Latest False Prophet Message: Moving into Divinity
TCK Briefing Within...
TCK Briefing Within...
As you know I have been keeping tabs on the False Prophet ("Master Jesus") and Antichrist "Maitreya" for quite some time here is the latest coming from the New Age camp. Vatican II is that bridge over into the formal Apostate Church of Darkness. I have added elements from their latest magazine to help you understand where things are going...
Moving into Divinity
by the Master —,
Throughout the world, men are beginning to realize that their long-held beliefs and certainties are less certain than they had supposed. The breakdown of their social and political institutions calls in question the value of their established ways of thinking, and presents men with a dilemma: the current modes of thought and action no longer seem to work; the future modes are, as yet, unclear. Thus it is that men stand undecided, awaiting guidance, lost in a vain attempt to maintain the past or to predict the future. In such situations, men are ripe for change.Few there are who know the direction or the extent of the needed changes, nor how they may be accomplished, but, gradually, it is dawning on many that the present ways of living are bankrupt of meaning and lack all potential for human happiness. Large numbers thus ‘opt out’ of the struggle and seek solace and equilibrium in the growing number of religions, philosophies and ‘cults’, ancient and new. The changes needed seem too vast, too radical for human hands or minds to set in motion, and they turn inwards to the God Who, they suspect, controls the affairs of men.
Did they but know it, they, themselves, are that very God, awaiting an opportunity to manifest. They, themselves, control their lives, for good or ill. It is they, by their actions, who turn the wheel of events, who engender conflict or peace, who sow mischief or goodwill. Men must learn their role and innate power in life and take, thus, responsibility for its quality and direction. Unless they do this they will never leave their infancy behind.
Maitreya enters now the world arena to teach men that they are Gods in potential, that they are powerful indeed, and that conditioning alone, holds them in thrall to superstition and fear, competition and greed. He will show men the way to renounce the past, and to construct, under His wise guidance, a civilization worthy of men who are moving into their Divinity. The day is not far off when men will hear His Call, and hearing, respond. The day is not far off when men will know that the long dark night is over, that the time has come to welcome the new light which has entered the world.
Thus will men begin the task of reconstruction, a task which demands the strength and will of all. All must see this time as an opportunity to serve and grow, to fulfil the destiny which has brought them into the world now.
When, in future times, men look back to these climactic days, they will wonder with astonishment and disbelief at the ease with which we tolerate the iniquities of the present: the cruelty and pointless suffering which so besmirch our lives. Maitreya comes to do battle with this ancient wrong and to lead men into the Era of Light. Give Him your welcoming hand and let Him guide you to your Self. (A Master Speaks)
Excerpts from their latest Magazine:
Signs of the time
The ‘Signs of the time’ presented in this section have either been confirmed in the past by Benjamin Creme’s Master, resemble similar ‘signs’ also confirmed or speak for themselves. Many phenomena have been witnessed by people who see them as confirmation of their hopes and faith. We present them for your consideration.“Increasingly, men are becoming aware that the ‘age of miracles’ has not ended but, on the contrary, waxes strong throughout the world. Recent manifestations have shaken to the core the complacent certainties of millions.... Miracles abound, and will continue to astonish; the forlorn hopes of so-called scientists and experts will prove of no avail to discount the evidence of men’s eyes. Turning their minds to the hope which these manifestations engender, men will connect them with the wise words of Maitreya, and follow His lead.” (A Master Speaks, November 1995)
Madonna statuette in Argentina weeps blood

A statue of the Madonna in the Salta province of Argentina began crying tears of blood in April 2017. The figurine of the Virgin of the Mystical Rose, one of the names Catholics use for the Madonna, belongs to the Frias Mendoza family in the city of San José de Metán. After the family spoke about the phenomenon on a local radio station, many visitors began coming to their home to witness the miracle. (Source:
Weeping Madonna statue in Paraguay

Crowds have flocked to see a statue of the Madonna with tears in its eyes in the little church of Santa Librada in Villarrica, Paraguay, according to reports on 21 April 2017.
Local resident Zully de Meaurio was the first to spot the phenomenon and took a video of it. She had gone to the church and on approaching the statue of the Madonna saw a tear in one of its eyes. She immediately called her husband: “Look at this, she is crying, she has water!” and then recorded it on her cell phone. In the video a woman can be heard saying: “She wants us to pray, she wants us to pray.” Mrs De Meaurio called her neighbours who also arrived to witness it. One said: “I hope this could help [bring] peace, so that our authorities will not fight anymore.” (Source:
Moving into Divinity and forging a future for all – a compilation
An excerptBenjamin Creme’s reply to the following question (SI, July/August 2012) explains the value of the compilations presented here each month.
Q. Some readers love the compilations while I have heard other comments to the effect that often the compilations simply repeat already used material. As the Editor, what is your opinion, please?
A. They do repeat already printed material but these compilations remind people of the teaching. The thematic context gives them a different perspective and focus. My Master says that this is one of the most important parts of the magazine and that the compilations have a cumulative impact.
The theme of this compilation is ‘Moving into Divinity’, the title of the Master’s article, July/August 2000: “…Maitreya enters now the world arena to teach men that they are Gods in potential, that they are powerful, indeed, and that conditioning, alone, holds them in thrall to superstition and fear, competition and greed. He will show men the way to renounce the past, and to construct, under His wise guidance, a civilization worthy of men who are moving into their Divinity....”
Our aim in choosing this theme is to highlight the need for us, humanity, to claim our birthright, know ourselves as divine beings and so choose a future with the systems and structures that will best reflect our divine natures, as described by Maitreya, the Masters and Benjamin Creme.
This compilation combines the ideas of both our individual and our collective destiny: the inner world manifesting in everyday life; the subjective made objective.
In this way, we present here a vision of humanity’s challenge today: the creation of an outer world reflecting the divine reality, in line with the Plan and Hierarchy’s work.
The quotations are taken from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ and Maitreya’s Teachings – The Laws of Life), Benjamin Creme’s Master (A Master Speaks and Share International), and Benjamin Creme’s writings.
My intention is to place before you the answers to man’s dilemma, to show you that the future holds for all men unbelievable promise. With My Brothers, the Masters of Wisdom, I shall show you the way to release your divinity and receive your inheritance. My plan is to awaken mankind to its true worth, its true capacity, and show it that within all men lives a divine son of God. (Maitreya, from Message No.24)
The real changes in the world, the real shifts in consciousness, are
being made on the political and economic fronts. It is through political
and economic change that the structures will be rebuilt which will
allow the spirituality inherent in all peoples to be reflected. (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume One)
Today, the leaders of nations wrestle with events beyond control. Forces
they know naught of drive them to unplanned and oft hysterical
response. They flee from chaos into chaos, led by their own dogma.
Meanwhile, We patiently wait. We know the outcome of man’s present
dilemma, and aid to the full extent of karmic law. We know, too, that
man, of his own free will, must choose the path to future glory: the
path of brotherhood and love, justice and sharing.
We rally to man’s need. We strive to teach and serve. Man himself must
act, and test his divinity in the crucible of experience. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The end of hunger’)
My friends, My children, I am here to show you that there exists for man
a most marvellous future. Decked in all the colours of the rainbow,
glowing with the Light of God, man, one day, will stand upright in his
divinity. This I promise you. (Maitreya, from Message No.4)
My Coming evokes in man a desire for change, a desire for betterment,
however expressed. My Energies engender in man divine discontent. All
that is useless in our structures must go. There are many such which are
unworthy of man today.
Man is an emerging God and thus requires the formation of modes of
living which will allow this God to flourish. How can you be content
with the modes within which you now live: when millions starve and die
in squalor; when the rich parade their wealth before the poor; when each
man is his neighbour’s enemy; when no man trusts his brother? For how
long must you live thus, My friends? For how long can you support this
My plan and My duty is to reveal to you a new way, a way forward which
will permit the divine in man to shine forth. (Maitreya, from Message No.81)
Stage by stage, century following century, man will build a civilization
which will demonstrate his growing manifestation of divinity; a culture
in which the beauty of the divine creation will be expressed in all its
aspects, a mirror in which the Divine Idea will be reflected in all its
Thus will man take his true place in the scheme of things under the
Divine Plan. Thus, under the inspiration of the Christ, will he
transform this world – separated by fear, dogma and hate – into that in
which the Law of Love governs, in which all men are brothers, in which
all that pertains to the divine nature engages man’s attention and
controls his life. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The new civilization’)
Maitreya is speaking about sharing, justice, freedom and about right
relationship. They are all divine principles. Freedom, justice and right
relationship are at the basis of life and make for correct relationship
between peoples and between nation and nation.
It is competition that leads to war and prevents right human
relationship from evolving. The creation of correct human relationship
is the next step forward in our evolution. When you have that you have
the beginning of true divine life. The first step into sharing, says
Maitreya, is the first step into your divinity. What could be simpler or
truer? (Benjamin Creme, The Awakening of Humanity)
A new time is in the making – of justice, freedom and peace. In this
coming time the peoples of all the nations will see fulfilled their
dreams and hopes of a better life: of meaning and purpose, of beauty and
understanding, of right relationship and love. Each day will bring a
new discovery, inner and outer, each hour an opportunity to serve. Thus
will it be, and thus will each man, woman and child glorify the divine
in all of us, and show in all its variety the many-sided beauty of God. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The ending of bondage’)S.O.P. – Save Our Planet!
In the words of a Master of Wisdom: “Apart from war, nothing so profoundly affects the future of all men as much as pollution. Some countries have recognised this fact and have taken some steps to limit pollution and global warming. Others, sometimes the chief polluters, deny the reality of global warming despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Daily, now, the climatic changes prove beyond doubt that the planet is sick and needs immediate and skilful care to re-establish equilibrium. Time is running out for men to halt the transformation which is being daily wrought on planet Earth. Every man, woman and child must play their part in the task. Time is, verily, running out. S.O.P. Save Our Planet!” (Source: ‘S.O.P. — Save Our Planet!’ by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 8 September 2012)World Environment Day – 5 June 2017
On 5 June World Environment Day (WED) will highlight the 2017 theme: ‘Connecting People to Nature’. WED calls for positive environmental action to foster harmony between humanity and nature. After decades of discrimination and neglect, indigenous people are gaining recognition as custodians of the land, with rights to ancestral lands and the resources they contain.Conservationists increasingly recognize that ‘wilderness’ landscapes have been traditionally managed and protected by local and indigenous communities with unique knowledge on how to tackle environmental challenges. This resonates with current approaches to nature conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and adapting to the effects of climate change.
Indigenous communities around the world continue to oppose illegal encroachments and destructive exploitation, such as mega-dams across their rivers or logging and mining in their forests. In 2015, 185 people many from indigenous communities were killed defending their land, forests and rivers against destructive industries, according to the campaigning group Global Witness.
“No one should fear for their life because they call for the Earth’s resources to be used carefully and in a way that respects their communities,” said Erik Solheim, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme. “Everyone has the right to stand up for their environment.”
In March 2017, Canadian environment minister Catherine McKenna championed the protection of indigenous land areas. She said it is one of the ways Canada will meet its goal of conserving 17 per cent of its landby 2020, and also respond to “the desire of indigenous peoples to determine how best to create healthier more prosperous communities while protecting their land.”
Many indigenous peoples and local communities “cannot imagine their life divorced from nature and their interest in the sustainable use of resources is strong,” said Eva Müller, Director of the Forestry Policy and Resources Division at the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. “Empowerment of these groups combined with their knowledge and long-term planning skills is essential to ensure the survival of future generations – of both humans and wildlife.” (Source:;
Scientists: only 10 years left to save the planet
Our home, Earth, has been given a deadline –10 years. If humans fail to cut greenhouse gas emissions and fail to maintain carbon-absorbing systems like forests, then the results will be catastrophic, according to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).In a welcome breakthrough, researchers have developed a model that they believe could be a solution. The study, published in the journal Nature Communications, outlines a plan that could simultaneously account for carbon uptake by plants and carbon release by human-induced activities. “The study shows that the combined energy and land-use system should deliver zero net anthropogenic emissions well before 2040 in order to assure the attainability of a 1.5°C target by 2100,” said Michael Obersteiner, co-author and IIASA director.

Global warming
This target is in line with the Paris Agreement on climate change,
which 194 countries signed, promising to limit future global average
temperature increases to below 2ºC, in the hope that efforts would limit
the average increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. But the
COP21 agreement allows countries to accomplish this in whatever way they
see necessary and failed to specify methods needed to achieve the goal.
The IIASA model calls for fossil fuel consumption to be reduced to less than 25 per cent of the global energy supply by 2100, a drastic cut from the 95 per cent being used right now. Deforestation would also need to be cut significantly to lead to a 42 per cent decrease in cumulative emissions.
The study shows that in a “high-renewable” scenario, renewable energy like wind, solar and bioenergy would need to increase by around 5 per cent a year for net emissions to peak by 2022. However, there also needs to be negative emissions technologies like reforestation and revitalizing ocean ecosystems or the global average temperature will still reach 2.5 degrees, missing the Paris agreement target.
China has bumped up their renewable energy consumption, and entire countries like Denmark have committed to 100 per cent renewables. In the US, despite the Trump administration’s efforts to rollback climate regulations and even withdraw from the agreement, some states like California and Kansas have not stopped their drive to develop renewable energy options.
These are some tall orders, but science is showing that some countries are moving in the right direction. Overall, there is hope. And the IIASA believes that “success in these areas may explain the difference between reaching 1.5°C instead of 2°C.” (Source:
The voice of the people
In this section Share International focuses on the rising tide of people power which will continue to swell until, under Maitreya’s wise guidance, the people will lead their leaders into the creation of a just society in which the rights and needs of all are recognized and met.March for science on Earth Day
Hundreds of thousands of scientists and their supporters gathered in demonstrations across the globe on 22 April 2017. In this unprecedented action, marches and rallies were organized in over 600 cities, largely in response to President’s Trump’s dismissal of climate science and proposed major cuts to US government agencies. These include the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA, the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Institutes of Health.
The March for Science was “…unprecedented in terms of
the scale and breadth of the scientific community that’s involved”
(Robert Proctor)
The March for Science was “…unprecedented in terms of the scale and
breadth of the scientific community that’s involved,” Robert Proctor, a
professor of the history of science at Stanford University, told The Washington Post. According to the website: “We marched because science is critical to our health, economies, food security, and safety. We marched to defend the role of science in policy and society. We are science advocates and scientists who share an important goal: to champion science for the public good.
“In the coming weeks, we’ll continue to work with marchers, partner organizations, and satellite march organizers around the world as we plan the future of the March for Science movement. “The march is over, and the movement has begun. Science keeps marching forward, and so do we.”
People’s Climate March
The following week, on 29 April 2017, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide took to the streets for the People’s Climate March. More than 200,000 people protested in Washington, DC, with tens of thousands more joining via sister marches across the globe, including Japan, the Philippines, New Zealand, Uganda, Kenya, Germany, Greece, United Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico and Costa Rica. In the US more than 370 marches in nearly all 50 states took place, from small towns in Alaska to the streets of major US cities, including Miami, Denver, Los Angeles and Chicago.In Washington, DC, the march was divided into contingents such as ‘Protectors of Justice’, ‘Reshapers of Power’, ‘Many Struggles, One Home’ and ‘Fossil Fuel Resistance’, which included the growing resistance to President Trump’s and the Republican Party’s dismantling of climate and environmental policies. The bloc included activists and organizations fighting oil and gas drilling, coal mining, pipelines and power plants.
“Today’s actions are not for one day or one week or one year,” said Paul Getsos, US national co-ordinator for the Peoples Climate Movement. “We are a movement that is getting stronger every day for our families, our communities and our planet. To change everything, we need everyone.”
Executive director of the environmental group, May Boeve, said: “We’re on the precipice of launching an ambitious new grassroots push to stop every new fossil fuel project on the table and build 100 per cent renewable energy in towns and cities nationwide. What we are doing today gives us real leverage to get there.” …
Author and activist Naomi Klein explained why she was taking part in the People’s Climate March. “I march because we can do so much better. Climate change is a message. It’s telling us we need to evolve… This is a moment. This is a mission. It is a generational mission. It is a sacred duty. We have to march.”
Maitreya's priorities
“To aid men in their task, the Christ has formulated certain priorities. They cover the essential needs of every man, woman and child. The first priority is an adequate supply of the right food. Secondly, adequate housing and shelter for all. Thirdly, health-care and education as a universal right.” – Benjamin Creme’s Master, January 1989.In this section, Share International addresses problems in the areas of Maitreya’s priorities, and also identifies related plans, solutions and projects.
Solutions for the refugee crisis
TED is a non-profit organization devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. It began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics – from science to business to global issues – in more than 100 languages. In April 2017 David Miliband, former British Foreign Secretary and British president of the International Rescue Committee, gave a TED talk with a specific message: “The global refugee crisis is not unsolvable – and it’s actually a test of those of us in the West.”David Miliband’s Polish Jewish parents were refugees themselves. His father Ralph was forced to flee from Belgium in World War II. “If Britain had not admitted refugees in the 1940s I certainly wouldn’t be here today,” he said.

“It’s a test of our humanity. It’s a test of us in
the Western world, of who we are and what we stand for. It’s a test of
our character. It’s revealing of our values. Empathy and altruism are
two of the foundations of civilization.” — David Miliband photo:
He spoke of the 65 million people who were displaced from their homes
in 2016 by conflict and disaster – that is 24 people every minute,
enough to populate a country, which would be the 21st-largest country in
the world. “These are not people on the move seeking a better life –
they’re fleeing for their lives,” Miliband said. “Most of these people
are displaced within their own home country, but 25 million cross
borders and become refugees. They are living in Turkey, Jordan,
Pakistan, Kenya, Iran. One in every four people in Lebanon is a refugee,
a quarter of the population. And most refugees are displaced for a long
time – the average is 10 years.”“Those are long-term, generational challenges,” said Miliband. “This refugee crisis is a trend, not a blip.” The causes of the crisis are weak states that cannot support their own people and divided international political systems.
The problems are real, he said, but so are the solutions. He offered the following:
(1) Refugees need to be able to work. Support for work needs to be the norm.
(2) Education for refugee kids should be a lifeline, not a luxury. “Kids can bounce back when they’re given the proper social, emotional support alongside literacy and numeracy.”
(3) Refugees need money. Most refugees are in cities, not camps, and cash assistance empowers refugees and boosts the local economy.
(4) The most vulnerable refugees need the chance to start a new life in the West. Miliband said: “Now is not the time to be banning refugees, it’s the time to be embracing people who are victims of terror.”
More than 100 tech companies attended the talk – including Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Uber. All had signed a brief in court cases challenging President Trump’s proposed travel ban in January 2017. The room erupted in applause when Miliband suggested that in addition to hiring refugees, challenging untruths and donating money, listeners could personally extend a hand by voting “for politicians who will put into practice solutions I talked about”.
“It’s a test of our humanity. It’s a test of us in the Western world, of who we are and what we stand for. It’s a test of our character. It’s revealing of our values. Empathy and altruism are two of the foundations of civilization. Turn that into action, and we live out a basic moral credo. Fail to help, and we show we have no moral compass at all….
“I believe the biggest question in the 21st century concerns our duty to strangers. The world is more connected than ever before, yet the great danger is we’re consumed by our divisions – and there’s no better test of that than how we treat refugees.”
He concluded: “This is about the rescue of us and our values as well as the rescue of them and their lives.” (Source:;
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