Vatican Exhibits Jewish Menorahs
The approved mystics said the Jews were behind this apostasy in the Church using Freemasonry as a front
Echoing the new doctrines of Vatican II, the Conciliar Church maintains a strict silence about the fact that the Jews wholly rejected Our Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah and, consequently, murdered Him.It also denies the fact that, with the Deicide, the vocation of the Jewish people of the Old Testament ended and was duly replaced by the Catholic Church, which became the Chosen People of the New Testament.
With these two basic denials of the progressivists – which constitutes part of their apostasy – they go on to spread the idea that today’s partisans of Judaism who follow in the wake of Annas and Caiaphas are still the Chosen People. Hence, modern progressivists support the symbols of Judaism's hostility towards the Catholic Church.
From May 16 to July 23, 2017, an exhibit is taking place in the Vatican Museum featuring the Jewish Menorah. On display for the public are artistic photos of rare objects highlighting the Menorah, as if these items provided a cultural advantage for all.
Actually, it is an affirmation of Progressivism’s religious subservience to Judaism.
In the eyes of the Jews, the fact that its affirmed enemy of yesterday – the Catholic Church – is now promoting its own symbols constitutes a kind of glorification. They do not see, however, that actually it is not the authentic Catholic Church that is promoting Judaism. Today, she is a prisoner of Progressivism. It is the latter, the infiltrated enemy that is praising Judaism, the ostensive enemy: one enemy praising the other.