MARIE JULIE: The Works of the Church will Cease for a Time and be in Darkness * Satan will Spread an Invalid 'Communion Service' * Satanic Apparitions and Revelations will Abound
1, 1880 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 39)
the works approved by the infallible Church will cease to exist as
they are today for a time. In this sorrowful annihilation,
brilliant signs will be manifested on earth. If because of the
wickedness of men Holy Church will be in darkness, the Lord will also
send darkness that will stop the wicked in their search of
a prophecy that the Church will be suppressed. Persecuted. However,
it is only 'for a time'. God will send 'darkness' to punish the
wicked who send the Church into darkness, and this sounds like
another reminder of the Two and Three Days of Darkness.)
3, 1880 (“The Breton Stigmatist”, p. 39)
Lord describes how Lucifer will proceed. He (Satan) will address
will dress in a large red cloak...We (devils) will give you a piece
of bread and a few drops of water. You can do everything that you did
when you belonged to Christ...."
says Our Lord, "they do not add, Consecration and
Hell added: "We will permit you to say it in all houses and even
under the firmament."
/ Observations: Apparently, Satan and his demons will invent another
type of service and either introduce it into the Church, or perhaps
cause another schism with 'novelty' rites.
to watch out for: the 'vestments' become a red cloak. The
wine is removed from the sacrifice of the Mass, perhaps only the
server / minister is allowed to receive the 'piece of bread'. Our
Lord says a service of this type will not be a valid consecration. They
will be able to celebrate this 'service' everywhere, out in the
open under an open sky, outside consecrated buildings, and 'in all
houses'. 'All
houses' could mean in the homes of people, or,
all houses of worship no matter what the denomination,
i.e., an ecumenical-based service that is 'watered down' so it is
made acceptable to everyone and can be celebrated by all Christians.
must be wary of all forms of worship that do not follow the norms of
the Holy Catholic Church and try to 'come down' to the level of other
denominations. We must remember there is only One, True, Holy
Catholic and Apostolic Faith, and no service however 'nice' and
'charitable' to other Christians can ever be compared to the Holy
of the Mass. The Mass is not a symbol! It is a true sacrifice where
the Passion and Death of Christ takes place in an unbloody manner.)
28, 1880
those years,” says Satan, “I will make many revelations. (I.e.,
False revelations through
apparitions that are actually demonic.) It will be
impossible to expose my language. I will imitate all too well the
words of Christ and His revelations. By loading these souls, I want a
lot of pious priests to be lost, to mislead them deeply into all
these things. I also want to lose many souls (the same way) who are
not priests.
I can not lose these souls, I will (make them) lose their reputation
at least, I will make them charges of heavy slander, I will make them
denounce up to the point of counsels of human laws."
/ Notes: in the years when Satan creates great confusion in the
will cause many false apparitions to occur to mislead even the
zealous and faithful with high-sounding mysteries. It will be
difficult to tell the difference between a false message from the
true ones as Satan will mimic how Our Lord and Our Lady speak.
demon will try to mislead the faithful by several ways. First, by the
false messages of course, but also by having us waste precious time
trying to discern which are the true apparitions from false ones,
when we should be concentrating on the true messages already given
and approved that always say the same thing: stop sinning, go to
confession, change your life, pray for sinners, pray the rosary and
go to Mass. Basically, stop being Catholics in name only and live
your faith. The real messages are very simple, we should not be
looking for novelties and trying to discover “new secrets” of
will also create confusion as those who believe the false messages in
faith, not out of malice, will defend them, and in the process,
further the confusion. They will either destroy their own
reputations, or those of others who try to oppose the false
apparitions. Satan is very crafty and knows how to manipulate people
and create disunity.)