Cardinal George - Not a Conservative
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
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Cardinal George was sadly another modernist teaching heresy |
Like me, my friend Jan has been receiving postings ad nauseam praising Cardinal Francis George, the retired Archbishop of Chicago who died at age 78 in his residence after a long battle against cancer. Like me, she was surprised to find almost universal praise for the Prelate, who is being called the “American Ratzinger” as if this marks him as a conservative champion for the Old Mass and against Vatican II.
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Card. George, a progressivist in the mold of JPII & BXVI |
The title “American's Ratzinger” is correct. Card. George was a “conservative” in the mold of John Paul II and Benedict XVI; he vigorously preached their “new evangelization,” as the media is quick to point out. (1) But this in fact makes him not a conservative at all, but a progressivist who supported Vatican II and the revolution it engendered.
Oh yes, I know that he opened the door for a few more Latin Masses in Chicago, but he himself regularly said the Novus Ordo
Mass and never criticized it. Like Ratzinger, he attacked modern
secularism as an enemy of Christian Civilization (or what is left of
it), but he never accused the new attitude of the Church embracing the
modern world as the root of the problem.
In my view, prelates like Card. George do more harm for the Church than
his predecessor Joseph Berdardin and successor Blaise Cupich, both known
as avid progressivists.
While he did not advocate the more radical positions of Progressivism,
Card. George nonetheless promoted and continued the Conciliar Revolution
by adhering completely to its wrong teachings on ecumenism, religious
liberty and tolerance in moral issues. By taking this position, he gave
a bad example to conservatives and even traditionalists since he made
them think that it is possible to find a comfortable middle ground, a
way of accepting Vatican II without admitting its errors in both its
letter and spirit.
For those who adhere to George's vision of the Church, everything can be
interpreted in light of tradition and there is no need for resistance
to the errors of Vatican II and the conciliar Popes. We could surely
call him a disciple of the “hermeneutics of continuity” of Benedict
XVI, which has been amply proved on this site to be in reality a
hermeneutics of rupture.
George on Vatican II
As a summary of his thinking, Card George offered his reflections on the
“living legacy” of Vatican II at St. Francis Xavier University for the
concluding lecture of the University's annual Catholic Colloquium series
on April 9, 2014.
He affirmed
that the Council was called in 1962 as a means to use the unity of the
Church to restore the world that was on a path to self-destruction. To
speak convincingly to this world, he insisted, it was necessary to
understand and enter it, and “not be a museum.” This is how he defended
the Conciliar Church's new attitude of adaptation to the world.
As for liturgy, he said, one of the Council's most significant changes
was to do away with saying Mass in Latin in favor of common languages.
Was there a word of criticism for this change and the many abuses it
engendered? Not a single one. Rather, he stated that the change has
served the people by allowing greater participation. He saved the
criticism for the Latin Mass: “To go to the Tridentine Mass was a
beautiful experience... but there's no dialogue… and the Mass is the
highest form of dialogue with the Lord himself.”
His words echoed his previous statements
made in 2013 when he opened the doors of new lecture hall in St. John's
Seminary in Chicago. There he praised Vatican II for bringing dialogue
as a healing tool for unity. He told the seminarians that the documents
of Vatican II – “such as Lumen Gentium” – sought to save the Church from becoming “overly legalistic.”
At a press conference in 1998 one year after his installment in Chicago,
he addressed the problem of how to resolve an exhausted "liberal
Catholicism.” The solution, he emphasized “is not to be found in a type
of conservative Catholicism obsessed with particular practices and so
sectarian in its outlook that it cannot serve as a sign of unity.” The
real solution would be to correctly apply the documents of Vatican II,
which he consistently did during his 17 years at the helm of the Chicago
Radical ecumenist

Greeting Islam Society head Hussain Khan
before the 9th Annual Ramadan Dinner

before the 9th Annual Ramadan Dinner
One arena where there can be no discussion about Card. George: He was a
radical conciliar ecumenist. Faithfully following his predecessor
Bernardin, his commitment to the interreligious agenda under the fully
staffed Office for Human Relations and Ecumenism was unflagging.
Consider those who mourned his death: The
Chicago Muslim community
presented its formal expression of grief and appreciation for the
“special relationship” it enjoyed with Card. George, who attended an
annual dinner with its members, never missing it. To recognize his
support, the Council of Islamic Organizations of Chicago presented him
with a special award last April.

Giving the keynote address at a 2014 Jewish meeting

The American Jewish Committee (AJC), the
Jewish United Fund
(JUF), and Chicago's entire Jewish community also expressed
condolences, praising the inter-action and joint programs the Prelate
fostered. In AJC's official posting, it correctly affirmed that
“Cardinal George embodied the teachings of Nostra Aetate in his passion for inter-faith engagement.”
He shared Shabbat dinners with his Jewish “brother,” commemorated the
Passover, went to Israel and celebrated the Sabbath at the Western Wall, praised the Hebrew Torah, and even instituted a “Priest/Rabbi retreat.”
The Cardinal's full commitment to inter-religious dialogue is generally
ignored by those who portray him as conservative, which in fact he was
not. Rather he was a progressivist as an advocate for conciliar
ecumenism as well as for religious liberty and social issues.
George's concessions to homosexuals
The popular media like to portray George as a tiger in defense of
traditional marriage and, therefore, opposed to homosexual “marriage.”
What they do not report are his many concessions to the homosexuals of
the Chicago Archdiocese.
The Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach (AGLO) is a pro-homosexual
office, founded by Card. Bernardin, famous for its advocacy of the
homosexual lifestyle. It officially adopted as its parish and
headquarters Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC) on Belmont Avenue.
The congregation, like Holy Redeemer parish in San Francisco under the also “conservative” Salvatore Cordileone,
consists of primarily homosexual men who openly flaunt their sinful
lifestyle. There are never sermons on conversion from the practice of
the sin of sodomy. It is all about love, understanding, accepting each
one as he is and as God made him – in this case, homosexual.

Cutting the cake for the 25th anniversary
celebration of the pro-homo AGLO

celebration of the pro-homo AGLO
In other words, the ministry openly opposes and flouts Catholic
teaching. The AGLO/OLMC community sponsors Dignity events, hosts drag
shows and participates with George's approval in Chicago's Gay Parade.
Did Card. George shut down this Outreach ministry or even try to reform
it? He did not. Instead he encouraged and promoted it, taking part in
its liturgies. He clarified his stance on AGLO to Fox Chicago:
“Well, you start with respect. You start with people who are
homosexually oriented, gays and lesbians. However they picture
themselves, you start with respect,”
George even chose to be the main celebrant for the Outreach's 25th
anniversary Mass in June 2013 and deliver the homily. In it he praised
the “charity” and “concern for others” of its homosexual members.
One can wonder how far these concessions to homosexuals went with Card.
George considering that in 2003 he shared his residence with Fr. Kenneth
Martin, a priest who was criminally charged with sexually abusing a
high school boy in Maryland in the 1970s. It should come as no surprise
that this report the so-called conservative Catholic media studiously
A contradictory record
On other issues, we find Card. George playing the part of a conservative
even while he makes concessions to the progressivist agenda. For
example, George is known as a supporter of the pro-life movement; at the
same time he declined to endorse calls from other Bishops that Catholic
politicians be denied communion for supporting abortion.
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Stepping up to conduct the Mormon Tabernacle Choir as a sign of solidarity with the false religion |
It was George who championed the “zero tolerance” policy for priest sexual abuse at the 2002 Dallas meeting. At the same time he failed to apply that policy himself in 2005 in the high profile case of Fr. Daniel McCormack. George made no attempt to contact the police after allegations that McCormack had sexually abused two boys surfaced, and kept the priest at his post.
He later acknowledged he had “made mistakes” in the case, but suffered no consequences for his actions despite bitter criticism from SNAP and calls from several conservative organizations for him to resign.
These are just a few of the blatantly progressivist stands and contradictions in the mixed legacy of Cardinal Francis George, whom I believe we cannot call a conservative.
The more I read, the more I become aware of how lost I am. So much indoctrination has been done to myself and millions of others. May the Lord grant me time to get myself right with His true Church and with Him. Amen