyes of a great number of priests and Catholics deceived by the liberal sirens.”
Preface to the “Doctrinal Study” by Fr. Antoinde de Fleurance (Superior of Morgon):
“In the current turmoil and confusion, we must remain faithful to and adhere to authentic Catholic principles. And in order that they may truly be the light that enlightens and guides our steps, we must draw the practical consequences and apply them rigorously in our everyday life and in our daily attitudes.
Coherence and non-contradiction are the logical consequence of full and complete adherence to the truth.
As Cardinal Pie said, charity, which is the bond of perfection, must be dictated and regulated by truth, and it was in this spirit of charity that we wished to write these lines.
It was above all under the gaze of God that this work was carried out, for it is to him that we shall have to account for all our conduct; but it is also to make loyal to the heart of our thoughts on the question of Roman propositions.
Indeed, sharing for many years the same struggle as the other communities of the Tradition, we had to heart to make known to those who are closer to us the way we perceive the present situation.
We hope, in any case, that it will be in this spirit of peace and understanding that this work will be received.
Deign to Our Lady, faithful Virgin and Queen of Peace, maintain between us the supernatural bonds which unite us in truth and charity in her divine Son, Jesus Christ, our King.”
Ladies and gentlemen, the Capuchins of Morgon are officially and fully Resistance (and have been so for over a year).

Download the Entire “Doctrinal Study” Here