"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Fr. Kramer: Francis is the closer of the ecclesial revolution

Fr. Kramer: Francis is the closer of the ecclesial revolution
Fr. Kramer (facebook-9-9-17)
Francis is the closer of the ecclesial revolution. If the changes would be ordered by Rome, it would eventually become obvious that Protestant Rome is consummating the work of the 16th Century reformers. Bergoglio, by Motu Proprio, orders the revolution to be carried out from below:
(Canon 383)
"§2. It is for the Apostolic See to order the sacred liturgy of the universal Church, publish liturgical books, recognise adaptations approved by the Episcopal Conference according to the norm of law, and exercise vigilance that liturgical regulations are observed faithfully everywhere.
§3. It pertains to the Episcopal Conferences to faithfully prepare versions of the liturgical books in vernacular languages, suitably accommodated within defined limits, and to approve and publish the liturgical books for the regions for which they are responsible after the confirmation of the Apostolic See."

Thus, the last vestiges of Catholicism that Benedict XVI restored to the Conciliar liturgy must now give way to the radical Modernist liberal Protestantism of Neo-Pagan Rome, which will be ushered in by His Humbleness, but by means of the bishops' conferences.
I have been saying for decades that the Church of England is the prototype of the Antichurch of the Great Apostasy -- that the Conciliar Church would eventually devolve into a confederation of virtually autonomous national hierarchies (as St. Hildegard foretold); because, (as I pointed out in my book on The Suicide of Altering the Faith in the Liturgy), the Ecclesiology adopted by the Conciliar Church is the Protestant Ecclesiology formulated by the Protestant sects.
The actual engine that transformed Catholicism into Protestsntism in England (and Germany, etc.), as Belloc explained, was the liturgical reform that mutated the Catholic Mass into Cranmer's (Protestant) Masse or Lord's Supper, with its Protestant lex orandi reflecting the new lex credendi of the Reformation.
The Conciliar reformed liturgy of Paul VI, (i.e. the "Lord's Supper or Mass" constructed by Annibale Bugnini), was the preliminary transitional liturgy -- the "reformed liturgy" of the "reformed Church", as arch-Modernist Richard McBrien explained. It was the transitional liturgy of the transitional "Conciliar Church", or as Cardinal Ratzinger called it, "the Church of the Present".
Being transitional, it was a church in transition towards something in the future -- what Ratzinger termed, the "Church of the Future"; and he said we cannot really imagine what that future church will be like. (The actual quotation can be found in John Vennari's article printed at the end of my book on the liturgy.)
Well (!), the "Church of the future" is here -- the New Advent of Wojtyła has brought us to Bergoglio's "Great Beginning" of the "Church of the Future": Magnum Principium is the engine of transformation, by means of liturgical reform, of the "Conciliar Church" into the global confederation of autonomous national hierarchies, which will have no binding dogmas or moral absolutes -- exactly like the global Anglican Communion. This is the Great Beginning of Bergoglio's new religion of the "Universal Church" of Protestant Rome, foretold by Popes Leo XIII and St. Pius X:
"Behold the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, filled with bitterness and inebriated with gall by the most crafty enemies; who have laid impious hands on all that is most sacred. Where the See of the most blessed Peter and the Chair of the truth, was constituted as the light of the nations, there they have set up the throne of their abominable impiety, so that the shepherd being struck, the sheep may be dispersed." (1930 Raccolta)
"l’établissement d’une Église universelle qui n’aura ni dogmes, ni hiérarchie, ni règle pour l’esprit, ni frein pour les passions et qui, sous prétexte de liberté et de dignité humaine, ramènerait dans le monde, si elle pouvait triompher, le règne légal de la ruse et de la force, et l’oppression des faibles, de ceux qui souffrent et qui travaillent." (Notre charge apostolique)
Welcome to the Église universelle -- the "Church" of Bergoglio's Grand Beginning, the "Dogma-free Christianity" of Freemasonry. (cf. "Dogmenfreies Christetum" in, Manfred Adler; Die Antichristliche Revolution der Freimaurerei)