The Church Infected by cruel enemies...
Among those who deny the Resistance its reason for being, many reason
as follows: The Fraternity has not signed any agreement with Rome; when you do, there will be a reason to resist. While this does not happen, all Resistance is meaningless.
To reason in this way is to ignore that the enemies of the Church are astute.
They do not want there to be a resistance to the legal regularization
of the San Pío X Fraternity. They want to legally hold the Tradition to
its authority. To get this result, they act in stages, so as not to frighten anyone.
However, this strategy has found resistance such as that of the seven
deans and that of the three superiors of French religious communities.
But, in general, Roman strategy has an effect. The reason for this result is perhaps deeper than a simple strategy. "Only the saints believe in evil," said Gustavo Corção. Only Monsignor Lefebvre and Archbishop Antonio de Castro Mayer truly believed that the Church is occupied by cruel enemies.
Whoever does not believe in evil will never see the reason to resist
and to fight energetically the modernists, who hold the highest
positions within the Church at this time.
May God give us the grace to fight as Monsignor Lefebvre and Monsignor Antonio de Castro Mayer did; and for that, may God grant us the grace to hate evil with our teeth, as St. Catherine of Siena said.
+ Tomás de Aquino OSB