"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Thursday, March 29, 2018

CATHOLIC ENDTIME PROPHECY: “Black and Blue Rainbow” and “Blood Rain” ~ A Miraculous Cross will become a Sign of Terror

“Black and Blue Rainbow” and “Blood Rain” ~ A Miraculous Cross will become a Sign of Terror 
Ecstasy date April 8, 1880

Marie-Julie Jahenny "I see in my sun, a black and blue rainbow. It rains from this rainbow when the murder attempts and crimes are being committed, it rains a red rain.

On the roofs of houses, it (the rain) remains stuck as paint; when on the ground, it cannot be drunk. It falls with a frightening speed. In this rain, there will be produced a sign of fear: a cross formed in the rain that bears the imprint of Christ. It produces signs of terror that will not be effaced. The cries of the righteous are frightening. In this rain will perish all who are open to impiety, they will be struck with terror. After three days, the rain from the rainbow will visibly stretch through all the universe."
Observations: this is not the first time Marie-Julie Jahenny foretold a “Blood Rain” ~ the stench will be POISONOUS, the earth will experience a burning heat afterwards, and we must preprepared to lock ourselves away for seven weeks. (See post #58 Prophecy of a Blood Rain ~Burning ~ A Persecuted Pope)

 Marie Julie Jahenny "Warnings On Novus Ordo & Planet X"